βThis is the third day of my participation in the First Challenge 2022. For details: First Challenge 2022β
In this article, AXIOS is wrapped in typescript classes to reduce the coupling of code during daily development and facilitate subsequent maintenance.
Read this article and you will learn:
- How to use
Classes encapsulateaxios
- Network requests encapsulate ideas
- Define the network request
The data type - How to configure
Environment variables of
The installation
Install AXIOS and ANTD-Mobile by executing the following command in the project root directory.
To install NPM, run the following command
npm install --save antd-mobile@next axios
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To install yarn, run the following command
yarn add antd-mobile@next axios
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To install PNPM, run the following command
pnpm add antd-mobile@next axios
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Basic usage of AXIos
axios.get(url[, config])
axios.delete(url[, config])
axios.head(url[, config])
axios.options(url[, config])
axios.post(url[, data[, config]])
axios.put(url[, data[, config]])
axios.patch(url[, data[, config]])
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Such direct use is no problem, but the disadvantage is that the coupling degree is too high, in use of the same configuration options need to be passed in many times, and subsequent maintenance is also very inconvenient.
Encapsulation target
- Will direct the common parameters, using one
Class to encapsulate. If you need to change some common configuration options in the future, you can directlyApi
To modify - Centralized management
To facilitate network managementApi
Create a new Network file in your project as the network request root folder for your project. We will place the relevant configuration files here later.
mkdir network
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Create the API, Interceptors, types folder, and Request. ts files in this root folder to store the API centralized management, network request interceptor, interface return data, and network request classes, respectively.
API β β β β Interceptors β β types β β request. TsCopy the code
Write a network request library
Create a new Api class in Request. ts and export it.
export default class Api{
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Before we write this class, we need to design what this class is going to do for us.
- Initialize network request configuration options (e.g.
Prefix, network timeout) - Network Interceptor (Request and Response)
- The request of the
Type interface writing
In Request. ts, define the type of parameters to receive, and add loading and Interceptor properties to the native AxiosRequestConfig interface for displaying loadingToast and configuring network interceptors.
import axios, {AxiosInstance, AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse,} from 'axios';
export interface ApiType extendsAxiosRequestConfig{ loading? :booleaninterceptor? :Interceptor }export interface Interceptor {
requestInterceptor: (res: AxiosRequestConfig) = >(AxiosRequestConfig) requestInterceptorErr? :(error: any) = > any
responseInterceptor: (res: AxiosResponse) = >(AxiosResponse) responseInterceptorErr? :(error: any) = > any
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Common Encapsulation Configurations
Receive the usual configuration items in the constructor function and initialize AxiosInstance.
export default class Api {
instance: AxiosInstance; config: AxiosRequestConfig; interceptor? : Interceptor; loading:boolean;
constructor(option: ApiType) {
this.config = option;
this.interceptor = option.interceptor;
// Set global parameters
this.instance = axios.create(this.config);
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?? Is the null value merge operator in ES2020, which is used to assign default values to variables.
Encapsulating interceptor
Two interceptors we do not write dead in the class, we want to process the function as an argument.
Avoid the situation where your project needs two axios instances, but the interceptors are handling different things and canβt handle our business scenario.
constructor(option: ApiType) {
// ...
/ / the interceptor
// Configure request interceptor
this.instance.interceptors.request.use(this.interceptor?.requestInterceptor, this.interceptor?.requestInterceptorErr);
// Configure the response interceptor
this.instance.interceptors.response.use(this.interceptor?.responseInterceptor, this.interceptor?.responseInterceptorErr);
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Add the loading effect, since I introduced the ANTD-Mobileui framework in the current project, I used its own Toast component directly.
You can also use loading CSS libraries, such as CSS Loader
constructor(option: ApiType) {
// ...
/ / add loadding
this.instance.interceptors.request.use((config: AxiosRequestConfig) = > {
if (this.loading) {
icon: 'loading'.content: 'Loading... '.duration: 0
return config;
this.instance.interceptors.response.use((res: AxiosResponse) = > {
if (this.loading) {
return res;
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Careful students can find that there is a conflict with the last configuration of the interceptor?
Will the interceptor function passed in be overridden by the loading function?
The answer is no, axios internally passes an array of the functions we passed in. Execution takes place in the order passed in. (Not merge operation)
// lib/core/InterceptorManager.js
// https://github.com/axios/axios/blob/master/lib/core/InterceptorManager.js
function InterceptorManager() {
// Defines an array of interceptors
this.handlers = [];
// Executes the specified function contents in the order passed in
InterceptorManager.prototype.forEach = function forEach(fn) {
utils.forEach(this.handlers, function forEachHandler(h) {
if(h ! = =null) { fn(h); }}); };Copy the code
We have encapsulated the basic network configuration, and now we process the data returned by the network request.
Defines the data type returned by the interface
Export a ResponseDataType type in the types/index.ts created earlier (this step depends on the data returned by the back end)
export interface ResponseDataType<Data = any> {
body: Data,
description: string.status: number
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Axios provides the request method, which can pass in the specified type that the network requests back.
We encapsulate this method in the Api class, again passing in the returned data type and corresponding interface configuration, and returning a corresponding Promise object.
request<T = any, R = AxiosResponse<T>, D = any>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<D>): Promise<R>;
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export default class Api {
// Add data type constraints
async request<T>(config: AxiosRequestConfig<T>): Promise<T> {
return this.instance.request<ResponseDataType, T>(config); }}Copy the code
Use the API Class
Import the API and ApiType interfaces in API /index.ts.
import Api, {ApiType} from '.. /request';
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Configuring environment Variables
Env. development,. Env. production, and env.d.ts files are created in the SRC root directory to reduce address switching during development
By default, the development server (the dev command) runs in development mode, while the build and serve commands run in production mode.
//.env.development VITE_APP_URL= requested API prefix //.env.production VITE_APP_URL= requested API prefixCopy the code
// env.d.ts
interface ImportMetaEnv {
readonly VITE_APP_URL: string
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Get the environment variable and export it.
// utilis/index.ts
// Get the environment in the variable
export const BASE_URL = import.meta.env.VITE_APP_URL;
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Defines the parameter data passed to the Api Class
// api/index.ts
import {BASE_URL} from 'utils';
const option: ApiType = {
timeout: 5000};Copy the code
We pass the parameters into the Api Class and then call the Request method in the ApiInstance directly when we request data.
const ApiInstance = new Api(option);
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Create network data request methods
Define the data types returned by the swiper interface in types/index.ts
// types/index.ts
export interface SwiperDataType {
alt: string
id: number
imgSrc: string
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To define the requested method in API /index.ts, call the Request method internally and pass in the type.
// api/index.ts
export const getSwiper = () = > {
return ApiInstance.request<SwiperDataType[]>({
url: /swiper,
method: 'get'
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Use the getSwiper method on the page.
// Introduce the getSwiper method
import {getSwiper} from '.. /.. /network/api';
// Get the requested data
const swiperData: SwiperDataType[] = await getSwiper();
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The last
There are a lot of network request encapsulation, this paper simply on some functions of the encapsulation, convenient for subsequent use in the project. In real projects, interceptors and other apis are used more often. I will add some additional functionality to the network request package in this version later.