Welcome to the latest WebRTC related information from webrtcweekly.com, translated and organized by Tavan Technology.

Read the news

Live video communication with COVID-19: Why this Battle will be won (Alex Eleftheriadis) A good overview of where we’re coming from.

Google Stadia is now available on iOS using the mobile version of Safari (TechCrunch). WebRTC was used.

Technical information

Pion releases WebRTC 3.0.0 a pure Golang implementation (Pion) is growing.

Users practice

CoScreen announces: Deep collaboration of engineering Teams (CoScreen) This is a good view of collaboration capabilities.

CommonGround deserves credit for raising $19 million to rethink online communications (TechCrunch).

Remote post-production: Real-time #WebRTC stream in OBS and later (WebRTC by Dr Alex) looks at the possibilities of WebRTC in post-production.

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