Small knowledge, big challenge! This paper is participating in theEssentials for programmers”Creative activities.

Preface: **

In traditional Spring Java development, a large number of XML files were stored in the project, which made the project cumbersome and inefficient to develop and deploy. The launch of SpringBoot a few years ago has improved the Spring developer experience. Integrated a large number of common third-party library configuration, zero configuration out of the box, so that we focus more on business logic. At the same time, the blogger took advantage of the weekend to collect more than ten modules of Springboot’s mind map learning route. An electronic mind map is available at the end of this article

First, Spring foundation

The first part mainly covers a brief history of Spring, AOP/IOC, the core module of Spring, data access, project creation, and some basic configurations

Spring common configuration

The second part is mainly about the Scope, SpringEL and resource invocation of Bean, Application Event and so on


Third, Spring advanced topics

The second part is mainly Spring Aware, multi-threading and @Enable* annotation working principle, Spring TestContext Framework integration test, etc

4. SpringMVC basics

The fourth part is mainly about quick construction of SpringMVC project, common annotations of SpringMVC, basic configuration of SpringMVC, advanced configuration of SpringMVC, etc

Five, SpringBoot foundation

The fifth part is mainly SpringBoot overview, SpringBoot core functions, the advantages and disadvantages of SpringBoot, SpringBoot version dependence, SpringBoot fast construction and other foundations


Six, SpringBoot core

The sixth part is mainly SpringBoot core part, this content is more important. Mainly springBoot entry classes and @SpringBootApplication, SpringBoot configuration files, starter POM, external configuration, SpringBoot operating principle, core annotations, etc

SpringbootWeb development

The seventh part is mainly about Springboot integrated Web development, Thymeleaf template engine, Web-related configuration, Tomcat configuration, SSL configuration, WebSocket, and modern Web applications based on Bootstrap and AnglarJS, etc

Data access for SpringBoot

The eighth part is mainly SpringBoot data access, the main function point is: the introduction of Docker operation, SpringDataJPA a series of operations. SpringData Arest, Spring transaction mechanism, declarative transaction, data Cache Cache, non-relational database NoSQL (MongoDB and Redis), etc

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Nine, SpringBoot enterprise development

The ninth part is the main module of security control SpringSecurity authority framework, batch processing SpringBatch, asynchronous message processing, system integration And so on

X. SpringBoot development, deployment and testing

This part of the main modules are springboot development of hot deployment configuration, conventional deployment of WAR package, JAR package form, cloud deployment — docker-based deployment, SpringBoot deployment test and so on

11. Springboot application monitoring

This part is mainly Springboot application monitoring test, test endpoint, custom endpoint, custom endpoint, SSH and a series of operations, common use is not much

Distributed system development

This part belongs to the advanced part of SpringBoot, mainly covering micro-service/native cloud application, SpringCloud quick start (service discovery, configuration, gateway, routing load, etc.), micro-service actual combat, docker-based deployment, etc


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