An Interface is something that describes an object or a function. You can think of it as shapes, what properties an object needs to have, what arguments a function needs to take or what values it returns, what arrays should look like, what descriptions a class and its descendants need to conform to, and so on. In the following seven parts, weβll look at how object interfaces, function interfaces, indexable type interfaces, and class interfaces are defined, and how interfaces are used for interface inheritance, interfaces that define mixed types, and interfaces that inherit classes.
Object Interface
- Set the common properties that need to exist
- Set optional properties
- Setting read-only Properties
- Alternatively, you can use as or
[propName: string]: any
To specify other additional attributes that are acceptable
interface Person {
name: stringbool? :boolean
readonly timestamp: number
readonly arr: ReadonlyArray<number> ReadonlyMap/ReadonlySet
let p1: Person = {
name: 'oliver',
bool: true.//
οΈ can set optional properties that are not necessary to write
timestamp: + new Date(), //
Set the read-only attribute
arr: [1.2.3] //
set the read-only array
let p: Person = {
age: 'oliver'.//
additional attributes
name: 123 //
type error
p1.timestamp = 123 //
The read-only attribute cannot be modified
p1.arr.pop() //
The read-only attribute cannot be modified
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The function Interface
Interfaces can also be used to standardize the shape of functions. The function definition that needs to list the return value type of the parameter list in Interface. It is written as follows:
- Defines a function interface
- The interface accepts three parameters and does not return any values
- Use function expressions to define functions of this shape
Interface Func {//
Specifies that this function takes two mandatory arguments of type number and an optional string argument desc. This function does not return any value (x: number, y: number, desc? : string): void } const sum: Func = function (x, y, desc = '') { // const sum: Func = function (x: number, y: Number, desc: string): void {console.log(desc, x + y)} sum(32, 22)Copy the code
Indexable type Interface
This Interface describes the shape of the index type and specifies the type of value returned by the index
interface StringSet {
readonly [index: number]: string //
Note that index can only be number or string
length: number //
can also specify attributes
let arr1: StringSet = ['hello'.'world']
arr1[1] = ' ' //
can be set to read-only to prevent index assignments
let arr: StringSet = [] // the
array should be of type string
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The class Interface
Interfaces can also be used to define the shape of a class. Note that the Interface class only checks instance properties. Static properties require an additional Interface; Such as:
PersonConstructor is used to check static parts
interface PersonConstructor {
new (name: string, age: number) //
this is used to check constructor
typename: string //
this is used to check the static property typename
logname(): void //
this is used to check static method logname
PersonInterface is used to check the instance section
interface PersonInterface {
// new (name: string, age: number) //
static method checks cannot be written here
log(): void // the instance method log is defined here
// class Person implements PersonInterface, PersonInterface {
const Person: PersonConstructor = class Person implements PersonInterface {
name: string
age: number
static typename = 'Person type' // A static property named typename is defined
static logname() { // A static method named logName is defined here
constructor(name: string, age: number) { // Constructor is a static method = name
this.age = age
log() { Log is the instance method
console.log(, this.age)
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Keep in mind that static properties and method checks are different interfaces than instance properties and methods
The Interface inheritance
As with class, use extens inheritance to update a new shape, for example inheriting the interface and generating a new interface that can be set to a new method check.
Take an example :
interface PersonInfoInterface { // 1οΈ one here is the first interface
name: string
age: numberlog? () :void
interface Student extends PersonInfoInterface { // 2οΈ here inherits an interface
doHomework(): boolean //
adds a method check
interface Teacher extends PersonInfoInterface { // 3οΈ one interface is inherited here
dispatchHomework(): void //
added a method check
// Interface extends Student, Teacher // Also extends multiple interfaces
let Alice: Teacher = {
name: 'Alice',
age: 34,
dispatchHomework() { //
must satisfy the inherited interface specification
console.log('dispatched')}}let oliver: Student = {
name: 'oliver',
age: 12,
log() {
console.log(, this.age)
doHomework() { //
must satisfy the inherited interface specification
return true}}Copy the code
Interface of mixed type
Mixed-type interfaces use the same Interface to describe the properties or methods of a function or object, such as what parameters a function receives, what results it outputs, and what other methods or properties the function has.
interface Counter {
(start: number) :void // 1οΈ one if only this one then this interface is a function interface
add(): void // 2οΈ one more method here, then this interface is hybrid interface
log(): number // 3οΈ here is another method
function getCounter() :Counter { //
The function it returns must conform to three points of the interface
let count = 0
function counter (start: number) { count = start } // counter function
counter.add = function() { count++ } // the add method increases count
counter.log = function() { return count } // the log method prints count
return counter
const c = getCounter()
c(10) // count defaults to 10
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Interface inherits from the class
An Interface can inherit both an Interface and a class. In the process of creating subclasses, the description of the Interface must meet the description of the class that the Interface inherits
class Person {
type: string //
here is a description of the class
interface Child extends Person { // the
Child interface inherits from the Person class, so it specifies the Type attribute
log(): void
// There is a type: string
// The Child interface above
inherits the description of type from Person and defines the log description of the Child interface itself
class Girl implements Child {
type: 'child' // The interface inherits from Person
log() {} // The interface itself is canonical
the second way
class Boy extends Person implements Child { // First extends the Person class, then satisfies the description of the Child interface
type: 'child'
log() {}
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The definition and use of this interface is shown below:
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