Mascot Town building

Go Language Overview

Go (Golang) is a static strongly typed, compiled, parallel, and garbage collection programming language developed by Google. Optimized for programming applications on multiprocessor systems, Go is a very useful and powerful system language. Go programs can run as fast as C or C++ code, and it’s also safer to execute parallel processes. Go supports object orientation and has features such as true closures and reflection. Go can reduce code complexity without losing application performance.

Environment set up

All things are difficult before they are easy… Enter… Loading failed for half a day… Should be by the wall… ah

After a long search… Finally found it at… Then just click on the link to download… It’s not easy…

Attached I downloaded the source code and MSI program: go source code and Windows installation package.rar

The demo code

Write a classic demo: Hello.go

package main
import "fmt"
func main(a){
	fmt.Println("hello, world.");
Copy the code

Compile and execute this go file:

PS C:\Users\Mints\Desktop> go build hello.go
PS C:\Users\Mints\Desktop> .\hello.exe
Hello, World!
Copy the code

It can also be executed using the go run command:

PS C:\Users\Mints\Desktop> go run hello.go
Hello, World!
Copy the code