Zyplayer is a player that you can trust to use. Match once kuaibo’s good things, today xiaobian get a small welfare, interested in quick look!

How to import zhibo source? Pull the ZY Layer source. M3u from the mirror package onto the desktop. Open ZYPlayer and click “Import” as shown below.

Gei source file 👉 mac.orsoon.com/Mac/159003.html

Select ZYPlayer direct bo source.m3u on your desktop and open it.

ZYPlayer direct BO source import successful!

How does ZYPlayer import visual pin sources? Drag ZYPlayer as pin source. json onto the desktop. Open ZYPlayer and click Edit Source in Settings.

Click import.

Select ZYPlayer view pin-source. json on your desktop to open.

! [](https://p6-juejin.byteimg.com/tos-cn-i-k3u1fbpfcp/58a6af5d306a47a9894e36b5a59cdb7a~tplv-k3u1fbpfcp-watermark.image)

Import successful!

The imported visual PIN source can be found at the following location!