- The three values (x, y, and z) together represent two important values, direction, and quantity.
- The vector dot product
Method 1: returns the value between -1, 1. It represents the cosine of these two vectors.
float m3dDotProduct3(const M3DVector3f u,const M3DVector3f v);
// Method 2: Return radians between 2 vectors.
float m3dGetAngleBetweenVector3(const M3DVector3f u,const M3DVector3f v);
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- Vector cross product (to get a normal line)
void m3dCrossProduct3(M3DVector3f result,const M3DVector3f u ,const M3DVector3f v);
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// 3d matrix (x,y,z)
typedef float M3DMatrix33f[9];
// Four dimensional matrix (x,y,z,w)
typedef float M3DMatrix44f[16];
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- Identity matrix (diagonal 1) You multiply a matrix by an identity matrix and you get the same matrix.
- Row spacing matrix and column matrix
Transpose matrix
: Transforms the row matrix A into the matrix obtained by the same sequence, called the transformation matrix of A.
Transpose: Transpose rows and columns.
The column vectors are specially commented: the last row in the matrix is 0, and only the last element is 1.
transform | application |
view | Specifies the position of the observer |
model | Move objects around the scene |
Model view | Describes the duality of view/model transformations |
projection | Change the viewframe size and set its projection mode |
viewport | Pseudo change, scaling the final output on the window |
The cube is translated along the Z axis.
The zoom
1. Move the observer
Move the coordinate system
The matrix stack
- Vertex transformation pipeline
- Use the matrix stack function
/ / type
GLMatrixStack::GLMatrixStack(int iStackDepth = 64);
// Load a cell matrix at the top of the stack
void GLMatrixStack::LoadIdentity(void);
// Load any matrix at the top of the stack with arguments :4*4 matrix
void GLMatrixStack::LoadMatrix(const M3DMatrix44f m);
// Multiply the matrix by the matrix at the top of the stack and store the result at the top of the stack
void GLMatrixStack::MultMatrix(const M3DMatrix44f);
// Get the value GetMatrix function at the top of the matrix stack // To accommodate GLShaderMananger, or get a copy of the top matrix
const M3DMatrix44f & GLMatrixStack::GetMatrix(void);
void GLMatrixStack::GetMatrix(M3DMatrix44f mMatrix);
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- Push the stack
// Push the current matrix onto the stack (copy the top matrix onto the stack)
void GLMatrixStack::PushMatrix(void);
// Push the M3DMatrix44f matrix object onto the current matrix stack
void PushMatrix(const M3DMatrix44f mMatrix);
// Press the GLFrame object into the matrix object
void PushMatrix(GLFame &frame);
// Unstack (unstack refers to removing the top matrix object)
void GLMatrixStack::PopMatrix(void)
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- Affine transformation
The Rotate function Angle argument is the number of degrees passed, not radians
void MatrixStack::Rotate(GLfloat angle,GLfloat x,GLfloat y,GLfloat z);
void MatrixStack::Translate(GLfloat x,GLfloat y,GLfloat z);
void MatrixStack::Scale(GLfloat x,GLfloat y,GLfloat z);
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- Affine transformation
// Push any matrix at the top of the stack
void GLMatrixStack::LoadMatrix(GLFrame &frame);
// Matrix times the matrix at the top of the matrix stack. The multiplication results are stored at the top of the stack
void GLMatrixStack::MultMatrix(GLFrame &frame);
// Push the current matrix
void GLMatrixStack::PushMatrix(GLFrame &frame);
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- A typical rendering loop in a 3D environment
- Camera management
//GLFrame function, this function is used to retrieve the appropriate photographic matrix
void GetCameraMatrix(M3DMatrix44f m,bool bRotationOnly = flase);
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