This is the 19th day of my participation in the August Wenwen Challenge.More challenges in August”
Last time we talked about sorting algorithms in data structures and algorithms and this article is going to focus on base sorting and bubble sorting
Radix sort
Radix sort belongs to “distribution sort”, also called “bucket sort” or “bin sort”, as its name implies, it allocates the sorted elements to some “buckets” through partial information of key values. Radix sort is a stable sort with a time complexity of O (nlog(r)m).
Radix sort was invented by Herman hollery in 1887. The idea is to cut integers into different numbers by the number of digits, and then compare them individually by the number of digits.
All the values to be compared are uniformly set to the same digit length, and the number with the shorter digit is filled with zeros in front of it, and then sorted successively from the most position, so that the sequence becomes an ordered sequence from the lowest digit to the highest digit after sorting.
Radix sort code implementation
Speak 53542,3,63,14,214,154,748,616 array sorted
Public class BasicSort {public static void main(String[] args) {public static void main(String[] args) { int[] arrays = new int[]{53, 542, 3, 63, 14, 214, 154, 748, 616}; Date before = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat simpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SS"); System.out.println(" before: "+ simpleDateformat.format (before)); sort(arrays); Date after = new Date(); System.out.println(" after: "+ simpleDateformat.format (after)); } public static void sort(int[] arrays) {/** */ Max = arrays[0]; for (int i = 0; i < arrays.length; i++) { if (arrays[i] > max) { max = arrays[i]; Int maxLength = (Max + "").length(); /** * Set each bucket to the size of arrays.length to prevent overflow when putting data into the array. */ int[][] bucket = new int[10][array.length]; /** * To record how much data is actually stored in each bucket, we define a one-dimensional array to record the number of data placed in each bucket at a time * for example: BucketElementCount [0] bucketElementCount = new int[10]; bucketElementCount = new int[10]; for (int i = 0, n = 1; i < maxLength; I++, n *= 10) {/** * */ for (int j = 0; j < arrays.length; J ++) {/** * [j] / n % 10; / / Bucket [locationElement][bucketElementCount[locationElement]] = Arrays [J]; bucketElementCount[locationElement]++; Int index = 0; /** * int index = 0; /** * for (int k = 0; k < bucketElementCount.length; k++) { if (bucketElementCount[k] ! // loop the KTH bucket (the KTH one-dimensional array) for (int l = 0; l < bucketElementCount[k]; l++) { arrays[index++] = bucket[k][l]; BucketElementCount [k] = 0; bucketElementCount[k] = 0; }}} /** * for (int j=0; j<arrays.length; j++){ int locationElement = arrays[j]/1%10; bucket[locationElement][bucketElementCount[locationElement]] = arrays[j]; bucketElementCount[locationElement]++; */ int index = 0; for (int k=0; k<bucketElementCount.length; k++){ if (bucketElementCount[k] ! =0){ for (int l = 0; l<bucketElementCount[k]; l++){ arrays[index++] = bucket[k][l]; BucketElementCount [k] = 0; bucketElementCount[k] = 0; } system.out. println(" first: Array sorting "+ array.toString (Arrays)); /** * for (int j=0; j<arrays.length; j++){ int locationElement = arrays[j]/10%10; bucket[locationElement][bucketElementCount[locationElement]] = arrays[j]; bucketElementCount[locationElement]++; } index = 0; for (int k=0; k<bucketElementCount.length; k++){ if (bucketElementCount[k] ! =0){ for (int l = 0; l<bucketElementCount[k]; l++){ arrays[index++] = bucket[k][l]; BucketElementCount [k] = 0; bucketElementCount[k] = 0; } system.out.println (" array.toString (Arrays) "); /** * for (int j=0; j<arrays.length; j++){ int locationElement = arrays[j]/100%10; bucket[locationElement][bucketElementCount[locationElement]] = arrays[j]; bucketElementCount[locationElement]++; } index = 0; for (int k=0; k<bucketElementCount.length; k++){ if (bucketElementCount[k] ! =0){ for (int l = 0; l<bucketElementCount[k]; l++){ arrays[index++] = bucket[k][l]; BucketElementCount [k] = 0; bucketElementCount[k] = 0; } system.out.println (" array.toString (Arrays) "); }}Copy the code
Bubble sort
The idea of bubble sort is to compare the values of adjacent elements from front to back by treating the sorting sequence. If the reverse order is found, the exchange will make the elements with larger values gradually move from front to back, just like bubbles in water.
1. Loop array.length-1 outer loop
2. The number of sorting is gradually decreasing
3. There may also be no change in this sorting
Bubble sort practical application
/** * author: BubblingSort public class BubblingSort {public static void main(String[]) The args) {int [] arrays = new int [],4,1,3,8,5,9,6,7 {2}; int temp = 0; boolean flag = false; for (int i=0; i<arrays.length-1; i++){ for (int j=0; j<arrays.length-1-i; j++){ if (arrays[j]>arrays[j+1]){ flag=true; temp = arrays[j]; arrays[j] = arrays[j+1]; arrays[j+1] = temp; } } if (! Flag){// There is no exchange break in the sorting process; }else { flag = false; } } System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arrays)); }}Copy the code