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Almost all platforms in Web development need a background management, but it is not easy to develop a set of background control panels from scratch. Fortunately, there are many open source free background control panels for developers to use, so what are the excellent open source free control panels? I’ve collected some of the best backend control panels on GitHub and come up with the Top 10.

1. AdminLTE

GitHub Star number 24969

Bootstrap 3.x is a very popular free backend UI framework.

2. vue-Element-Admin

GitHub Star number 19546 GitHub address:

A control panel UI framework based on VUe2.0 and Eelement.

3. tabler

GitHub number of Star, GitHub address:

A free HTML control panel framework built on top of BootStrap 4.

4. Gentelella

GitHub number of Star, GitHub address:

Bootstarp – a free background control panel based on Bootstarp.

5. ng2-admin

GitHub Star number 13181

Background management panel framework based on Angular 2, Bootstrap 4, and Webpack.

Public account inverse front start pen focus on sharing Java, Python, front-end, Dachang experience, career development dry goods; Every day at 14:40 PM, every programmer should pay attention to the technology platform. Attention is sent to small make up the fine video tutorial.

6. ant-design-pro

GitHub Star Number 12707, GitHub address:

Out-of-the-box mid-platform front-end/design solution.

7. blur-admin

GitHub number of Star, GitHub address:

Background admin panel framework based on Angular and Bootstrap.

8. vue-admin

GitHub Star number 8676 GitHub address:

Vue and Bulma based control panel.

9. iview-admin

GitHub Star number 8668, GitHub address:

Vue 2.0 control panel based on iView.

10. material-dashboard

GitHub Star number 7111

Bootstrap 4 and Material style control panel.

With the above several open source projects, I believe that you will be able to save a lot of development costs in the future.

Public account inverse front start pen focus on sharing Java, Python, front-end, Dachang experience, career development dry goods; Every day at 14:40 PM, every programmer should pay attention to the technology platform. Attention is sent to small make up the fine video tutorial.