
Today is the fourth day of learning React. My first small goal is to implement all functions of the todo manifest software on the Web side by one-for-one!

Everything written before will be in the preface:

πŸ“¦ repository links to the React-Todo Gitee repository

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Create React App+Tailwind CSS +Material UI

# πŸ‘€ learn React from the ground up next day ~React configure Eslint+ router-dom

# πŸ‘€ Learn React from scratch 3 days ~React date selector component development +Dayjs use

Development tasks

Today’s goal is to implement an πŸ—“πŸ—“ calendar component that needs to interact with yesterday’s time picker component, as shown below.

Demand analysis

Calendar when you click the date on the right side of the date selection bar, a popup window shows the calendar component

The calendar component has seven rows and six columns for each month, with 42 columns separated by week

The single arrow at the top of the calendar switches to next week and the double arrow switches to next year

In the calendar, if the date is selected, it is the theme color background and white font; if the date is not selected, it is black font; if the date is not of the current month, it is gray font; and the date of the current day is the theme color font

No matter we click the date selection bar at the top or the date in the calendar, a date selection operation will be carried out. If the date selected in the calendar exceeds the range of the date selection bar at the top, the week corresponding to the selected date needs to be generated again

The development of

After the requirement analysis, we will start the development.

Pop-up components

First we need to implement a Popover component. This component is easier to implement, directly through the Popover component in MUI. In this component, I pass four parameters to it, anchorEl to control the Popover component and activeDate to pass to the calendar component to display the selected date.

// dayTodo/datePopover.jsx
import React from "react"
import PropTypes from "prop-types"
import Popover from "@mui/material/Popover"
import Calendar from ".. /.. /components/Calendar"
DatePopover.propTypes = {
  anchorEl: PropTypes.object,
  setAnchorEl: PropTypes.func,
  activeDate: PropTypes.object,
  setDate: PropTypes.func,

export default function DatePopover(props) {
  console.log("DatePopover rendering")
  const { anchorEl, setAnchorEl, activeDate, setDate } = props
  const handleClose = () = > {
    setAnchorEl(null)}const open = Boolean(anchorEl)
  const id = open ? "simple-popover" : undefined

  return (
          vertical: "bottom",
          horizontal: "left,}} ">
        <div className="p-3">
          <Calendar activeDate={activeDate} setDate={setDate}></Calendar>
    </div>)}Copy the code

In the date selection component, we introduce the following component and define the relevant hook. When the button is clicked, the node with id date-picker is retrieved and the core code shown below is as follows:

// dayTodo/dadtePicker.jsx
const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState(null)
  const showDatePopover = () = > {
    const datePickerTarget = document.getElementById("date-picker")

{/* The selected date corresponds to the day of the week */}
<Button variant="text" onClick={showDatePopover}>
  {`${activeDate.month() + 1}month${}day${
      ? "Today"
      : activeDate.localeData().weekdays(dayjs(activeDate))

Copy the code

Now that our popover implementation is complete, let’s move on to the calendar component.

The calendar component

I put the calendar component in the common components compones folder for later reuse.

The calendar component has seven rows and six columns for each month, with 42 columns separated by week

According to the demand, we need the data of the calendar. My idea is to get the first day of the month of the current selected date first, and then get the corresponding Monday of the week through the first day of the month

Here is the code to implement the calendar data:

const { activeDate, setDate } = props

  const [first, setFirstDate] = useState(

  const firstNumber =
    : dayjs(first).subtract(1."day").day(1)

  const dateArr = Array.from({ length: 42 }).map((item, index) = > {
    return dayjs(firstNumber).add(index, "day")})Copy the code

One thing to note here is that we need to determine whether the first day of the selected month is Sunday, because in day.js, a week starts on Sunday, and if we do not determine part of the month, we will lose the date of the first. The diagram below:

The following implements this requirement:

The single arrow at the top of the calendar switches to next week and the double arrow switches to next year

The implementation code is as follows: define the method, hook the month or year corresponding to the selected date, and then re-render the component

const [first, setFirstDate] = useState(

 const toOtherMonth = (to) = > {
    // Jump to another month
    const lastMonthFirstDate = first.month(first.month() + to).date(1)

  const toOtherYear = (to) = > {
    // Jump to another month
    const lastYearFirstDate = first.year(first.year() + to).date(1)
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Calling a method in a tag:

  onClick={()= > {
  <KeyboardDoubleArrowLeftIcon fontSize="small" />
<IconButton onClick={()= > toOtherMonth(-1)}>
  <ChevronLeftIcon fontSize="small" />

<div className="text-sm">{first.year()} {first.month() + 1} month</div>

<IconButton onClick={()= > toOtherMonth(1)}>
  <ChevronRightIcon fontSize="small" />
  onClick={()= > {
  <KeyboardDoubleArrowRightIcon fontSize="small" />
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In the calendar, if the date is selected, it is the theme color background and white font; if the date is not selected, it is black font; if the date is not of the current month, it is gray font; and the date of the current day is the theme color font

We can use inline styles to determine this requirement, but writing inline styles is not very readable, so I wrapped it into a function:

const dateClass = (date) = > {
    if (date.isSame(activeDate, "day")) {
      return "bg-primary"
    } else {
      if (date.isToday()) {
        return "text-primary font-bold"
      if(date.month() ! == first.month()) {return "text-gray-300"}}}Copy the code

Use this in the tag:

{, index) => {
 return (
     className={`h-10 w-10 flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointerThe ${dateClass(
     onClick={()= > {
   </div>)})}Copy the code

No matter we click the date selection bar at the top or the date in the calendar, a date selection operation will be carried out. If the date selected in the calendar exceeds the range of the date selection bar at the top, the week corresponding to the selected date needs to be generated again

Finally, we want to achieve a calendar component and the top date selection bar component of a linkage, this point we need to start from the top date selection bar component, the core code is as follows

// dayTodo/DatePicker.jsx
const [activeDate, setDate] = useState(dayjs())
  useEffect(() = > {
  }, [activeDate])

  // An array of date objects for seven days of the week
  const getThisWeek = () = > {
    return Array.from({ length: 7 }).map((item, index) = > {
      return activeDate.isoWeekday(index + 1)})}const [thisWeek, setWeek] = useState(getThisWeek())
Copy the code

Here I use a new hookuseEffect, this is the first time I use it, it is similar to the effect of watch in VUE, it is used to listen for variable changes, and then execute the callback function. Here I use this hook to determine if the date change is selected, a new date array will be generated to change with the date.


In fact, I finished writing before the fourth day, and the result was updated into an empty file 😭 by mistake. Liver took a super long time to write again, before this article as long as 3,000 words.

React Hook has a lot in common with vue3 Composition API. It is expected that there will be an article about the simple performance optimization of this project, and redux will be published later.

Finally, I took some time to deploy the project with Tencent cloud hosting, which is convenient for everyone to check the progress. Click the link below to see oh. I can do a separate article later if you’re interested in how to deploy it. I hope you can give me a thumbs up

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