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One, foreword

Share some knowledge and experience with you, I hope you can like, collect and pay attention to, haha.

Two, snake adventure game

I. Introduction to the game

1.1 Game operation and rules

(1) After the start of the game, through the keyboard up and down around the control of snake movement to find food; (2) For every piece of food a snake eats, its length increases by one unit; (3) In normal mode, if the snake touches a wall or bites itself, the game fails; (4) In wall-penetrating mode, the snake can pass through the wall, but after biting itself, the game fails.Copy the code

Ii. Overall game design

2.1 Overall game design framework diagram

Compile language and description of library file used

3.1 the Python language

Python is a cross-platform computer programming language. Python is an object-oriented, dynamically typed language, originally designed to write automated scripts (shells), Python has very concise and clear syntax characteristics, with the continuous update of the version and the addition of new features of the language, more and more used for independent, large project development. At present, the related technology based on Python language is developing rapidly, the number of users is rapidly increasing, and the related resources are more and more.

3.2 pygame library

Pygame is a cross-platform Pyth written by Pete Shinners and licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License. Pygame contains images, sounds. Built on SDL, it allows real-time video game development without being constrained by low-level languages such as machine language and assembly language. Based on this assumption, all of the required game features and ideas (mostly graphics) are completely reduced to the game logic itself, and all of the resource structures can be provided by a high-level language such as Python.

3.3 the random library

Random is a library for generating Random numbers, namely Random number generator. Random generates pseudo-random numbers or sequence values calculated by a complex method. Therefore, a different seed value is required for each operation. Different seed values lead to different sequence values.

3.4 time library

The Time library is the Standard Python library for dealing with time. It is used to express computer time, to obtain system time and format output, to provide system-level precise timing, and to analyze program performance.

3.5 sys library

Sys. exit([arg]) is used to exit the program, sys.exit(n) exits the program, exit(0) on normal exit. This is done by raising a SystemExit exception, so the cleanup operation try specified in the finally clause is followed, and the outer exit attempt can be intercepted. The optional arg argument can be an integer, giving an exit status (zero by default) or some other type of object. If it is an integer, zero is considered “successful termination”, and any non-zero values, etc., are considered “abnormal termination”.

Game design and implementation

4.1 Overall game design

1. Define the snake object, including the head and the body. The head is set separately, and the body is stored in a list; 2. Define food objects, including initialization of food objects, setting of random colors and random positions; 3. Define the initialization interface, in which three buttons with text as "normal mode", "Wall-penetrating mode" and "Exit" are set for players to choose; 4. Define the normal mode, including the game window display, the main loop, and the Settings to determine the death of the snake; 5. Define a wall-throughable mode, including the game window display, the main loop, and the Settings to determine the death of the snake; 6. Define the end of the game window, including the window display and the final score display Settings.Copy the code

4.2 Analysis of main functions

2 new_food () function

The food object initialization function takes the snake head coordinates as the parameter. When the greedy snake eat food, through this function to generate new food. Pass the parameter to determine whether the newly generated food coordinate is the same as the snake head coordinate, if they are the same, a new coordinate will be generated.

4.2.2 start_game () function

Normal mode of the main cycle function, through the function of the normal mode of snake and food initialization, the player control snake movement, snake head and snake body judgment update and score statistics.

Holdings die_snake () function

Snake death judgment function in normal mode, the input parameter is snake head and snake body coordinate data. In this function, set the Boolean variable die_flag, if death is set to true and return False if there is no death. Through traversing the snake body storage list, judge whether the coordinate of the snake body is the same as the coordinate of the snake head. If the coordinate is the same, judge the greedy snake bites itself and dies. At the same time, judge whether the snake hits the wall, and judge whether the x and Y coordinates of the snake head are the width and height of the window, if they exceed, they will die.

4.2.4 start_kgame () function

The main circulation function of the wall-penetrating mode, through which the initialization of snake and food in wall-penetrating mode, player control of snake movement, snake head and snake body judgment update and score statistics are realized.

4.2.5 through_snake () function

Can pass through the wall mode snake death judgment function, the input parameter is snake head and snake body coordinate data. In this function, set the Boolean variable die_flag, if death is set to true and return False if there is no death. Through traversing the snake body storage list, judge whether the coordinate of the snake body is the same as the coordinate of the snake head. If the coordinate is the same, judge the greedy snake bites itself and dies.

4.2.6 show_end () function

At the end of the game, the end interface setting function. Initialize the end interface form in this function, display the player’s final score in the form, and call the PyGame library quit method in the change function, make the library stop working.

4.2.7 into_game () function

Game initial interface implementation function, in the function of the game initial interface form initialization. Set three click buttons whose text is “normal mode”, “wall-penetrating mode” and “exit” in the interface form, and call button function (see 6.2.8 for details) to monitor the player’s click through setting cycle.

4.2.8 button () function

The game initial interface button monitoring function, in this function to achieve the player mouse click events and keyboard input events monitoring. And according to the player’s choice, run the trigger function corresponding to the button. Click the “normal mode” button to run the normal mode main loop function, and so on.

