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First we have the following code

YKPerson *p0 = [YKPerson alloc];
YKPerson *p1 = [p0 init];
YKPerson *p2 = [p0 init];

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According to the print results, we can see that the memory address space pointing to is the same, but the Pointers are stored on the stack, and are contiguously stored, each 8 bytes apart.

Process analysis

We learn fromNSObjecttheallocMethod to explore the process of object creation. From the code call below, it goes tocallAllocMethods.

+ (id)alloc {
    return _objc_rootAlloc(self);	// self -> YKPerson

_objc_rootAlloc(Class cls)
    return callAlloc(cls, false/*checkNil*/.true/*allocWithZone*/);

callAlloc(Class cls,	// YKPerson
          bool checkNil,	// false
          bool allocWithZone=false) 	// true
{...if (fastpath(! cls->ISA() - >hasCustomAWZ())) {
        return_objc_rootAllocWithZone(cls, nil); }...if (allocWithZone) {
        return ((id(*)(id, SEL, struct _NSZone *))objc_msgSend)(cls, @selector(allocWithZone:), nil); }...}Copy the code

In fact, during llVM_read_images, the fixupMessageRef function is called, where the alloc call is redirected

if (msg->sel == @selector(alloc)) {
    msg->imp = (IMP)&objc_alloc;
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So when we call alloc, we’re actually calling objc_alloc

objc_alloc(Class cls)
    return callAlloc(cls, true/*checkNil*/.false/*allocWithZone*/);
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In the above judgment we can comb through incallAllocThe flow of judgment in a method.

Judge conditions

fastpath(! cls->ISA() - >hasCustomAWZ())
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The result is true

As you can see from the call flow of the code, it goes to the _objc_rootAllocWithZone method

+ (id)allocWithZone:(struct _NSZone *)zone {
    return _objc_rootAllocWithZone(self, (malloc_zone_t *)zone);
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The result is false

As you can see from the call flow of the code, it goes to the _objc_rootAllocWithZone method

return _objc_rootAllocWithZone(cls, nil);

_objc_rootAllocWithZone(Class cls, malloc_zone_t *zone __unused)
    // See the detailed analysis below
    return _class_createInstanceFromZone(cls, 0, nil,
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【 Core method 】_class_createInstanceFromZone

_class_createInstanceFromZone(Class cls,	// YKPerson
                              size_t extraBytes,	/ / 0
                              void *zone,	// nil
                              int construct_flags = OBJECT_CONSTRUCT_NONE,	// OBJECT_CONSTRUCT_CALL_BADALLOC
                              bool cxxConstruct = true.size_t *outAllocatedSize = nil)
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Basic condition judgment

bool hasCxxCtor = cxxConstruct && cls->hasCxxCtor(a);// whether there is a C++ constructor
bool hasCxxDtor = cls->hasCxxDtor(a);// whether there is a C++ destructor
bool fast = cls->canAllocNonpointer(a);// Whether it can be allocated
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Gets the memory size required by an instance of CLS

size_t size;
size = cls->instanceSize(extraBytes); // extraBytes == 0
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  1. If the instance size has been obtained previously, the value is returned from the cache.
    if (fastpath(cache.hasFastInstanceSize(extraBytes))) {
        return cache.fastInstanceSize(extraBytes);
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__builtin_constant_p(extra) && extra == 0

* true
return _flags & FAST_CACHE_ALLOC_MASK16;

* false
size_t size = _flags & FAST_CACHE_ALLOC_MASK; // #define FAST_CACHE_ALLOC_MASK 0x1ff8
return align16(size + extra - FAST_CACHE_ALLOC_DELTA16); // #define FAST_CACHE_ALLOC_DELTA16 0x0008 align16() is 16 bytes aligned
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As for __builtin_constant_p, it is a compiler built-in function. It takes a numeric argument and returns 1 if the argument is known to be a compile-time constant. The return value of 0 means that the compiler cannot determine whether the parameter is a compile-time constant. The typical use of this built-in function is in macros for manual compile-time optimization.

  1. If not, the value is calculated.
else {
  size_t size = alignedInstanceSize() + extraBytes;
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  1. If the size is less than 16, 16 bytes are added according to the principle of “Memory replenishment”
// CF requires all objects be at least 16 bytes.
if (size < 16) size = 16;
return size;
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Open up memory space and return address pointer

id obj;
obj = (id)calloc(1, size);

// ->
void	*calloc(size_t __count, size_t __size) __result_use_check __alloc_size(1,2);
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Bind the memory address to the class

obj->initInstanceIsa(cls, hasCxxDtor);

// ->
initIsa(cls, false.false);
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inline void 
objc_object::initIsa(Class cls,	// YKPerson
                     bool nonpointer,	// false
                     bool hasCxxDtor)	// false
    isa_t newisa(0)... newisa.setClass(cls, this); ... the isa = newisa; }Copy the code
  1. Creates a union bit-field structureisa_t
union isa_t {
    isa_t() {}isa_t(uintptr_t value) : bits(value) { }
    uintptr_t bits;

    Class cls;


#if defined(ISA_BITFIELD)
    struct {
        ISA_BITFIELD;  // defined in isa.h

    bool isDeallocating(a) {
        return extra_rc == 0 && has_sidetable_rc == 0;
    void setDeallocating(a) {
        extra_rc = 0;
        has_sidetable_rc = 0;
    void setClass(Class cls, objc_object *obj);
    Class getClass(* *bool** authenticated);
    Class getDecodedClass(* *bool** authenticated);
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  1. The binding
inline void
isa_t::setClass(Class newCls, UNUSED_WITHOUT_PTRAUTH objc_object *obj)
#if __has_feature(ptrauth_calls) || TARGET_OS_SIMULATOR

    uintptr_t signedCls = (uintptr_t)newCls;


    uintptr_t signedCls = (uintptr_t)newCls;
    if (newCls->isSwiftStable())
        signedCls = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_sign_unauthenticated((void *)newCls, ISA_SIGNING_KEY, ptrauth_blend_discriminator(obj, ISA_SIGNING_DISCRIMINATOR));


    uintptr_t signedCls = (uintptr_t)ptrauth_sign_unauthenticated((void *)newCls, ISA_SIGNING_KEY, ptrauth_blend_discriminator(obj, ISA_SIGNING_DISCRIMINATOR));

#   else
#       error Unknown isa signing mode.
#   endif

    shiftcls_and_sig = signedCls >> 3;

    cls = newCls;

    shiftcls = (uintptr_t)newCls >> 3;
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Memory alignment