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The V-bind directive can bind style data to class and style attributes because they are not fundamentally different from normal HTMl-attributes. The V-bind directive is enhanced specifically for binding style data with v-bind:class and V-bind :style directives.
<btn class="green" :class="red"></btn>
<! --<button class="green red"></button>-->
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Vue merges the dynamic style data bound to :class and :style with the static string values of the native HTML class and style Attribute.
Binding HTML Class
Object syntax
<btn :class="classObj"></btn>
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computed: {
classObj() {
return {
red: this.isRed,
yellow: this.isYellow,
green: this.isGreen, }; }},}Copy the code
When v-bind:class receives an object, the key of the object is the class name and the value is the status switch used to switch whether the class name is available.
Array syntax
<btn :class="['red', classObj, isBlue ? 'blue' : '']"></btn>
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data: {isBlue:true.classobj: {'green' : true,}}}Copy the code
V-bind: Class’s array syntax is more flexible, allowing for mixing strings with values of object types as well as simple ternary expression calculations.
Binding HTML Style
Object syntax
JavaScript objects with PascalCase names.
<btn :style="{fontSize:'20px'}"></btn>
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To support Style CSS compatibility, the value in an object can be an array of values that can be selectively applied based on the current browser support.
<div :style="{display: ['-webkit-box', '-ms-flexbox', 'flex']}"></div>
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Array syntax
V-bind :style array type, where each array element is a PascalCase named JavaScript object.
Array syntax allows multiple style objects to be applied to the same element.
<btn :style="[styleObj, styleObj2, {fontWeight:'bold'}]"></btn>
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return {
styleObj: {fontSize:'20px'}}},computed: {styleObj2(){
return thisIsBlue? {color:'blue'} : null; }}}Copy the code
Used on components
The V-bind :class, native class, v-bind:style, and native style attributes used on a VUE component are inherited by the component’s root element and merged with the style and class of the component’s root element.