A: 009 – the JVM – object finalization mechanism of https://blog.csdn.net/fsjwin/article/details/111344414

Write a Java program

package com.yuhl;

/ * * *@author yuhl
 * @Date 2020/12/19 15:01
 * @Classname Helloword
 * @Description TODO
public class Helloword {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        System.out.println("Helloword!"); }}Copy the code

2. Mutate into a class file

3. Up and running

4. Analysis of principle and process

Read the map

Read the map

Read the map

5. To summarize

  1. Javac command: mutate Java source files into class files
  2. Java command: To run the class file, you need to load the class file into the runtime data area
  3. Run: After loading runtime data, there is a compile run, or explain run.
  4. Java libraries such as java.io,java.lang, etc. are loaded into memory to run the procedure.

Next up: 011 – the JVM – cross-platform language and cross platform https://blog.csdn.net/fsjwin/article/details/111405186