Today saw the heart elder brother’s blog post this may be nuggets speak “prototype chain”, speak the best and most easy to understand, attached exercises! “, let me have a new understanding of the prototype chain, then I will now put my new understanding, through the analysis of the heart brother blog after the five exercises, to share with you ~

You can go to see the heart elder brother’s blog before you see the solution ~ but I will also take you briefly review ~

What is a prototype chain? In fact, the saying is: the __proto__ path is called the prototype chain

Free variable search, is to follow the prototype chain up the search!

I’ll draw the prototype for Function and Object (omit constructor), because here we are more concerned with the prototype chain __proto__, which is the green line drawn in the diagram!

  • Orange is an explicit prototype. In JavaScript, all functions have an explicit prototype, and an explicit prototype is an object

  • The grass green is an implicit prototype __proto__. In JavaScript, all objects have an implicit prototype that points to an explicit prototype of their constructor

Object is a constructor, so it has an explicit prototype, an implicit prototype of an explicit prototype of Object, pointing to the end of the prototype chain — NULL

Function is a constructor, and it has an explicit prototype, and an explicit prototype is an Object, so it has an implicit prototype that points to the explicit prototype of its constructor, that is, function.prototype. __proto__ === object.prototype

Exercise 1

The title

var F = function() {};

Object.prototype.a = function() {

Function.prototype.b = function() {

var f = new F();


Copy the code

The illustration

We go line by line

var F = function() {};
Copy the code

Here we create a Function F as a Function expression, which is equivalent to an instance of Function, so f. __proto__ points to an explicit prototype of Function

F is a function, and it has an explicit prototype Object. The explicit prototype Object is an Object, so its implicit prototype points to the explicit prototype of Object.

Object.prototype.a = function() {
Copy the code

Here we create a function a on an explicit prototype of Object and print a

Function.prototype.b = function() {
Copy the code

Here we create a Function b on an explicit prototype of Function and print b

var f = new F();
Copy the code

Here is an instance object F that creates F, where F is an object, so it has implicit stereotypes, explicit stereotypes that point to its constructor

The last thing is to look at f and the prototype chain of F

Just follow the grass-green prototype chain and mark it with locator markers on the way

Prototype = Function. Prototype; Object. Prototype; null

The prototype chain of F has F. protoType, Object. Prototype and NULL

According to the graph, the following answer is clear!

The answer

f.a(); // a
f.b(); // undefined

F.a(); // a
F.b(); // b
Copy the code

Exercises 2

The title

var A = function() {};
A.prototype.n = 1;
var b = new A();
A.prototype = {
  n: 2.m: 3
var c = new A();


Copy the code

The illustration

var A = function() {};
Copy the code

Here we create A function called A, the prototype diagram looks like this, and we omit the null at the end of the prototype chain this time!

A.prototype.n = 1;
Copy the code

Add an attribute n with A value of 1 to the explicit stereotype of A

var b = new A();
Copy the code

Create an instance object B of A

A.prototype = {
  n: 2.m: 3
Copy the code

Here we reassign the explicit prototype object of A to A new object

However, the original object still retains b’s reference to it, so the garbage collection mechanism will not clean up the original object

var c = new A();
Copy the code

At this point, an instance object C of A is created, where the C object points to A’s new explicit prototype object

Finally, look at the prototype chain of B and C, as shown in the figure

The answer

console.log(b.n); / / 1
console.log(b.m); // undefined

console.log(c.n); / / 2
console.log(c.m); / / 3
Copy the code

Exercises 3

The title

var foo = {},
    F = function(){};
Object.prototype.a = 'value a';
Function.prototype.b = 'value b';


Copy the code

The illustration

var foo = {},
    F = function(){};
Copy the code

So let’s first create an object called foo

And then create a function F

Object.prototype.a = 'value a';
Function.prototype.b = 'value b';
Copy the code

Add an A attribute to the explicit prototype object of Objetct

Add a b attribute to the explicit prototype object for Function

Finally, look at the prototype chain of F and Foo

The answer

console.log(foo.a); // value a
console.log(foo.b); // undefined

console.log(F.a); // value a
console.log(F.b); // value b
Copy the code

Exercises 4

The title

function A() {}
function B(a) {
    this.a = a;
function C(a) {
    if (a) {
        this.a = a;
A.prototype.a = 1;
B.prototype.a = 1;
C.prototype.a = 1;

console.log(new A().a); 
console.log(new B().a);
console.log(new C(2).a);
Copy the code

The illustration

function A() {}
function B(a) {
    this.a = a;
function C(a) {
    if (a) {
        this.a = a; }}Copy the code

Create three functions

A.prototype.a = 1;
B.prototype.a = 1;
C.prototype.a = 1;
Copy the code

Add the attribute a to the explicit prototype of the function

new A()
new B()
new C(2)
Copy the code

Create three instance objects, execute the code in the constructor, this points to the instance object, which is equivalent to adding attributes to the instance object itself

The answer

console.log(new A().a);  / / 1
console.log(new B().a); // undefined
console.log(new C(2).a); / / 2
Copy the code

Exercises five

The title

console.log(123['toString'].length + 123)
Copy the code

The illustration

Calling the toString method after 123 causes JavaScript to generate a primitive wrapper Object, which wraps 123 as a Number Object, and then follows the prototype chain to find the toString method on the Object, whose length is 1

The answer

console.log(123['toString'].length + 123) / / 124
Copy the code

The last

Do you have any more questions?

Drop it, I’ll illustrate!! Calculate, after ripe, need not draw a map!

Just remember that functions and objects have implicit and explicit archetypes, and the chain of archetypes follows the implicit archetypes, which refer to the explicit archetypes of their constructors!!