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Debug Note < Raw Conversion and Assignment in Java >

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I understand the reasons for the following errors:

byte a = 3; 
byte b = 8; 
byte c = a + b;  // compile error
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It doesn’t compile. The expression always results in an int. Therefore, we should do an explicit conversion:

byte c = (byte) (a + b);   // valid code
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But I don’t see why the following is true:

byte d = 3 + 8;   // it's valid! why?
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Because literal integers (such as 3 or 8) are always implicitly int.

And int-or-smaller always causes int. Can anyone explain what’s going on here?

The only thing I can guess is that the compiler equates this expression to the following:

byte d = 11;

And I don’t think it’s an expression.

Answer a

Yes, it does.

As long as the right-hand side of the expression is made up of constants (suitable for the desired basic type, see @Jason’s answer for exactly what JLS says about this),

You can do that. Since 128 is out of range,

Therefore cannot compile:

byte a = 128;
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Note that if you convert the first code snippet like this:

final byte a = 3; 
final byte b = 8; 
byte c = a + b;
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It compiles! Because these two bytes are their expressions, final, and their expressions are constant, this time the compiler can be sure that the result will fit a byte when first initialized.

However, this will not compile:

final byte a = 127; // Byte.MAX_VALUE
final byte b = 1;
byte c = a + b // Nope...
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The compiler will error with “possible loss of precision”.

Answer two

This is because 3 and 8 are compile time constants.

Thus, at compile time, the compiler can recognize variables that 3 + 8 can fit into byte variables.

If you set the final variable (constant) of your variables A and B to constant. A + b will become a compile time constant.

Therefore, it will compile without problem.

  final byte a = 3;
    final byte b = 8;
    byte c = a + b;
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