Five, run the module code structure

Initialization of PyGame library, setting of game background music, setting of various parameters of the display window and setting of the initial interface of the game are carried out in the running module. The specific result codes are shown as follows:

Vi. Running test of the game (screenshot)

1. Initial selection interface of the game

2. Normal mode operation interface

3, can run through the wall mode interface4. Game end interface

Vii. Complete code of the game

import sys
import time
import pygame
from random import *
# Position类,通过其构造函数,设置x和y
class Position(object):
    def __init__(self, x, y):
        self.x = x
        self.y = y
# 生成随机的食物
def new_food(head):
    while True:
        new_food = Position(randint(0, 48) * 20, randint(0, 29) * 20)
        # 判断新生成的事物是否和贪吃蛇蛇头重合,重合则不创键
        if new_food.x != head.x and new_food.y != head.y:
    return new_food
# 绘制,在窗体中绘制贪吃蛇、食物
# color:颜色,position: 坐标
def rect(color, position):, color, (position.x, position.y), 10)
# 初始界面和游戏中点差退出游戏时
def exit_end():
# 游戏结束时,显示得分的窗体的设置
def show_end():
    # 设计窗口
    # 定义窗口大小
    small_window = pygame.display.set_mode((960, 600))
    init_background = pygame.image.load("image/init_bgimg.jpg")
    small_window.blit(init_background, (0, 0))
    # 定义标题
    # 定义背景图片
    font = pygame.font.SysFont("simHei", 40)
    fontsurf = font.render('游戏结束! 你的得分为: %s' % score, False, black)
    small_window.blit(fontsurf, (250, 200))
# 正常模式死亡设置
# head: 蛇头, snake_body:蛇身
def die_snake(head, snake_body):
    # 定义标志物,默认为false,true时判定贪吃蛇碰到自己,死亡
    die_flag = False
    # 遍历存放贪吃蛇位姿的列表,从第1个开始,(第0个位蛇头)
    for body in snake_body[1:]:
        # 如果蛇头的xy和蛇身xy相等,则判定相撞,设置flag为ture
        if head.x == body.x and head.y == body.y:
            die_flag = True
    # 若蛇头的xy在显示窗体外,或flag为true,则显示结束界面,并退出游戏
    if head.x < 0 or head.x > 960 or head.y < 0 or head.y > 600 or die_flag:
# 正常模式主体设置
def start_game():
    # 定义存分数的全局变量
    global score
    global color
    color = (randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255))
    # 定义存放玩家键盘输入运动方向的变量,初始为向右
    run_direction = "right"
    # 定义贪吃蛇运动方向的变量,初始为玩家键入方向
    run = run_direction
    # 实例化蛇头、蛇身、食物对象
    head = Position(160, 160)
    # 初始化蛇身长度为3个单位
    snake_body = [Position(head.x, head.y + 20), Position(head.x, head.y + 40), Position(head.x, head.y + 60)]
    # 初始化食物位置
    food = Position(300, 300)
    # 死循环
    while True:
        window.blit(background, (0,0))
        # 监听玩家键盘输入的运动方向值,并根据输入转为up、down、right或left,方便程序中调用
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    run_direction = "up"
                elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    run_direction = "right"
                elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    run_direction = "left"
                elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    run_direction = "down"
        # 食物
        rect(color, food)
        # 蛇头
        rect(black, head)
        # 蛇身
        for pos in snake_body:
            rect(white, pos)
        # 判断贪吃蛇原运动方向与玩家键盘输入的运动方向是否违反正常运动情况
        if run == "up" and not run_direction == "down":
            run = run_direction
        elif run == "down" and not run_direction == "up":
            run = run_direction
        elif run == "left" and not run_direction == "right":
            run = run_direction
        elif run == "right" and not run_direction == "left":
            run = run_direction
        # 插入蛇头位置到蛇身列表中
        snake_body.insert(0, Position(head.x, head.y))
        # 根据玩家键入方向进行蛇头xy的更新
        if run == "up":
            head.y -= 20
        elif run == "down":
            head.y += 20
        elif run == "left":
            head.x -= 20
        elif run == "right":
            head.x += 20
        # 判断是否死亡
        die_snake(head, snake_body)
        # 判断蛇头和食物坐标,若相等,则加分,并生成新的食物
        if head.x == food.x and head.y == food.y:
            score += 1
            food = new_food(head)
            color = (randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255))
        font = pygame.font.SysFont("simHei", 25)
        mode_title = font.render('正常模式', False, grey)
        socre_title = font.render('得分: %s' % score, False, grey)
        window.blit(mode_title, (50, 30))
        window.blit(socre_title, (50, 65))
        # 绘制更新
        # 通过帧率设置贪吃蛇速度
# 可穿墙模式死亡设置
# head:蛇头,snake_body:蛇身
def through_snake(head, snake_body):
    # 定义标志位
    die_flag = False
    # 遍历,蛇头碰到蛇身时,flag为true退出游戏
    for body in snake_body[1:]:
        if head.x == body.x and head.y == body.y:
            die_flag = True
    if die_flag:
    else:  # 当蛇头的xy出窗体时
        # 四种穿墙情况,分别设置
        if head.x < 0:
