This is the sixth day of my participation in the “Gold Digging Day New Plan · April More text Challenge”. Click here for more details.

Hello, everyone. My name is Dudu. In project management, we will put all codes on a version control platform, one is centralized version control, the other is distributed management control. The two modes are SVN and git. With the passage of time, more and more companies are using Git and have gradually replaced SVN. Therefore, today we will talk about common git operations

What is a git

Git is an open source distributed version control system designed to handle any project, small or large, with agility and efficiency.

Three states of the work area

Git’s working area can be divided into three states: Committed, Staged, and Modified

  • Has been submitted: Code that exists on Git
  • Has the stagingThe code is committed locally, but not to the Git repository
  • The modified: Made simple changes to the dropdown code, never committed

How to Bind Git using SSH

Git: SSH and GPG keys:

  • First you need to bind your owngitaccount
$git config --global $git config --global user.emailCopy the code
  • Then execute:
$ssh-keygen -t rsa -c email // The key has been generatedCopy the code
  • Looking for:
$ cd ~/.ssh
$ open id_rsa
Copy the code

The key file will pop up and you can copy it to Git

Visualization tool

A visualization tool is recommended: GitHub Desktop

Some friend may feel use tools are low, like the command, here I want to say, the command is important, but the direct use of visualization tools will surely reduce a lot of time, especially in the merge conflicts, view a commit record is very convenient, so it is recommended to use this tool (but at least you’re familiar with the command ~ ~)

Common situation

Commit files to Git for the first time

If you want to commit a file to Git, you need to do git init, create readme. md(description file), link git remote to the corresponding library, and git push

     git init
     git add
     git add .
     git commit -m 'xxx'
     git remote add origin xxx/xxx.git
     git push -u origin master
Copy the code

View branches, switch branches, merge branches

  • See the branchThrough:git branchGit repository can be passedgit branch -acomplete
  • Merging branchesThrough:Git merge branch nameCan be
  • Switch branchThe first step is to create a branchgit branch test01The second part switches branchesgit checkout test01
  • Git checkout -b test01
  • Note that the local branch is only created, and the branch needs to be addedgit pushUnder the

Wrong branch commit, version rollback

I have two branches, test01 and test02, and I want to develop on test02, but the branch is on test01, which is committed locally but not to git repository.

Commit test01 (test01); commit test01 (test01);

Scenario 3: Again, I’m submitting test01 and sending it to the test environment, but here’s another product that comes along and breathlessly tells you, don’t send it yet, I want to look at the previous version again, boy, I want to push back to the previous version. How do I do that?

If you have committed to your git repository, you need to roll back your git repository to the previous version. If you have committed to your git repository, you have not committed to Git yet

Git reset is what you need to use

First, you need to know that there are two ways to back up:

  • HEAD: represents the first step you want to roll back, if you want to roll back the previous step, isHEAD^1 (short: HEAD^)
  • Hash value: Suitable for rolling back earlier versions, usually can be usedgit logView, as:

Git reset has three different modes

  • –mixed: does not delete local code, undocommitAction, and undo git add .This operation
  • –softAnd:--mixedSame, but can’t undogit add .(As for whether to revoke git add. Personally, it is not important)
  • — Hard: Undo the commit operation and delete all the local changes and revert to the original version.

So use –soft or –mixed for fallbacks as a comparison:

Git reset –soft HEAD^

Git push -f origin: git push -f origin: git push -f origin

You’ve done the whole requirement, but only part of it

Situation: When you have a very large requirement, split several small requirements and commit them separately, but each feature is ordered, such as first one today, second one tomorrow… , then you need to split the entire code. How do you do that?

The correct process is to restore the master code to the previous one, and then create the corresponding branch based on the development of the large requirement

  • First, passlogTo get the correspondinghashValue, for example, abc123
  • Then create a new branch and switch to it, assuming test01
  • Then throughgit cherry-pick abc123, but note that there may be conflicts at this point

What if I delete branches

What if I accidentally delete my local branch (which already exists on Git)? What if I want to delete a branch of the Git repository?

Git branch -d Specifies the branch name

The local branch was deleted, but it still exists on Git. If you use git Checkout, you will download it directly

For case 2: Deleting a remote branch:

  • Git push origin --delete branch name
  • Git push origin: branch name(abbreviated)

Note: after you remove the branch of your Git repository, the locality actually still exists, but you need to recommit

There were so many commits that it was hard to see what was changed

We will often switch branches in the development, but switch branch must be submitted to the local, the code first down such a function, this way there will be a lot of local commit, also not good-looking what changed file at the same time, to find one by one, I want it now but how many commit, finally merged into one, how to do?

For those of you familiar with GitLab, there is a Merge Requests function that merges code.

  • First we go throughgit logGet the corresponding hash value, assuming abc123
  • Then throughgit reset --soft abc123Go back to the previous version
  • After thegit commitYou can merge it in one go

Note that if you have already uploaded your Git repository, force a commit wave to be uploaded before you cut back

Code conflict, how?

Code conflicts are inevitable during development. What should we do?

Git status -s git status -s git status -s

GitHub Desktop, this thing is really convenient, at a glance to see which files have conflict, a key to select the branch of the code, convenient for you and me he ~


To this end, I have summarized the common operation in work. I believe this article is enough to be able to work well. If you have any common git operation, you can leave a message below and make progress together.