JQuery tutorial (from Beginner to Master)


JQuery tools, Properties, CSS

1. JQuery tool methods

However, we don’t have many tools in common

Utility methods describe
$.each(object,[callback]) General-purpose routine traversal methods that can be used to routine traversal objects and arrays
$.type(obj) Check the data type of OBJ
$.isArray(obj) Tests whether the object is an array
$.isFunction(obj) Tests whether the object is a function
$.isNumeric(value) Tests whether the object is a number
$.parseJSON(json) Takes a JSON string and returns the parsed object


// 1, $.each() : iterates through a group or object
var obj = {
    name: 'Tom'.setName: function (name) {
        this.name = name;
$.each(obj, function (key, value) {
    console.log(key, value); ƒ (name) {}
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// 2, $.trim() : removes Spaces around characters
var str = ' ddd ';
console.log($.trim(str)); // ddd
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// 3, $.type(obj) : get the data type
console.log($.type($), $.type($())); // function object
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// 4, $.isarray (obj) : check whether it is an array
console.log($.isArray($('body')), $.isArray([])); // false true
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$.isfunction (obj) : $.isfunction (obj)
console.log($.isFunction($), $.isFunction($())); // true false
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// 6, $.isnumberic (obj) : check whether it is a number
console.log($.isNumeric('a'), $.isNumeric('2'), $.isNumeric(2)); // false true true
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$.parsejson (json) : parseJSON characters into js objects/arrays
var jsonObj = '{"name":"Tom", "age": 18}';
console.log($.parseJSON(jsonObj)); // {name: "Tom", age: 18}
var jsonArr = '[{"name":"Tom", "age": 18}, {"name":"Jack", "age": 28}]';
console.log($.parseJSON(jsonArr)); / / (2) ({...}, {...})
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2, practice: multi-tab click switch

The HTML code

<ul id="tab">
    <li id="tab1" value="1">10 yuan package</li>
    <li id="tab2" value="2">30 yuan package</li>
    <li id="tab3" value="3">50 yuan monthly</li>
<div id="container">
    <div id="content1">10 yuan package details:<br>Dial 100 minutes within the monthly plan, and 2 yuan/minute for the excess part</div>
    <div id="content2" style="display:none">30 yuan package details:<br>Dial 300 minutes within the monthly plan, 1.5 yuan/minute for the excess part</div>
    <div id="content3" style="display:none">50 yuan per month<br>Unlimited monthly heart play</div>
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JQuery code

var $containers = $('#container>div');
var curIndex = 0;
$('#tab>li').click(function () { // implicit traversal
    // Hide last time
    $containers[curIndex].style.display = 'none';
    // Display the current
    curIndex = $(this).index();
    $containers[curIndex].style.display = 'block';
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3. JQuery operation properties

attribute describe
attr() Sets or returns the attribute value of the selected element
removeAttr() Removes an attribute from each matched element
prop() Gets the attribute value of the first element in the matched element set
removeProp() Used to remove the set of properties set by the.prop() method
addClass() Adds the specified class name to each matched element
removeClass() Removes all or the specified class from all matched elements
toggleClass() Delete (add) a class if it does (doesn’t)
html() Gets the HTML content of the first matched element
text() Gets the contents of all matched elements
val() Gets the current value of the matched element

Attr (), removeAttr ()

//1. Read the title attribute of the first div
console.log($('div:first').attr('title')); // one
//2. Set name to all divs (value = atguigu)
//3. Remove the title attribute from all divs
// set class='guiguClass' for all divs.
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The addClass () and removeClass ()

// add class=' ABC 'to all divs
//6. Remove the guiguClass class for all divs
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The HTML (), val ()

//7. Get the body text of the last li tag
console.log($('ul>li:last').html()); // <span>BBBBB</span>
// set the first li tag body to "


$('ul>li:first').html('<h1>mmmmmmmmm</h1>'); //9. Get the value in the input box console.log($(':text').val()); // guiguClass //10. Set the input field to atguigu $(':text').val('atguigu'); Copy the code

Prop (), removeProp ()

//11. Click 'Select All' and press Leave to select all
var $checkbox = $(':checkbox');
$('button:first').click(function () {
//12. Click 'Select None' and press leave to select none
$('button:last').click(function () {
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Attr () : works with non-Boolean properties prop() : works with Boolean properties

4. JQuery operates the CSS

CSS describe
css() Access the style attributes of the matched element
offset() Gets the relative offset of the matched element in the current viewport
position() Gets the offset of the matched element relative to its parent
scrollTop() Gets the offset of the matched element relative to the top of the scrollbar
scrollLeft() Gets the offset of the matched element relative to the left of the scroll bar
height() Get the current calculated height of the matched element (px)
width() Get the current width of the first matched element (px)
innerHeight() Gets the height of the inner region of the first matched element (including padding, excluding borders)
innerWidth() Gets the width of the inner region of the first matched element (including padding, excluding borders)
outerHeight() Gets the outer height of the first matched element (includes padding and borders by default)
outerWidth() Gets the outer width of the first matched element (including padding and borders by default)


// 1. Get the color of the first p tag
console.log($('p:first').css('color')); // rgb(0, 0, 255);
// 2. Set the text color of all p labels to red
// 3. Set the font color (#ffee11), background (blue), width (300px), height (30px) for the second p
    color: '#ffee11'.backgroundColor: 'blue'.width: 300.height: 30
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Offset and the position

1. Click btn1
$('#btn1').click(function () {
    // Prints the position of div1 relative to the upper left corner of the page
    var offset1 = $('.div1').offset();
    console.log(offset1.left, offset1.top); / / 10 20
    // Prints the position of div2 relative to the upper left corner of the page
    var offset2 = $('.div2').offset();
    console.log(offset2.left, offset2.top); / / 10, 70

    // Prints the position of div1 relative to the upper-left corner of the parent element
    var position1 = $('.div1').position();
    console.log(position1.left, position1.top); / / 10 20
    // Prints the position of div2 relative to the upper-left corner of the parent element
    var position2 = $('.div2').position();
    console.log(position2.left, position2.top); / / 0 to 50

// click btn2
$('#btn2').click(function () {
    // Set the position of div2 relative to the upper-left corner of the page
    $('.div2').offset({left: 0.top: 0});
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ScrollTop and scrollLeft

// 1. Get the coordinates of the div or page scroll bar
$('#btn1').click(function () {
    console.log($('div').scrollTop()); / / 400
    console.log($(document.documentElement).scrollTop() + $(document.body).scrollTop()); / / 200
// 2. Scroll the div or page's scroll bar to the specified position
$('#btn2').click(function () {$('div').scrollTop(1000);
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Element size

1. Content size

  • height():height
  • width():width

2. Internal dimensions

  • innerHeight():height + padding
  • innerwidth():width + padding

3. External dimensions

  • outerHeight(false/true):height + padding + borderIf it istrue, plusmargin
  • outerwidth(false/true):width + padding + borderIf it istrue, plusmargin
var $div = $('div');
console.log($div.height(), $div.width()); / / 150, 100
console.log($div.innerHeight(), $div.innerWidth()); / / 170 120
console.log($div.outerHeight(), $div.outerWidth()); / / 190 140
console.log($div.outerHeight(true), $div.outerWidth(true)); / / 210 160
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