Today is the fifth day of learning React. My first small goal is to implement all functions of the todo manifest software on the Web side by one-for-one!
Everything written before will be in the preface:
repository links to the React-Todo Gitee repository
Online preview Effect React-Todo development progress
Create React App+Tailwind CSS +Material UI
learn React from the ground up next day ~React configure Eslint+ router-dom
Learn React from scratch 3 days ~React date selector component development +Dayjs use
Start from scratch learn React day 4 ~
implement a nice popover calendar component
Todayβs task
React Hook: How to React Hook: How to React Hook
Of course, the premise of performance optimization is to reduce unnecessary loss under the condition that the function is intact. Excessive optimization is not advisable
Before todayβs article, please check the link of the react new document. The overall document structure is simpler and clearer, and there are many more cases. Thanks for the recommendation of @half drunk moon film ~
To optimize
First of all, we will print the rendering of the components. I will print the functions of layout, DatePicker time selector component, DatePopover popover component and Calendar Calendar component, which are nested with each other.
Optimization goes into repeat rendering for the first time
Enter the console page for the first time and the result is as follows:
As you can see, when entering the page, normally all components should be rendered once, but now each component is rendered twice, so we start to troubleshoot the problem.
DatePicker time picker component code is as follows:
// DatePicker.jsx
/ /... more
export default function DatePicker() {
console.log("DatePicker starts rendering")
// The currently selected date
const [activeDate, setDate] = useState(dayjs())
useEffect(() = > {
}, [activeDate])
// An array of date objects for seven days of the week
const getThisWeek = () = > {
return Array.from({ length: 7 }).map((item, index) = > {
return activeDate.isoWeekday(index + 1)})}const [thisWeek, setWeek] = useState(getThisWeek())
// Check if this is the selected date
const isActive = (item) = > ===
const toToday = () = > {
// Jump to today
const toLastWeek = () = > {
// Displays the date of the previous week
const lastWeek =, index) = > {
return dayjs(item).isoWeekday(index - 6)
const toNextWeek = () = > {
// Displays the date of the following week
const nextWeek =, index) = > {
return dayjs(item).isoWeekday(index + 8)
const [anchorEl, setAnchorEl] = useState(null)
const showDatePopover = () = > {
const datePickerTarget = document.getElementById("date-picker")
return (
<div className="p-5 flex items-center ">/ /... more</div>)}Copy the code
The DatePicker time picker component has two variables activeDate and thisWeek defined by useState. If one of these variables changes, the component will rerender.
In order to trigger the change of these two variables, it must be modified by the method returned by useState. The code in the following part does not execute these two methods directly, so the problem should be useEffect. I add a print in useEffect to check the effect
useEffect(() = > {
console.log("ActiveDate change")
}, [activeDate])
Copy the code
Print result:
Sure enough, the first execution triggers the useEffect callback, which in turn triggers setWeek(getThisWeek()), causing the component to re-render.
This is because getThisWeek is a function that gets the new date of the week based on the new activeDate each time it is executed. Since the date object generated by DayJS is accurate to the millisecond, it returns a different value for each execution even in the same week. What we need to do is change getThisWeek directly to a variable so that setWeek is not triggered causing the component to refresh.
const getThisWeek = () = > {
return Array.from({ length: 7 }).map((item, index) = > {
return activeDate.isoWeekday(index + 1)})}// new
const getThisWeek = Array.from({ length: 7 }).map((item, index) = > {
return activeDate.isoWeekday(index + 1)})Copy the code
Letβs look at the console again, as shown below:
Optimize click date repeat rendering
OK With that done, letβs take a look at the print of a selected new date, as shown below
How do I fix the fact that every time I click on a date, the component refreshes twice?
{ = > {
return (
className={`flex items-center justify-center cursor-pointer w-7 h-7 rounded-full mx-1The ${isActive(item)? "bg-primary"
: item.isToday()? "bg-gray-200"
: "hover:bg-gray-200` "}}key={item}
onClick={()= > {
<span className="text-sm">{item.isToday() ? "Today" :}</span>
</div>)})}Copy the code
The change in the activeDate variable triggers the useEffect callback setWeek(getThisWeek()). So the component is re-rendered. Of course this step is fine, but if I choose the date of the week there is no need to hold setWeek(getThisWeek()) to create a new week array.
UseEffect = activeDate.isoweek (); activeDate.isoweek (); activeDate.isoweek (); When useEffect is triggered each time, the system checks whether the selected date is the same week after modification and before modification. If it is the same week, the callback does not need to be triggered.
// old
useEffect(() = > {
}, [activeDate])
useEffect(() = > {
}, [])
Copy the code
If we look at the console print, we can see that each selected date is only rendered once, as shown below:
Optimized calendar repeat rendering
Letβs first look at the printing of the unfolding calendar, as shown below:
As you can see, there is no problem with the expansion, the parent component rerenders the calendar, and the calendar also performs the rendering, but what if we close the calendar? The diagram below:
After closing the calendar, the calendar performs another rendering, which is a repeat rendering. Iβve already closed it and I donβt need it to update the data. The calendar is rendered again when closed because of the basisReact component rendering mechanism.When the parent component is re-rendered, the child component is also re-rendered.
What if you want to avoid this situation? We can use react. memo to solve this problem, as explained below
If your component is rendering the same props, you can improve the performance of the component by wrapping it in a react.Memo call to remember the componentβs rendering results. This means that in this case React will skip the render component and simply reuse the results of the last render.
React.memo only checks the props changes. If a function component is wrapped in react. Memo and its implementation has a Hook for useState, useReducer, or useContext, it will still rerender when state or context changes.
In short, the react. memo wrapped child function will only be re-rendered if the received parameters change. If the received parameters do not change, the parent component will not be re-rendered even if the parent component is refreshed
The specific implementation is also very simple, the core code is as follows:
import React, { useState } from "react"
function Calendar(props) {
// ...
export default memo(Calendar)
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Use the Memo to wrap the Calendar component and expose it. Letβs take a look at the modified console output
There will be no extra rendering this time around
Optimized jump today button
Finally, there is a little sun button on the right. If you click on the little sun, the toToday method will be executed to jump toToday, but if the current selected date is today, the rendering will be repeated, as shown below
This step is also easy, modify toToday method and add a judgment, I used the isSame method provided by DayJS to determine, remember to pass in the second parameter to set the granularity to day, the code is as follows
const toToday = () = > {
// Jump to today
if (dayjs().isSame(activeDate,"day")) {
Copy the code
Because the amount of code is still relatively small, the points that can be optimized are still relatively few, that is, I write hook for the first time to find so many places can be optimized
This time, useMemo and useCallback hooks are not used. In the future, we will learn more about the use of these two methods when there is a large amount of code.
React delivers more performance trade-offs to developers through apis than VUE, and requires more framework proficiency and development capabilities. Many of these challenges require development experience to feel comfortable