1.1. What is ECMA

ECMA (European Computer Manufacturers Association) is an organization whose objective is to evaluate, develop and endorse telecommunications and Computer standards. After 1994 the group changed its name to Ecma International.

1.2. What is ECMAScript

ECMAScript is a scripting language standardized by Ecma International through ECMA-262.

1.3. What is ECMA-262

Ecma international has established many standard, and the Ecma – 262 is just one of them, all the standard list view www.ecma-international.org/publication…

1.4. Historical ECMA – 262

ECMA – 262 (ECMAScript) version history view www.ecma-international.org/publication…

version year changes
Version 1 In 1997, Laid down the basic grammar of the language
Version 2 In 1998, Small changes
3rd edition In 1999, Introduce regex, exception handling, formatted output, and so on. Internet Explorer start support
Version 4 In 2007, Too aggressive, unpublished
Version 5 In 2009, Introduce strict schema, JSON, extended objects, arrays, prototypes, strings, date methods
Version 6 In 2015, Modularity, object-oriented syntax, promises, arrow functions, lets, const, array destruct assignment, and more
Version 7 In 2016, Exponents, array extensions, Async/await keyword
The eighth edition In 2017, Async/await, string extension
Version 9 In 2018, Object destruct assignment, regular extension
The 10th edition In 2019, Extend object, array methods
ES.next Dynamically pointing to the next version

Note: Starting with ES6, a version is released each year, with a version number 1 greater than the last digit of the year

1.5. Who is maintaining ECMA-262

Technical Committee 39 (TC39) is the Committee that promotes the development of ECMAScript. Its members are companies (mainly browser makers, apple, Google, Microsoft, Intel, etc.). TC39 holds regular meetings attended by representatives of member companies and invited experts

1.6. Why study ES6

  • ES6 has the most changes and is a milestone
  • ES6 adds many new syntax features to make programming easier and more efficient
  • ES6 is a front-end development trend and a necessary skill for employment

1.7. ES6 compatibility

Kangax. Making. IO/compat – tabl… Check compatibility