Wechat notice, every day to his girlfriend to send good morning, love words, poetry, weather information, etc


A few days ago when browsing GitHub found a message notification information push to micro channel small tools, also tried to use, configuration is very simple, very convenient to use, very curious to study, I looked at the source found is also very simple ~😛, to tell the truth is more curious how to do micro channel notification 🤓

Although previously done nail nail news notice, but NAIL NAIL I also go to work with, daily use rarely, to say that communication tools in China or wechat, laugh 😑, so, the first tool to receive information notice is best wechat, know all understand ~

Later, ACCORDING to the logic of this function, I thought that with the ability of this message notification, I could customize any content to be pushed to wechat, and found that things became interesting ~

Remember to read an article before is through the mailbox every day to send local love words to his girlfriend operation, mailbox which micro channel effect is good ah, not 😎

Don’t say much directly open the whole, their own every day to send good morning to his girlfriend and local love words of the tool, you can also be a warm man every day ~

Train of thought

Next we will do two main things:

  • The first thing: message notification to wechat capability tool

  • Second thing: message content retrieval and data processing

I have investigated the message notification capability. Other schemes have more or less limitations and deficiencies, so it is appropriate to adopt the scheme of the above tools

To obtain message content, one is to use it quickly through open API, and the other is to obtain it by writing crawler script. Considering the cost of technology and time, scheme 1 is given priority at present, and Scheme 2 can be used as an expansion capability

Message notification tool analysis


Documents: wechaty

Wechaty can achieve almost all the functions and capabilities of wechat. When you have a small wechat, you can completely hand it over to wechaty, and then design various capabilities through the code. The playability is completely up to you

Automatic reply, group add, timing push, reply, AI interface capabilities and so on…

The hard condition is that wechaty requires a token provided by wechaty to obtain permissions. There are two methods

  • Method 1: Contact relevant personnel to purchase
  • Method two: participate in the developer program, contribute to the project and be accepted, free of charge

Related documents: github.com/juzibot/Wel…

If you have added some big guys’ wechat groups, you should have come into contact with the ability to automatically pull groups, automatic reply, automatic daily broadcast of the robot

Dingding, Feishu, enterprise wechat

These three tools are positioned as enterprise-level applications. The advantage of enterprise-level applications is that they are highly customizable. There are many API interfaces and permissions provided by the authorities.

Existing problems:

The real situation of Social apps in China is that, excluding the use of enterprises and organizations, wechat comes first for individuals, regardless of message notification or other capabilities. However, the contradiction is that personal wechat has many limitations and almost does not provide such API development capabilities. Of course, if you can accept Studs or feishu or enterprise wechat, there is no such problem.

New ideas:

As a product of wechat, enterprise wechat has some natural advantages: wechat supports the acceptance of enterprise wechat messages in wechat

Around this ability, we can also achieve the corresponding functional requirements. First of all, we pay attention to the enterprise wechat we created in wechat, and then allow the enterprise wechat to accept messages in wechat.

It’s easy for an individual to create an enterprise wechat, just provide a mobile phone number

Nail nail and fly book use robot notification


If conditions permit, wechaty will be preferred, and if conditions do not permit, enterprise wechat + wechat can be adopted as the second best.

To prepare

1. Registered enterprises

Use the computer to open the official website of enterprise wechat and register an enterprise. Have mobile phone number can register, need not business license! No business license! No business license!

2. Create an application

After successful registration, click “Manage Enterprise” to enter the management interface, choose “Application Management” → “Self-build” → “Create Application”

Fill in the application name at will, and select the company name in the visible range.

After the application is created, access the application details page to obtain the application ID(AgentiD) and application Secret(Secret).

3. Obtain the enterprise ID

Go to the Bottom of the My Enterprise page to obtain the enterprise ID.

4. Push messages to wechat

Enter “my enterprise” → “wechat plug-in”, pull down to scan the TWO-DIMENSIONAL code, after paying attention to you can receive the push message.

