Learn To Program

Learn To Program is a beginner’s programming primer. The author uses Ruby as a teaching language To introduce you To the world of programming with concise but vivid examples.

This book is both a beginner programming primer and a Ruby primer. Therefore, for those who have a certain programming foundation and want to learn Ruby, this book will also get a lot of knowledge.

There are 12 lessons in the book. They are listed and linked here for those who are interested to read them.

  1. Getting Started
  2. Numbers
  3. Letters
  4. Variables and Assignment
  5. Mixing It Up
  6. More About Methods
  7. Flow Control
  8. Arrays and Iterators
  9. Writing Your Own Methods
  10. Classes
  11. Blocks and Procs
  12. Beyond This Tutorial

Since Ruby is the tutorial language for this book, the environment installation is no longer necessary. Course 1 teaches you how to install Ruby and recommends using a handy IDE to write Ruby. I use VSCode to write Ruby, and I feel good about it. In the early stages, I suggest learning or debugging Ruby directly through irB. Just enter the IRB at the terminal and try it out.


The Number types in Ruby are Integer and Float (note that Ruby has no int, long, nor Float, double, there are only two types of numbers, Integer and Float). . And the logical operation +-*/ between Number.

Practice printing below and see if it works.

puts 1+2
puts 2*3
puts 5-8
puts 9/2
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3-3, 4, 6


In Ruby, the representation of a string is expressed as a pair of ‘ ‘or “”.

puts 'Hello, world! '
puts ' '
puts "Good-bye."
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String concatenation can be represented simply by +.

puts 'I like' + ' apple pie.'
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I like apple pie.

To concatenate repeating strings, we can also use the * operator.

puts 'blink ' * 4
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blink blink blink blink

Of course, the above String and number combinations are because both + and * are functions of String, so we can use them as functions.

We can also call it as follows:

puts 'I like'. + (' apple pie.')
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I like apple pie.

Their pseudocode is as follows:

class String
    def +(other)
        "# {self}#{other}"

    def *(other)
        s = self
        other.times do
            s = s + self
        return s


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Variables and Assignment

(Note: Ruby does not need to specify the type of a variable. This is a dynamic language. It changes the type of a variable based on the assignment.)

composer = 'Mozart'
puts composer + ' was "da bomb", in his day.'
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Mixing It Up

When we run the following example, the program prompts us for syntax errors. Why is that? The type did not match, so the runtime error was reported. How can numbers and strings add together? Only numbers and numbers, strings and strings add together.

var1 = 2
var2 = '5'

puts var1 + var2
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This requires the ability to convert numbers and strings to each other.

To_s means convert to a string. So the following expression is true.

var1 = 2
var2 = '5'

puts var1.to_s + var2
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Others include to_I to integer and TO_F to floating point.

puts '15'.to_f
puts "10".to_i
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More About Methods

Ruby uses.syntax to call a function, using strings as an example.

var1 = 'stop'
puts var1.reverse
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Get user input by calling the gets function. Gets. Chomp wraps lines after user input.

puts 'What is your full name? '
name = gets.chomp
puts 'Did you know there are ' + name.length.to_s +
     ' characters in your name, ' + name + '? '
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What is your full name?

User Input

Did you know there are 22 characters in your name, Christopher David Pine?

# 5 to the second power
puts 5台湾国2
# take over
puts 7%3
# the absolute value
# Random number no greater than 1 (float)
puts rand
# 0<=x<10 random integer
puts rand(10)

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Flow Control

Control flow, that is, compare >, <, =>, ==, <=,! ,! =

puts 1= =1
puts 2! =1
puts 1 > 2
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Conditional branches if, ELSE, ELIF, end

puts 'Hello, what\'s your name? '
name = gets.chomp
puts 'Hello, ' + name + '. '
if name == 'Chris'
  puts 'What a lovely name! '
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Hello, what’s your name?

Your input…

Hello, Chris.

What a lovely name!

Loop while

command = ' '

whilecommand ! ='bye'
  puts command
  command = gets.chomp

puts 'Come again soon! '
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Very nice to meet you.

Very nice to meet you.

Oh… how sweet!

Oh… how sweet!


Come again soon!

Logic judgment merger or (| |), and (&), not (!)

puts 'Hello, what\'s your name? '
name = gets.chomp
puts 'Hello, ' + name + '. '
if (name == 'Chris' or name == 'Katy')
  puts 'What a lovely name! '
elsif name == 'Jack' and name.length == 4
    puts ""
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Hello, what’s your name?


Hello, Katy.

What a lovely name!

Arrays and Iterators

The Ruby way to represent arrays is array = [1,2,3,”3″], where each element in the array can have a different type.

Gets the elements in an array

puts array[0]
puts array[1]
puts array[-1]
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1 2 3 “”

To get each element in an array, you can iterate through the each method.

languages = ['English'.'German'.'Ruby']

languages.each do |lang|
  puts 'I love ' + lang + '! '
  puts 'Don\'t you? '

puts 'And let\'s hear it for C++! '
puts '... '
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I love English!

Don’t you? I love German! Don’t you? I love Ruby! Don’t you? And let’s hear it for C++! .

To repeat the operation a certain number of times, you can do this by placing times of integer.