            head.x = 960
        if head.x > 960:
            head.x = 0
        if head.y < 0:
            head.y = 600
        if head.y > 600:
            head.y = 0
# 穿墙模式主体设置
def start_kgame():
    global score
    global color
    color = (randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255))
    # 定义蛇初始方向
    run_direction = "up"
    run = run_direction
    # 实例化蛇头、蛇身、食物对象
    head = Position(160, 160)
    # 三格
    snake_body = [Position(head.x, head.y + 20), Position(head.x, head.y + 40), Position(head.x, head.y + 60)]
    # 初始化事物位置
    food = Position(300, 300)
    # 死循环,监听键盘键值
    while True:
        window.blit(background, (0, 0))
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
            elif event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if event.key == pygame.K_UP:
                    run_direction = "up"
                elif event.key == pygame.K_RIGHT:
                    run_direction = "right"
                elif event.key == pygame.K_LEFT:
                    run_direction = "left"
                elif event.key == pygame.K_DOWN:
                    run_direction = "down"
        # 食物
        rect(color, food)
        # 蛇头
        rect(black, head)
        # 蛇身
        for pos in snake_body:
            rect(white, pos)
        # 判断贪吃蛇原运动方向与玩家键盘输入的运动方向是否违反正常运动情况
        if run == "up" and not run_direction == "down":  # 若运动方向为向上,玩家输入运动方向向下,则违背贪吃蛇正常运动情况
            run = run_direction
        elif run == "down" and not run_direction == "up":
            run = run_direction
        elif run == "left" and not run_direction == "right":
            run = run_direction
        elif run == "right" and not run_direction == "left":
            run = run_direction
        # 插入蛇头位置到蛇身列表中
        snake_body.insert(0, Position(head.x, head.y))
        # 根据玩家键入方向进行蛇头xy的更新
        if run == "up":
            head.y -= 20
        elif run == "down":
            head.y += 20
        elif run == "left":
            head.x -= 20
        elif run == "right":
            head.x += 20
        # 穿墙实现
        through_snake(head, snake_body)
        # 判断是否加分和随机生成新的食物
        if head.x == food.x and head.y == food.y:
            score += 1
            food = new_food(head)
            color = (randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255), randint(10, 255))
        font = pygame.font.SysFont("simHei", 25)
        mode_title = font.render('穿墙模式', False, grey)
        socre_title = font.render('得分: %s' % score, False, grey)
        window.blit(mode_title, (50, 30))
        window.blit(socre_title, (50, 65))
        # 绘制更新
        # 通过帧率设置贪吃蛇速度
# 监听函数,监听键盘输入
# msg: 按钮信息,x: 按钮的x轴,y: 按钮的y轴,w: 按钮的宽,h: 按钮的高,ic: 按钮初始颜色,ac: 按钮按下颜色,action: 按钮按下的动作
def button(msg, x, y, w, h, ic, ac, action=None):
    # 获取鼠标位置
    mouse = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
    # 获取键盘输入
    click = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
    if x + w > mouse[0] > x and y + h > mouse[1] > y:
        pygame.draw.rect(window, ac, (x, y, w, h))
        if click[0] == 1 and action != None:
        pygame.draw.rect(window, ic, (x, y, w, h))
    # 设置按钮中的文字样式和居中对齐
    font = pygame.font.SysFont('simHei', 20)
    smallfont = font.render(msg, True, white)
    smallrect = smallfont.get_rect() = ((x + (w / 2)), (y + (h / 2)))
    window.blit(smallfont, smallrect)
# 游戏初始界面,选择模式
def into_game():
    into = True
    while into:
        window.blit(init_background, (0, 0))
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
        # 设置字体
        font = pygame.font.SysFont("simHei", 50)
        # 初始界面显示文字
        fontsurf = font.render('欢迎来到贪吃蛇大冒险!', True, black)  # 文字
        fontrect = fontsurf.get_rect() = ((width / 2), 200)
        window.blit(fontsurf, fontrect)
        button("正常模式", 370, 370, 200, 40, blue, brightred, start_game)
        button("可穿墙模式", 370, 420, 200, 40, violte, brightred, start_kgame)
        button("退出", 370, 470, 200, 40, red,brightred, exit_end)
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # 定义画布颜色
    white = (255, 255, 255)
    red = (200, 0, 0)
    green = (0, 128, 0)
    blue = (0, 202, 254)
    violte = (194, 8, 234)
    brightred = (255, 0, 0)
    brightgreen = (0, 255, 0)
    black = (0, 0, 0)
    grey = (129, 131, 129)
    score = 0
    # 设计窗口
    # 定义窗口大小
    width = 960
    height = 600
    window = pygame.display.set_mode((width, height))
    # 定义标题
    # 定义背景图片
    init_background = pygame.image.load("image/init_bgimg.jpg")
    background = pygame.image.load("image/bgimg.jpg")
    # 背景音乐
    # 创建时钟
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()
    # 初始化
    # 初始界面
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