Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”.

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Catalogue of Flutter tips
【Flutter Tips 01】– TextField text is vertically centered
Configure Flutter environment variables
Common errors are recorded
【Flutter Tips 04】– Design the Flutter architecture

📃 Demand is the most effective motivator for learning skills

Foreword: eight modules share the points from integration to debug, packaging, tuning, 1-6 module is the process of choice, 7-8 module is the process of optional, by writing more here, if you have to like me much text looks weak can directly download the attachment PDF view, using xmind pattern clear, do not appear to be so weak. O(∩_∩)O ha ha ~ if there is wrong, inadequate, you big guy many comments pointed out. Thanks – (· ω ·) Blue

I. Integration mode (Required)

1. Use CocoaPods dependency management and the installed Flutter SDK. (Official recommendation)

2. Compile the Flutter Engine, your DART code, and all the Flutter plugins into the framework. Integrate manually into your application with Xcode and update the compilation Settings. (Framework in iOS can be understood as android equivalent aar)

Four collaborative development schemes are listed here for reference, and the advantages and disadvantages as well as points for attention are listed:

Ii. Test Package Packaging method (Mandatory)

Install the FLUTTER environment (Required)

Please refer to the official documentation:…

I write blog:…

Iv. Integration Steps (Mandatory)

Refer to official documentation:

IOS: flutter. Cn/docs/develo…

The android: flutter. Cn/docs/develo…

My personal blog:…

5. Mixed programming Scheme (Required)

Two mixed programming schemes :(the native way needs to pay attention to the memory overhead, open multiple engines will lead to large memory overhead, if you need to open multiple engines carefully)

1. Integration of Flutter native mode.

2. Use The open source Flutter_boost of Xianyu (currently, flutter_boost scheme is used in the doctor-side prescription 3.0 patient search page of the project)

There are two common scenarios :(if you use scenario 1 to use the native flutter mode, it may involve multiple engines, which can cause a large memory overhead. Scenario 1 uses Flutter_boost to solve multiple engine problems. Interested in demo experience:… (Two branches: master is the Flutter_boost mode and Flutter_native is the flutter native mode)

Vi. Mixed mode (required)

There are two main ways:

1. The Flutter side uses a TestApp entry. The Flutter module debuts itself, independent of its native features.

2. Use The Flutter Attach and debug in mixed mode. Start the Flutter Attach first, then start the project native, and then enter the Flutter for debugging

7. Performance Detection tuning (optional)

Tools are available:

1. DevTools comes with Flutter

2. Use byte open source UME

3. Use Didi’s open source Dokit

4, other

Viii. Extension (optional)

Belongs to technical transformation direction: develop corresponding tools according to business to improve efficiency during business development, such as Flutter_boost, plug-in tools, debugging functions, etc