
In September 2019, a colony of Vespa Mandarinia, or Asian hornet, was discovered on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada. The nest was quickly destroyed, but news of the event spread quickly throughout the region. Since then, there have been several confirmed sightings of pests in neighboring Washington state, as well as a large number of false sightings. Figure 1 below shows a map of detections, bumblebee watches, and public sightings

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For the first question, we can start by plotting the frequency of reported confirmed sightings based on latitude and longitude, and looking at the distribution of hornets. Then select one or several areas to draw the annual event frequency map of this area, which can be considered by time series/LSTM, LSSVM prediction and other models. 2. Image recognition problem data preprocessing part: We opened the RAR file given to us and found that the image/video format was not the same, and even some unusual formats such as PDF /QuickTime appeared, so we needed to process the data. Looking at the data set, you can see that most of the files are in JPG format, so the rest of the images/videos need to be processed. Method 1 (relatively simple) : a. Image processing: A relatively simple method can use the format factory and other software to convert the image into JPG format with one click, and then use Matlab/Python to read the image and subsequent processing. B. Video processing: If you are not familiar with Python, you can use the screenshot software to take snapshots of each video in sequence and save them as pictures.