This report is divided into three parts due to the length. This is the third part, which displays some data visualization achievements at home and abroad.
The following lists some familiar products, such as Echarts and AntV in China, and D3 and Highcharts in foreign countries.
I. Domestic visualization products
1. AntV
AntV is a new generation of data visualization solution of Ant Group, which realizes data visualization based on the concept of graphic interactive syntax and aims to “make data lifelike”. Its design principles are derived from AntDesign, following the four core principles of “accuracy > Clarity > Effectiveness > beauty”.
At the beginning, AntV was only G2, but now there are F2 (Mobile graph library), G6 (Graph visualization), X6 (Graph editing and application), L7 (Geographic Information data visualization), AVA (Intelligent Data Visualization analysis) in AntV family.
2. ECharts
Echarts was first born in August 2012, and has undergone five changes in 2013, 2014, 2016, 2018 and 2020, and now comes to the Echarts5.0 stage.
Second, foreign visualization products
1. HighCharts
Highcharts series software is developed by HIGHSOFT, a professional chart software manufacturer, and operated by Simple Data Technology in China. The first version was released in 2009. Up to now, there have been 3 mature chart software and related cloud services. It has a large number of customers worldwide, including 72 global top 100 enterprises, and well-known enterprises such as Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft and so on.
The product is currently divided into four parts:
Product matrix | instructions |
Highcharts | Easy and fast pure JavaScript interactive charts |
Highcharts Stock | Easily and quickly create stock charts, large data timeline charts |
Highcharts Maps | Excellent HTML5 map component, support drill down, touch, gesture operation |
Highcharts gantt | Simple and easy to use JavaScript Gantt gallery |
At the time of this article, the latest version of Highcharts stands at 9.0.1, which is almost consistent with a large version iteration rate per year.
In 9.0, Typescript adaptation is completed, including ES6 class inheritance refactoring for series and metrics, date pickers, 3D area calculations, etc.
8.0 added some new chart types to enhance the narrative power of dynamic charts.
7.0 added topology diagrams, timelines, 3D pyramids and funnels, bubble graphs, and network topology diagrams to improve gantt charts.
2. amCharts
AmCharts was created in 2004 and is still not open source. The charts library is very concise and attractive for some types of charts, such as Timeline and Sankey charts.
AmCharts is divided into four sections: Charts, Map, TimeLine and Editor (Editor is not strictly a category). At present, they are not used in China, and some big customers such as Microsoft, Apple and NASA are using their products in foreign countries.
3. D3.js
D3.js is a Javascript library for processing documents based on data.
D3 provides developers with a declarative way to operate on any set of nodes.
d3.selectAll('p').style('color'.function (d, i) {
return i % 2 ? '#fff' : '#eee';
Copy the code
With D3.js, a lot of great data visualization works have been produced, and it provides a lot of customizable capabilities for data visualization.
Three, small contrast
Refer to the link
- AntV – Ant data visualization
- Echarts – Apache – an open source visual chart library based on JavaScript
- Echarts – A Brief History of Echarts Technology development
- Highcharts – Makes data visualization easier
- amCharts – JavaScript Charts & Maps
- d3js
- chart.js
- Scott loca –
- Scott – mapLab
- Baidu – MapV (no iteration version for a long time)
- Microsoft – SandDance – Unit data visualization
- BizChart – Visualization solution for the back end of the enterprise
- Flourish – Beautiful and easy data visualization and storytelling
- MIT – sigma.js(2017)
- Octopus – 30 Recommended Data Visualization Tools (2020 Update)