Software engineers read probably the most books on the project team. Software engineer is the most basic personnel reserve class in the project team and has the closest relationship with the project. Of course, now is the era of big data, we can not read all the relevant books, we can only learn the knowledge needed for work first, and then carry out supplementary learning when we meet relevant needs in the process of the project. However, according to the author’s project management experience, it is necessary to do some relevant training during the project process, relatively speaking, video demonstration learning is the fastest, and then to the book.

Today’s book for software engineers. Follow the steps mentioned in the article “The Technical Path for IT Software Professionals (For You in technical Confusion) – Project Management Series of articles.” This article will outline the contents of the books that need to be studied.

Software engineers probably do not have time to read relevant books, but can only squeeze time to learn in their spare time. Software engineers have to read a relatively large number of books, and the coverage is relatively wide. Also, in order to succeed in social competition, you need to read other relevant books.

Here is a list of books software engineers should read

1) Syntax (Introductory Programming series)

For programmers, syntax is fundamental to programming languages and must be mastered. Of course, the language is basically the same, as long as the object oriented programming ideas into the code, it is estimated that no problem.

2) Data structure

Data structure is a required course, because data structure represents the way data is stored and efficiency issues. Each language has its own data structure data, it is recommended to be familiar with the degree, so that in the actual work can and everyone’s degree is not different.

3) Advanced Programming Series (Reference book)

Advanced programming series, you can be familiar with, as a reference book to read. Because programmers themselves do not need to be very deep level and high knowledge of architecture.

4) thread

Now multi-threaded procedures or more, especially Intel is actively promoting the application of multi-threaded procedures. And, for a business site is a typical example. This part can be practiced in practical work. For programmers. It’s important to be familiar.

5) network

Network programming for most corporate business is still more. Especially in game programming, you need to use this knowledge. For the average company, there are fewer opportunities for estimating practice.

6) framework

Programmers must be familiar with the current framework structure in order to make full use of the advantages of the architecture. However, it seems that the books in the framework section are still in some languages and some languages are less. It depends on the level of the architect.

7) Design patterns

Programmers should read books on common design patterns to understand the design patterns that architects use in existing software systems. Or a meeting should be held to explain the design patterns used in the system. The programmer only needs to read the design pattern.

8) Software engineering

Software engineering is a required course for programmers. But the depth depends on the degree of individual practice. Software engineering still needs to look to understand what the project manager is actually applying to improve the overall level of the project team.

The above Outlines the books that software engineers need to read. We provide the classification of books that software engineers need to read in Baidu web disk to help readers who need to read books.

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