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Here is a summary of the problem of clicking buttons to add and delete a row of input boxes. The renderings are as follows:

There is a row of mandatory content, click the new row will add a new row, click the delete button after each row will delete the row. The implementation of consideration is to write a necessary form first, need to add the new form in a div, use V-for generation in div, to achieve the effect of simultaneous addition.

Dynamic Forms section

<div class="left_Box">
     <div class="btnTool" style="text-align:right;">
         <el-button type="primary" size="mini"@click="addDomain">The new line</el-button>
         <el-button type="primary" size="mini"@click="clear_btn('dynamicValidateForm')">empty</el-button>
         <el-button type="primary" size="mini"@click="submitForm('dynamicValidateForm')">Save as template</el-button>
         <el-form :model="dynamicValidateForm" ref="dynamicValidateForm" label-width="100px" :inline="true" class="demo_dynamic">
                <div v-for="(domain, index) in" :key="index" class="dv_hang" >
                    :prop="'domains.' + index + '.lx'"
                    :rules="{required: true, message: 'cannot be empty ', trigger: 'blur',}"
                    <label>State operator</label>
                    <el-select v-model="domain.lx" size="small">
                      <el-option label="Planned shutdown." value="PO"></el-option>
                      <el-option label="Unplanned shutdown." value="UO"></el-option>
                      <el-option label="Type I unplanned outages." value="UO1"></el-option>
                      <el-option label="Type II unplanned outage." value="UO2"></el-option>
                      <el-option label="Type 3 unplanned outages." value="UO3"></el-option>
                      <el-option label="Category 4 unplanned outages." value="UO4"></el-option>
                    :prop="'domains.' + index + '.qsfw'"
                    :rules="{required: true, message: 'cannot be empty ', trigger: 'blur',}"
                    <label>Time range</label>
                    <el-input-number v-model="domain.qsfw" :min="0" :precision="2" :step="0.1" size="small"></el-input-number>
                    <! -- <el-input v-model="domain.qsfw" size="small"></el-input> -->
                    :prop="'domains.' + index + '.zzfw'"
                    :rules="{required: true, message: 'cannot be empty ', trigger: 'blur',}"
                    <el-input-number v-model="domain.zzfw" :min="0" :precision="2" :step="0.1" size="small"></el-input-number>
                    <! -- <el-input v-model="domain.zzfw" size="small"></el-input> -->

                    :prop="'domains.' + index + '.zsxs'"
                    :rules="{required: true, message: 'cannot be empty ', trigger: 'blur',}"
                    <label>Reduced proportion</label>
                    <el-input-number v-model="domain.zsxs" :min="0" :precision="2" :step="0.1" size="small"></el-input-number>
                    <! -- <el-input v-model="domain.zsxs" size="small"></el-input> -->
                    <el-button @click.prevent="removeDomain(domain)" size="small" class="delhang_class">Delete rows</el-button>
Copy the code

Data definition section

export default {
  name: 'dynamicForm',
  data () {
    return{dynamicValidateForm: {
          domains: [{
            lx:' './ / state
            qsfw:' '.// Start range
            zzfw:' '.// Cutoff range
            zsxs:' '.// Convert the ratio}],},}}}Copy the code

Add method in methods

methods: {
          removeDomain(item) {/ / delete rows
            var index =
            if(index ! = = -1) {
    , 1)}},addDomain() {/ / new line
              lx:' './ / state
              qsfw:' '.// Start range
              zzfw:' '.// Cutoff range
              zsxs:' '.// Convert the ratio
          submitForm(formName) {// Save the button
            this.$refs[formName].validate((valid) = > {
              if (valid) {
              } else {
                console.log('error submit!! ');
                return false; }}); },clear_btn(formName) {
          savemoban(domainsdata){// Save as a template
            let params = {
            .post("/sbdZhzbFx/saveCaclueFormula", params)
            .then((res) = > {
              if("Success") {this.$message.success("Success!);
            }).catch((res) = >{}); }},Copy the code

One thing to note:

Normal form validation items rely on prop, whereas dynamically generated forms use :prop

Prop =”‘domain.’ + index +’.lx'”, domain is the array bound by V-for, index is the index, lx is the name of the v-model bound by the form, and then use. Link them together.

Prop =”‘v-for bound array.’ + index + ‘. V -model bound variable ‘”

💕💕~ thank you for reading ⭐️⭐ ⭐️. If you like, you can click like or leave a comment

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  • Raffle gift: 100 pieces, including badges, slippers, mugs, canvas bags, etc., will be distributed at random

  • Drawing time: Within 3 working days after the end of project Diggnation, all articles that meet the rules will be officially posted in the comments section

  • Lucky draw: Nuggets official random draw + manual verification

  • Comment content: comments, suggestions and discussions related to the content of the article. General comments such as “treading on” and “learning” will not win the prize

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