Object 【object】

Everything is object and objects are empty

Function arrays are all objects

Objects: Complex data structures

Define an object:

A. Define an object literally

var obj = {
        name: "Sun Wukong".age: 1000.address: "Water Curtain Cave of Huaguo Mountain".wife: {
            name: "Purple Glow Fairy".age: 5000,},son: {
            name: Sun Wufan
        hobby: ["Eat the peach"."Playing a stick"."Orion"].say: function () {
            console.log("Where is Master Sand??");
        eat: function (food) {
            console.log("Eat" + food);
            return "I am the Monkey King."; }}Copy the code

B. Construct an object using new

var obj1 = new Object(a);// Access the key-value pairs in the object
    // How to use
    console.log(obj.name, obj.wife.name);

    // Get with []

    // Call a function in the object
    console.log(obj.eat("Peach"));Copy the code

C. Object classification:

Math Date Array Number String Boolean

The host object DOM BOM needs to be in the browser

3, ** custom object **

Objects: Properties (blue) and methods (API purple)

Are you seeing anyone? Anyway, XIAobian I don’t have, ha ha ha!! Everything is an object, and objects are empty. Master the object, is to master the knowledge!!