3.times do
  puts 'Hip-Hip-Hooray! '
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Writing Your Own Methods

In Ruby, methods are defined in a format where arguments are saved

def sayMoo numberOfMoos
  puts 'mooooooo... '*numberOfMoos

sayMoo 3
puts 'oink-oink'
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mooooooo… mooooooo… mooooooo…



Ruby uses the keyword class to define a class. When the class is an existing class, it means to add information to the class.

class Integer
  def to_eng
    if self= =5
      english = 'five'
      english = 'fifty-eight'


puts 5.to_eng
puts 58.to_eng
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Class instance variables are represented by @+ variable names, and class variables are @@+ variable names

class Die

  def roll
    @numberShowing = 1 + rand(6)

  def showing


die = Die.new
puts die.showing
puts die.showing
puts die.showing
puts die.showing
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4 June 6

Blocks and Procs

This lesson is on closures in Ruby, which can be understood as a quick code, written between the do end and represented by the Proc class. Do end can also be written in {} form. Closures can be used as arguments to functions or as functions.

# Create a closure and store it in the toast variable. Call to execute the block of code in the closure
toast = Proc.new do
  puts 'Cheers! '

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You can also pass arguments in the closure.

doYouLike = Proc.new do |aGoodThing|
  puts 'I *really* like '+aGoodThing+'! '

doYouLike.call 'chocolate'
doYouLike.call 'ruby'
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I really like chocolate!

I really like ruby!

When a closure is used as an argument to a function:

def doSelfImportantly someProc
  puts 'Everybody just HOLD ON!  I have something to do...'
  puts 'Ok everyone, I\'m done. Go on with what you were doing.'

sayHello = Proc.new do
  puts 'hello'

sayGoodbye = Proc.new do
  puts 'goodbye'

doSelfImportantly sayHello
doSelfImportantly sayGoodbye
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Everybody just HOLD ON! I have something to do…


Ok everyone, I’m done. Go on with what you were doing.

Everybody just HOLD ON! I have something to do…


Ok everyone, I’m done. Go on with what you were doing.

When the closure is the return value of a function:

def compose proc1, proc2
  Proc.new do |x|

squareIt = Proc.new do |x|
  x * x

doubleIt = Proc.new do |x|
  x + x

doubleThenSquare = compose doubleIt, squareIt
squareThenDouble = compose squareIt, doubleIt

puts doubleThenSquare.call(5)
puts squareThenDouble.call(5)
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We can also pass closures into functions without Proc, just by preending the arguments with an &.

class Array
If you pass in the Proc object directly, you will not be able to call the function directly after the do end block. You will need to create the Proc object first and then pass it in.
  def eachEven(&wasABlock_nowAProc)
    # We start with "true" because arrays start with 0, which is even.
    isEven = true

    self.each do |object|
      if isEven
        wasABlock_nowAProc.call object

      isEven = (not isEven)  # Toggle from even to odd, or odd to even.

['apple'.'bad apple'.'cherry'.'durian'].eachEven do |fruit|
  puts 'Yum! I just love '+fruit+' pies, don\'t you? '

# Remember, we are getting the even-numbered elements
# of the array, all of which happen to be odd numbers,
# just because I like to cause problems like that.
[].eachEven do |oddBall|
  puts oddBall.to_s+' is NOT an even number! '
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Yum! I just love apple pies, don’t you?

Yum! I just love cherry pies, don’t you?

1 is NOT an even number!

3 is NOT an even number!

5 is NOT an even number!

For multiple arguments, block can only be placed at the end

def profile descriptionOfBlock, &block
  startTime = Time.now


  duration = Time.now - startTime

  puts descriptionOfBlock+':'+duration.to_s+' seconds'

profile '25000 doublings' do
  number = 1

  25000.times do
    number = number + number

  # Show the number of digits in this HUGE number.
  puts number.to_s.length.to_s+' digits'

profile 'count to a million' do
  number = 0

  1000000.times do
    number = number + 1
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7526 digits

25000 doublings: 0.026852 seconds

count to a million: 0.039258 seconds

Now let’s do a little exercise in the book.

part1: Grandfather Clock. Write a method which takes a block and calls it once for each hour that has passed today. That way, if I were to pass in the block do puts ‘DONG! ‘ end, it would chime (sort of) like a grandfather clock. Test your method out with a few different blocks (including the one I just gave you). Hint: You can use Time.now.hour to get the current hour. However, this returns a number between 0 and 23, so you will have to alter those numbers in order to get ordinary clock-face numbers (1 to 12).

This means that EVERY hour between 1 and 12 hours I print ‘DONG! ‘

def onHourAlarm(&block)
    hour = Time.new.hour
    if hour > 12 
        hour = hour - 12
    block.call hour

onHourAlarm do |hour|
    puts "It is #{hour} o 'clock"
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We can also implicitly call the function’s block, as follows:

def doItTwice
  if block_given?
    puts 'no block'

doItTwice do
  puts 'buritiate mustripe lablic acticise'
Copy the code

buritiate mustripe lablic acticise

buritiate mustripe lablic acticise

The yield keyword indicates the closure passed by the implicit call function, block_given? Is to determine whether the function has an passed closure.