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Debug Note < How do @Autowire create spring beans from external JARS? >

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I have a module/JAR created that I’m using as the util library. I created a service here, as follows:

public class PermissionsService {... }Copy the code

It is located in the location of the package: com. Inin. Architect. The permissions and application, my Lord I am reference/load the jar (i.e., set to the application of Maven POM. Dependencies in XML file).

Such as:

        <version>1.0 the SNAPSHOT</version>
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In the application, I want to use the service, for example:

PermissionsService permissions
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I got the following information:

@ComponentScan(basePackages = { "com.inin.generator"."com.inin.architect.permissions" })
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter implements ServletContextAware {}Copy the code

However, when I run my application in tomcat, it complained about no PermissionsService bean: “org. Springframework. Beans. Factory. NoSuchBeanDefinitionException: There is no qualified bean type.”

So, how do I introduce beans from the lib into my application?

Of course there is. Do you have to set up the library as a full Spring MVC application for it to work? That is, do you also have to install @Configuration and @ComponentScan in lib?

Answer a:

You must at least scan the package that contains the classes to be injected. For example, using Spring 4:

class Config {... }Copy the code

Answer two:

Just a comment on this, but you can separate dependencies from Spring. Created in your @Configuration task

@Bean public PermissionsService  permissionsService(){
   return new PermissionsService()
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This will also allow it to be injected. You don’t have to remove the Spring annotation, just an option to make it potentially available outside of Spring.

Answer three:

You can through the following ways in the main application import com. Inin. Architect. Application of permissions – context. The XML.

<import resource="classpath:/permissionApplicationContext.xml" />
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This will enable you to define from com. Inin. Architect. Permissions automatic assembly bean.

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