1, Java 8 practice

This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the new features of the landmark Java 8 release, including Lambdas, streams, and functional programming. Functional programming features allow for cleaner code while also automating multi-core hardware. The book is divided into four parts: basics, functional data processing, Efficient Java 8 programming, and *Java 8, providing readers with a clear picture of Java’s modernization.

2, JavaEE development disrupter: Spring Boot actual combat

The Spring framework is the undisputed king of Java EE development today. Spring Boot is based on the principle of “habit over configuration”, which allows you to quickly build an application framework, making Java EE development extremely easy.

This book starts from the Spring foundation, Spring MVC foundation, so as to introduce Spring Boot learning without difficulty. It covers most application scenarios of Java EE development using Spring Boot, including Web development, data access, security control, batch processing, asynchronous messaging, system integration, development and deployment, application monitoring, and distributed system development.

3. Spring Cloud micro-service practice

Starting from the popular concepts of microservices architecture, combined with Spring Cloud solutions, this book analyzes the infrastructure and technical points needed in the construction of microservices architecture in a simple way, including service governance, fault tolerance protection, API gateway, configuration management, message bus, etc. The author not only introduces how to use each component in detail, but also makes a lot of analysis from the principle, which can help readers better understand the operation principle of Spring Cloud, which can help us effectively troubleshoot and further expand in the actual practice. This book is a very good hands-on book on microservices architecture and is highly recommended as a reference for teams that are doing or planning to implement microservices.

4. Docker technology introduction and actual combat

As the first book to introduce the practice of container technology in China, this book explains the source and characteristics of Docker technology in detail, and analyzes the experience and skills of using containers based on a large number of practical cases. Meanwhile, it also introduces and comments on representative open source projects in the container ecosystem, including Docker Three Musketeers, Mesos, Kubernetes, etc. Whether you want to quickly apply container technologies, or learn about projects related to the container ecosystem, this book is very helpful.

5. Proficient in Spring 4.x enterprise application development

Spring 4.0 is a major update to Spring after four years in the making, further strengthening Spring’s position as the leading open source platform in the Java space. Spring 4.0 introduces new features that many Java developers have been waiting for, such as Groovy bean-based configuration, HTML 5/WebSocket support, full support for Java 8.0, and low requirements for Java 6.0. These new features are practical and easy to use, greatly reducing the difficulty of Java application development, especially Java Web application development, while effectively improving the elegance of application development.

6. Design and implementation of Redis

“Redis Design and Implementation” introduces the realization principle of most single machine functions and all multi-machine functions of Redis, and shows the core data structure and key algorithm ideas of these functions. By reading this book, readers can quickly and effectively understand the internal structure and operation mechanism of Redis, which can help readers better and more efficient use of Redis.

7. Principle and practice of distributed consistency from Paxos to Zookeeper

From Paxos to Zookeeper Distributed consistency Principle and Practice, based on the theory of distributed consistency, introduces several typical distributed consistency protocols and the ideas to solve the distributed consistency problem, especially Paxos and ZAB protocols. At the same time, this book deeply introduces the industrial solution of distributed consistency problem — ZooKeeper, and focuses on showing readers the use method, internal implementation and operation and maintenance skills of this distributed coordination framework, aiming to help readers fully understand ZooKeeper and better use, operation and maintenance of ZooKeeper.

8. Common technology and case analysis of distributed system

The content of this book is comprehensive, covering the basic theory of distributed system, common technology and classic case analysis. The book is a long one, focusing on threads, communication, consistency, fault tolerance, CAP theory, security, concurrency, RESTful architecture, microservices, container technology, As well as distributed messaging service, distributed computing, distributed storage, distributed monitoring system, distributed version control, RESTful, micro-services and other related technologies and knowledge points are explained in detail, supplemented by large distributed systems of well-known Internet enterprises at home and abroad represented by Taobao and Twitter as cases. Analysis of its architecture design and evolution process, so as to achieve the combination of theory and practice.

Architectural adventures — Write Java Web frameworks from scratch

“Architecture Adventure – Write JavaWeb Framework from Scratch” starts from a simple Web application, let readers learn how to use IDEA, Maven, Git and other development tools to build JavaWeb applications; Then through a simple application scenario, add a number of business functions for the Web application, starting from demand analysis and system design, lead readers to complete the Web application, improve the relevant details, and optimize the existing code; Then based on the traditional Servlet framework to build a lightweight JavaWeb framework, everything is from scratch, one by one to implement the class loader, Bean container, IoC framework, MVC framework, the code involved is the core foundation of the whole framework.

Deep learning: Java language implementation

Artificial intelligence and deep learning are changing the way people understand software and making computers smarter. Deep learning algorithms are widely used, far beyond data science. This book first introduces some of the basics of machine learning algorithms, and then takes you into the fascinating world of machine intelligence. You will learn the charm and challenges of various neural networks. We will use dl4J-based Java libraries to work together on everything from image processing to speech recognition to natural language processing. You’ll also be exposed to other development platforms that are important today, such as Theano, TensorFlow and Caffe. Through this book, you will have the ability to tackle deep learning problems in Java and contribute to the field.

Recommended reading

Dry goods: 2TB architect four-stage video tutorial

Interview: the most complete Java multithreaded interview questions and answers

Interview: the most comprehensive ali advanced Java interview questions in history

Interview: The most complete Spring interview questions in history

Tutorial: The most complete Spring Boot complete video tutorial

Books: 15 must-read books for advanced Java architects

Tools: Recommended an online creation flow chart, mind mapping software

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