RN is running normally on IOS, I’m going to go to Android to test and find an error, but my device is enabled, so according to the hint./ Gradlew installDebug, I say Permission denied

Error screenshot:

Possible cause 1

The react-Native run-Android fails due to insufficient gradLew permissions

The solution

Run the following command:

chmod +x gradlew
Copy the code

Possible Cause 2

Create an assets folder under Android /app/ SRC /main/ and run the script below.

react-native bundle --platform android --dev false --entry-file index.js --bundle-output android/app/src/main/assets/index.android.bundle --assets-dest android/app/src/main/res/
Copy the code

Possible cause 3

Case: If the first run (using React-native run-Android) can start, double click R does not display and error is reported.

Reference: my virtual machine before due to the capture of packets, set the agent, the agent can be turned off, for reference.

Possible cause four

Case: If this happens when you are using the Genymotion emulator, set it to:

Set your ADB Tool to come with the local SDK

I don’t know if you are due to the above reasons, if I can help you, that would be great.

If not, after the solution, you can leave a message below for more people to refer to, thank you To the Blue.