Chrome is so easy to use, and its rich extension is necessary, the following small editor carefully sorted out 10 Chrome plug-ins, please don’t blink. (Download link at bottom)

1, right-click search: right-click to achieve more than 300 functions

This is a browser right-click extension with more than 300 functions, it can easily select, combine or customize the page in the delimit word, picture right-click menu, and can directly translate, generate/parse two-dimensional code, conversion of short URL and so on, can meet a variety of needs. Tips: You need to do a good job of configuration before use.

AdBlockplus: Block everything you don’t like

This extension should be installed by anyone who uses Chrome. It will help you block most ads on the web and manually add them to the block column if you miss them, giving you a clean web environment. Specific functions include: 1. Filter ads; 2. Allow acceptable ads; 3. Ban malicious domain names. 5. Ban social media buttons

3, IETab: dedicated to the management of online banking and all kinds of old government websites

Although Chrome is powerful, but there are always some ancient web site silver certificate only support IE kernel browser, using Chrome to visit these sites are always tearless, IETab can temporarily switch our browser kernel into IE kernel, use the switch back, very convenient.

Tampermonkey: Suspend your browser!

Tampermonkey, known as the “web scripting wizard,” allows you to extend almost any web feature you need. It includes: easy script management, script overview, set diversity, automatic script update, security, compatibility, Chrome synchronization, CodeMirror editor, JSHint syntax check, quick development, uninstall, and more. See VIP video does not spend money, download Baidu net disk unlimited and so on god script, can download here

5, OneTab: Special TAB will be the Death Star people

Save up to 95% of memory and reduce TAB page clutter. When you find yourself with too many tabs, click the OneTab icon to convert all tabs into a list. When you need to access these tabs again, you can restore them individually or in full. When your tabs are in the OneTab list, you’ll save up to 95% of memory because you’ll reduce the number of tabs open in your GoogleChrome browser.

6. QRCodeGenerator: Two-dimensional code (QR code) generator

Click the icon in the address bar to generate the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code of the page address. The content of the two-dimensional code generated in the right menu is based on the element you click on, the point link is the link address, the point text is the selected text, if it is elsewhere is the page address. If you right-click the picture, there will be a menu item to identify the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, if the recognition result is a url, you can choose to directly open the URL. Double click the pop-up QR code can edit the CONTENT of the QR code.

7. FireShot: a plug-in to capture screenshots of web pages in any way

FireShot can take a quick screenshot of a full-screen, partial or visible view of a currently opened web page. After taking a screenshot, the user can choose to continue editing the current image. After editing, the user can click the save button to save the current image as PDF, JPEG, GIF, PNG or BMP.

8, Imagus: direct preview to see the larger image

This plugin allows us to hover over an image and see a larger image on the page, instead of clicking to open the larger image and then closing the page to return to the original page, saving time and effort to see the image.

9, Postman: web debugging and sending web HTTP requests

I believe developers must know this plug-in, this is a powerful API&HTTP request debugging tool, it can not only debug simple HTML, CSS and scripts and other simple basic information of the Web page, this Chrome plug-in can even send almost all HTTP requests, is a great tool for Web developers.

MarkdownHere: Make markdown editing available to all websites

Super easy to use a plug-in, strongly recommended!! You don’t have to worry about the editor not supporting markdown syntax anymore. And it is also a cross-platform magic, for example, we can write a good article (with MD syntax) directly copy to the wechat public number, and then one key conversion, the format almost unchanged!

Attached: Plug-in installation tutorial

1. Open Google Chrome, click the “three dots” icon in the upper right corner, then choose “More tools” → “Extensions”.

2. Click “Developer Mode” in the upper right corner, and the three buttons in the picture below will appear to indicate that developer mode has been opened.

3. Drag the downloaded. Zip file to the previous page, and the “Drag and drop Installed” sign will appear

4. After dragging and dropping, the plug-in installation prompt will appear. Click “Add Extension” to install the plug-in successfully, and close the “Developer mode” after the installation is successful.

Pay attention to the public number [text know], reply [Google plug-in] can directly obtain all the plug-in installation package.