In non-setup hooks, we get the specified element through this.$refs. As we said last time, setup does not have βthisβ, βprops/emitβ is called as an argument, but β$refsβ is not in the argument.
Getting an element reference in Setup is a special two-step process:
- Define a ref variable with a value of null.
- Expose the ref variable by βreturnβ,
- Assign the variable name to the ref attribute of the element.
<! --SetupRef.vue-->
<! -- Step 3 -->
<h1 ref="titleRef">The title</h1>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent,onMounted,ref } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "SetupRef".setup(){
/ / step 1
const titleRef = ref(null);
onMounted(() = >{
/ / step 2
return{titleRef}; }});</script>
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** emphasizes that ** uses βrefβ instead of β:refβ in the template.
<h1 ref="titleRef">The title</h1>
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When is β:refβ used?
We must use β:refβ when the value of ref is a function that takes only one argument, the current element.
<h1 :ref="getTitleRef">The title</h1>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent,onMounted,ref } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "SetupRef".setup(){
function getTitleRef(el:HTMLElement){
return {getTitleRef}
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The result is the same as βrefβ without β:β
Get multiple refs in βV-forβ
To get a reference to a single element (or component), use βrefβ, but to get a reference to a loop, use β:refβ. There are also 3 steps:
- Defines a function that takes an argument representing the current element. This function is looped through multiple times by v-for, each time the loop retrieves the current element.
- The function is returned in the return value of setup.
- Specify the function in the template with β:refβ.
<! -- step 3, use :ref-->
<h1 v-for="n in 3" :key="n" :ref="getTitleRefs">Title {{n}}</h1>
<script lang="ts">
import { defineComponent, onMounted, ref } from "vue";
export default defineComponent({
name: "SetupRefVFor".setup() {
// Step 1: define the function
function getTitleRefs(el: HTMLElement) {
// Step 2, return the function
return{ getTitleRefs }; }});</script>
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To be continued
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