Note: If the interface request is normal, the enterprise wechat receives the message normally, and the individual wechat cannot receive the message:

1. Enter “My Enterprise” → “wechat plug-in”, drag it to the bottom, check “Allow members to receive and reply to chat messages in wechat plug-in”

2. Close the restriction of “accept messages only in enterprise wechat” in “ME” → “Settings” → “New Message Notification” on the enterprise wechat client

5. Add environment variables

Add three variables to Github Secrets:

  1. The Name isWX_APP_IDValue is for step 2AgentId.
  2. The Name isWX_APP_SECRETValue is the second stepSecret.
  3. The Name isWX_COMPANY_IDValue is for step 3Enterprise ID.
WX_COMPANY_ID= Enterprise ID WX_APP_ID= Application ID WX_APP_SECRET= Application Secret TIAN_API_KEY= Key of the day dataCopy the code

6.GitHub Action is automatically executed every day

The core code is as follows, and the detailed code is shown in the warehouse link below

  Beijing time = Standard time +8 18 indicates 2 am Beijing time
  # at 7:30 in the morning
  - cron: '30 * * *'
Copy the code

Data enablement API

Here we can choose third-party open apis to customize, or customize ourselves

Note: Free open source interface needs to consider service stability!

At present, the interface data capability is mainly provided by Tianxing data. You can register an account member without threshold

Day data: www.tianapi.com/

  • Number of free interfaces for members: 15
  • Number of gifts per day: 100

Note: If this interface is adopted, you need to add the variable of Key in step 5. Adding environment variables as a mandatory parameter when using the tianrow data interface

Features and Content

Here depends on personal ideas and ideas, the various free interface can provide a lot of various information, you can also write their own services and crawler scripts, the playability is really very high

The following features have been added:

  • Personalize information
  • The weather information
  • A word a day
  • The most beautiful song lyrics
  • Shocking jokes
  • Earthy…
  • Daily English
  • Bedtime story

The content is completely up to you, and then you can develop your own profile and news feed, which is great

Part of the code

Interface code

class API {
  key: string
  constructor(key? :string) {
    this.key = key || ' ' // For convenience, add key in HTTP

  // The most beautiful song poem
  async getSongLyrics() {
    const res = await getTian<IVerseProps[]>({ url: LoveMsgURL.songLyrics })
    returnres? .0]}// A beautiful Sentence every day
  async getDayEnglish() {
    const res = await getTian<ResEnglishProps[]>({ url: LoveMsgURL.dayEnglish })
    returnres? .0]}// Get lunar information
  async getLunarDate(date: string) {
    const res = await getTian<ResLunarDateProps[]>({ url: LoveMsgURL.lunarDate, params: { date } })
    returnres? .0]}//
  async getSaylove() {
    const res = await getTian<SayloveProps[]>({ url: LoveMsgURL.saylove })
    returnres? .0]}}export default new API()
Copy the code

Good morning, good afternoon, good night

const { MESSAGE_TYPE } = process.env

export default function main() {
  if (MESSAGE_TYPE === 'goodAfternoon') {
    / / good afternoon
  } else if (MESSAGE_TYPE === 'goodEvening') {
    / / good night
  } else {
    Good morning / /
Copy the code

Request data -goodMorning

/ * * *@name goodMorning
 * @description Say good morning * /

// Parallel request, optimal ring corresponding
const dataSource = await Promise.allSettled([
  API.getSaylove(), //
  API.getCaihongpi(), / / rainbow fart
  API.getOneWord(), / / a word
  API.getSongLyrics(), // The most beautiful song poem
  API.getOneMagazines(), / / one magazine
  API.getNetEaseCloud(), // NetEase Cloud reviews
  API.getDayEnglish(), // Everyday English

// Filter out abnormal data
const [sayLove, caiHongpi, oneWord, songLyrics, oneMagazines, netEaseCloud, dayEnglish] =
  dataSource.map((n) = > (n.status === 'fulfilled' ? n.value : null))
Copy the code

The effect

The weather information

Other information

Famous writers came to our city to sign autographs. Early in the morning, I brought my son to the bookstore to buy a book. When I asked the author to sign it, my son asked me in bewilderance, "How can we write his name on the book we buy?" A word: The reason why winter is so cold is to tell us how important the warmth of people around us is. While there is life, there is hope. Where there is life, there is hope.Copy the code


The project is developed using TypeScript and the package management tool is PNPM

The complete code can be seen in the warehouse, which has been open source github.com/JS-banana/n…

Welcome to communicate with us.

The development of

Copy the.env.example file and rename it to.env and fill in the corresponding values as required

If you want to use GitHub Action, you need to add a variable in Secrets


How to say, you can find many interesting projects and gadgets on GitHub every day. If you spend some time on GitHub every day, you can not only learn about the technology, but also come into contact with many excellent content and projects for the first time.

The project was generally very simple, much simpler than writing a business, but it was a lot of fun, and it was a way to fall in love with coding. It’s easy to get bored and tired of boring business work, but technology itself is supposed to bring us fun and happiness, right

Today you are warm male 😉