Some time ago, I came across the Transform class when I was learning the Flutter animation. When I was looking up the official document, I came across the clock page turning animation and thought it was very interesting. So I used animation and Transform to achieve the page turning effect by myself.
Train of thought
Before I started to think about how to achieve the page turning animation, but the actual operation but found that the idea is not quite right and finally had to give up. Finally, I refer to the existing implementation methods of page turning to understand the implementation principle. In fact, the method is very simple to carry out matrix change operation on the upper part of the number through Transform to achieve page turning effect. The implementation process is illustrated illustrated below.
The illustration
The following figure shows the effect from a cross section. The normal viewing Angle is from the left to right of the sample image .
You can first split the number into two parts using the ClipRect component. Use A and D to show the next number to turn the page. C and B display the numbers currently ready to be flipped. At the beginning we saw that it was C and B that made up the current number.
Then, Transform was used to Transform the upper part of C to achieve an upward flipping animation effect: setEntry was used to Transform, and rotateX was used to rotate to the X-axis, with the flipping Angle of 90 degrees.
As C rotates by 90 degrees, the top part of the number at the bottom of A gradually emerges. And then after C is rotated to 90 degrees, which is not visible at the beginning, D is rotated 90 degrees to the X axis. In the process, the lower part B of the upper number is gradually covered.
Finally, the animation cycle ends when D is rotated 90 degrees, and the current number is displayed as the next value. In the last step, change A, B, C and D to the values to be displayed next time and reset C and D back to their original positions for the next round of animation.
Code section
- Digital segment
child: Align(
alignment: _alignment,
heightFactor: 0.5,
child: Container(
width: 100,
decoration: BoxDecoration(
borderRadius: BorderRadius.all(Radius.circular(4.0)),
child: Text(
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 80,
color: Colors.white,
fontWeight: FontWeight.w700,
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- Digital integral
mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
children: [
children: <Widget>[
// The upper part of the next number
ClipRectText(_stateNum + 1, Alignment.topCenter),
// The upper part of the current number is hidden when _isReversePhase is true at a 90 degree Angle to the planeTransform( transform: Matrix4.identity() .. setEntry(
..rotateX(_isReversePhase ? pi / 2 : _animation.value),
alignment: Alignment.bottomCenter,
child: ClipRectText(_stateNum, Alignment.topCenter)),
padding: EdgeInsets.only(top: 2.0),
children: <Widget>[
// The lower part of the current number
ClipRectText(_stateNum, Alignment.bottomCenter),
// At the bottom of the next number, perform the flip animation only when _isReversePhase is true otherwise it will always be 90 degrees flatTransform( transform: Matrix4.identity() .. setEntry(
..rotateX(_isReversePhase ? -_animation.value : pi / 2),
alignment: Alignment.topCenter,
child: ClipRectText(_stateNum + 1, Alignment.bottomCenter)),
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- Animation to achieve
_controller = new AnimationController(
duration: Duration(milliseconds: 450), vsync: this)
..addStatusListener((status) {
// The animation is executed in the forward direction. After the forward execution, the animation is executed in the reverse direction
if (status == AnimationStatus.completed) {
_isReversePhase = true;
// The animation is executed in reverse. After the reverse execution, an animation rotation cycle ends. The current number is updated to the latest
if (status == AnimationStatus.dismissed) {
_isReversePhase = false;
_stateNum += 1; }}).. addListener(() { setState(() {}); });// Animate the values from 0 degrees to 90 degrees
_animation = Tween(begin: _zeroAngle, end: pi / 2).animate(_controller);
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- Animation trigger condition
void didUpdateWidget(FlipNumText oldWidget) {
// Animates the controller when the numeral num of the component changes
if (this.widget.num! = oldWidget.num) {
_stateNum = oldWidget.num;
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See here
for the full code
The last
Page turning animation effect in the implementation of many use of mathematical algorithms. For example, the use of Pi Angle, 2D and 3D Transform of Transform, Matrix Matrix and so on are inseparable from mathematical calculation. At present, the Matrix is only used, and further understanding of its principle is needed to make better use of it. At the same time also hope to have a small partner to communicate and progress together .
- OneClock Page turning clock
- 3D page turning animation effect
- Transform