Study command, official documents do not forget, not here to check.

Help orders

1. Display the docker commands

docker --help
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In addition, you can also check the usage of specific commands, for example, I want to know what the command Docker images does and how to use it.

docker images --help
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2. The docker version information is displayed

docker version
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3. The docker system information is displayed

This includes the number of mirrors and containers.

docker info
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Docker images

1. View all mirrors on the local host

docker images
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The first line of the result has several fields, respectively:

  • REPOSITORY: the REPOSITORY source of the image, downloaded by this name and run by this name.
  • TAG: indicates the version of the image.
  • IMAGE ID: indicates the ID of an IMAGE.
  • CREATED: indicates the time when a mirror is CREATED.
  • SIZE: indicates the SIZE of the mirror.

Common options

  -a, --all             Show all images (default hides intermediate images)
  -q, --quiet           Only show image IDs
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  • -a: Lists all mirrors.
  • -q: Displays only the mirror ID.

2. Search the image docker Search

In addition to searching in the mirror warehouse of the web page, you can also search on the command line. For example, search mysql mirror.

docker search mysql
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The result is a list of mirrors that match the search keywords: name, description, number of stars, official, and so on.

Common options

  -f, --filter filter   Filter output based on conditions provided
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I can add some filter criteria, such as I only search for mysql related stars with 3000 or more.

3. Download docker Pull

Download the mysql image I just found.

docker pull mysql
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The real address, in fact, the command docker pull mysql equivalent to the docker pull docker. IO/library/mysql: the latest

Specifies the image version to download

Docker pull mysql: 5.7Copy the code

Note that 5.7 must be the version that exists in the mirror.

Notice in the result, there is a difference in the above, there is Already exists, which indicates that the above several mirrors, I Already have, do not need to download again, can share. Great resource savings, which is the advantage of Linux federated file systems.

Check the local image, mysql has two downloaded images, one is the latest version, the other 5.7.

4. Delete the image Docker RMI

Delete the specified image based on the mirror ID. Mysql > delete mirror id from mysql5.7

docker rmi -f 2c9028880e58
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As you can see, the files shared with the mysql image are not deleted.

Delete multiple mirrors.

docker rmi -f id id id
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Delete all.

docker rmi -f $(docker images -aq)
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You’ll learn more commands as you go along.