Write in front: Hello everyone, I am Fdog, from a small city in Inner Mongolia, currently studying in Taizhou. I am very grateful to have such a platform where I can share what I have learned and felt. I like programming, like code, like to be a programmer. Study hard and strive for a better life for loved ones after many years. QQ/WX: 2506897252 Welcome to communicate.

I will learn Java at the beginning of the next semester. I have time to install the Java compiler today. I want to preview Java during the vacation.


First download the relevant software:

Microsoft version download address

Eclipse Download address JDK download address

2.MAC version download address:

Eclipse download address JDK download address do not choose Baidu web disk is also because, Baidu web disk is too slow. Let me know if the address doesn’t work.

For other requirements, visit the Eclipse official website and JDK official website.

After N minutes, I’ll assume you’ve downloaded the relevant software.

Iii. Installation Steps

1. Open the downloaded JDK first

Remember to change the installation address here

Then the > > > > > >By the time you get there, your JDK has been installed successfully, so let’s move on.

2. Configure the environment

Right-click on your computer (this computer) – Properties – Advanced System Settings – Environment variables and do the following:

The first kind of

Variable name: Java_Home JDK installation Path: E:\JavaJDK Variable name: Path Value: %Java_Home%\bin; %Java_Home%\jre\bin Variable name: CLASSPASH value:.; %Java_Home%\bin; %Java_Home%\lib\dt.jar; %Java_Home%\lib\tools.jar

The second:

Variable name: Path variable value: E:\JavaJDK\bin; E:\JavaJDK\jre\bin; If no, create a new one. CLASSPASH variable value: E:\JavaJDK\bin; E: \ JavaJDK \ lib \ dt jar; E: \ JavaJDK \ lib \ tools. The jar. If no, create a new one.

If you look closely, the first and second are the same, except that javA_HOME does something similar to a macro replacement.

There are two points to note:

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Open a COMMAND window as an administrator, go to the JDK installation directory, and run bin\jlink.exe — moder-path jmods –add-modules java.desktop –output jre ‘

Jar and dt.jar files are not required or compatible with other parts of the JDK. They are no longer present under the lib of the JDK.

In general terms, if you install jdk9 or later, you do not need to configure the CLASspath variable when configuring environment variables. `

And that shows up.

After the configuration, run the Java, javac, and Java -version commands in the CMD command. If no error message is displayed, the environment variables are successfully configured. The reason why you need to configure environment variables is so that you can run Java files anywhere on your computer. Otherwise, Java files can only be written in the bin directory of your JDK installation directory. After configuration, Java files can only be compiled and executed when you go to the directory in the command window.

3. Open the downloaded Eclipse

There are many options to install after opening, select the first one, the above IDE installation, during which you will need to agree to some protocols.

6. Open your compiler, which looks like this

Next up, Hello World is yours. The MAC installation is pretty much the same, but once you have the package, everything is gone. Wish just learn JAVA you and I can be thriving.

If there is any mistake, please correct it and discuss it.

== Every sentence: life should be easygoing but not with the wave, tolerance but not compromise. Don’t regret what you missed. Give yourself a smile every day, tell yourself to be happy, because compared with those who are struggling with death, healthy living, itself is a kind of happiness. = =