Recently, I wrote the NG-Zorro project, which can be put into use soon after the rapid construction. It is really difficult for some beginners to understand how to build the project, so I wrote a document to facilitate learning and understanding.

Technology used:

Angular 10.0.0 node 12+ TS ng-zorro 10+Copy the code

Project construction:

ng new ng-admin
cd ng-admin
ng add ng-zorro-antd
Copy the code

Some common commands:

Ng g(generate) m(module) demo (--routing) - create demo folder and generate dome.module.ts. If --routing follows, generate demo-routing.module.ts. Ng g(generate) C (Component) demo - Create a demo folder and generate the corresponding Component file (TS/CSS/HTML). Ng g(generate) s(service) demo - Create demo.service. Ts ng g(generate) G (guard) demo - Ts ng g(generate) d(directive) demo - Create demo.directive. Ts, Ng g(generate) I (interface) demo - create demo. Ts ng g(generate) p(pipe) demo - create demo.pipe.ts, Inject it into the nearest moduleCopy the code