Code reference “interesting algorithm.C language implementation”
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- preface
- 1. The concept of graphs
- 2. Storage form of graph
- 1. Adjacency matrix:
- 2. Adjacency list
- 3. Code defines the adjacency list
- 3. Graph creation
- 4. Depth-first search DFS
- 5. Breadth first search for BFS
- 6. Case analysis
This chapter summarizes: the concept of graph, graph storage form, adjacency list definition, graph creation, graph traversal (DFS, BFS), and finally gives an example analysis
1. The concept of graphs
A graph consists of a nonempty finite set V of vertices and a set E of edges (relationships between vertices). Graphs are divided into directed graphs and undirected graphs.
2. Storage form of graph
The two most common are adjacency matrix and adjacency list
1. Adjacency matrix:
Use two arrays to store a graph. The first array is a one-dimensional array that holds the data in the graph. The second array is a two-dimensional array that stores the relationships between vertices, called the adjacency matrix. A[I][j]={1, when there is an edge 0 between vertex I and vertex j, when there is no edge between vertex I and vertex j}
A complex graph relationship can be represented by a simple adjacency matrix, but this method is not suitable for sparse graphs (graphs with fewer edges).
2. Adjacency list
Adjacency lists consist of linked lists and sequential arrays. Linked lists are used to store information about edges and arrays are used to store information about vertices. A linked list is created for each vertex. Each linked list is preceded by a header, the vertex field holds vertex data, and the pointer field next points to the first edge attached to vertex Vertex vertex.
vertex | next |
In each linked list, each node of the linked list is a large edge node, representing an edge attached to the corresponding vertex. Adjvex field stores the position of the other vertex of the edge in the vertex array (array subscript); Weight The weight of the storage edge; Next points to the next edge, or NULL if the last;
adjvex | weight | next |
Corresponding to head node and side node respectively:Copy the code
3. Code defines the adjacency list
// Adjacency list definition
#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 20 // Set the maximum number of vertices in the graph to 20
typedef struct ArcNode
// Type of node in a singly linked list
int adjvex; // This edge points to the position of the vertices in the order table (array subscript)
struct ArcNode *next; // Pointer to the next edge
infoType *weight; // Edge weights
typedef struct VNode
// Vertex type
VertexType data; // The data in the vertex is of type VertexType
ArcNode *firstarc; // Point to a single linked list, i.e. point to an edge
VNode G[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; // Array G of type VNode, which is the container for storing vertices in the graph.
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3. Graph creation
The creation of a graph is to create a graph structure based on adjacency list storage. Before doing this, the logical structure of the diagram must be designed. Step: 1, create graph vertices, that is, create the sequence of vertices in the graph table 2, create vertices between the edge, that is, create a single linked list. 1. Assign values to vertices first. Get the data in each vertex by Getdata and assign it to G[I].data. The firstarc field for each vertex is initialized to NULL 2, and edges between vertices are created. The edges should be created in strict accordance with the logical structure of the diagram originally designed. The process of creating edges is similar to that of creating linked lists. When -1 is entered, the edge to which the vertex is attached is created
// Create a graph
GreatGraph(int n,VNode G[])
int i,e;
ArcNode *p,*q;
printf("Input vertex information \n");
for(i=0; i<n; i++) { Getdata(G[i]);// Get the data in each vertex
G[i].firstarc=NULL; // Initialize the first edge of each vertex to be empty
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {printf("Create edge for the %d vertex");
scanf("%d",&e); // Enter the vertex coordinates to which the edge points
while(e! =- 1)
p=(ArcNode *)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); // Create an edge
p->next =NULL; // Next points to empty
p->adjvex = e; // Assign the information that the edge points to a vertex to Adjvex
if(G[i].firstarc == NULL)
G[i].firstarc=p; // the first edge of the I node
q->next = p;
scanf("%d",&e); }}}// To create the digraph mentioned above, then:
void main(a)
VNode G[3];
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4. Depth-first search DFS
Graph traversal: starting from one vertex of a graph, traversing the rest of the graph so that each vertex is visited only once. Graph traversal can be used to solve graph connectivity problems, topological sorting, shortest path, critical path
The basic idea of depth-first search: start from a vertex V in the graph, visit the vertex V, and then start from the unvisited adjacent points of V again, continue to depth-first traverse the graph until all vertices in the graph that are connected to the path of vertex V are accessed. Since a graph structure is not necessarily connected, a depth-first search may not traverse all vertices in the graph. If there are still unaccessed vertices in the graph, another unaccessed vertex in the graph is selected as the starting point to continue the depth-first search. Repeat until all vertices in the graph are accessed. Depth-first search is a recursive operation that repeats “visit vertex V and continue depth-first search from the unvisited adjacent points of V”.
// Code description
/* Depth-first search for a connected graph */
void DFS(VNode G[],int v)
int w;
visit(v); // Access the current vertex
visited[v] =1; // Set the access flag corresponding to vertex v to 1
w=FirstAdj(G,v); // Find the first adjacency of vertex v, return -1 if no adjacency exists
while(w! =- 1)
if(visited[w]==0) // If the vertex is not accessed
DFS(G,w); // Perform depth-first access recursively
w=NextAdj(G,v); // Find the next adjacency of vertex v, if not -1}}}// The main depth-first search algorithm for G=(V,E)
void Travel_DFS(VNode G[],int visited[],int n)
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) visited[i]=0; // Initialize the tag array to 0
for(i=0; i<n; i++)if(visited[i]==0) // If a vertex is not accessed, the depth-first search continues from that vertex
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The Travel_DFS function contains three parameters G[], which represents the container for storing graph structure. Here, it can be understood as the array of orientation markers set by the adjacency table VISITED [], which is used to mark the visited vertices in the graph. N represents the number of vertices in the graph. Initialize Visited to 0, because none of the points in the graph has been visited at first. The recursive function DFS is then called starting from the first unvisited vertex, from which depth-first traversal of the entire graph is not possible with a single recursive function DFS(), because DFS can only traverse all vertices of the graph connected to V starting from vertex V. If the graph is not connected, it cannot be traversed completely by DFS alone
An example can be used to describe the detailed traversal process:
Assuming that V0 is taken as the starting point, the initial value of the access token array is visited[5]={0,0,0,0,0}; {(1) visit vertex V0, visited[5]=1,0,0,0,0 (2) Use the function FirstAdj to get the first adjacency of V0, such as V1 (3) if -1 is not returned, that is, there is an adjacency (3.1) visit vertex V1, Visited [5]=1,1,0,0,0 (3.2) Obtain the first adjacency of V1 by using the function FirstAdj, V2(because V0 has been visited) (3.3) If -1 is not returned, that is, an adjacency (3.3.1) visits vertex V2, Visited [5]=1,1,1,0,0 (3.3.2) Use the function FirstAdj to get the first adjacency of V2 and return -1, because they have been visited. (3.4) Use the function NextAdj() to get the next adjacency of V1 and return -1. \begin{cases} (1) &\ text{access vertex V0, ,0,0,0,0 visited [5] = {1}} \ \ (2) & \ text {use function FirstAdj get where V0 first adjacent points, such as V1} \ \ (3) & \ text {if you don’t return 1, with adjacency point} \ \ (3.1) & \ text {visit vertices V1, ,1,0,0,0 visited [5] = {1}} \ \ (3.2) & \ text {use function FirstAdj get V1 first adjacent points, V2 (because) has been visited where V0} \ \ (3.3) & \ text {if you don’t return 1, With the adjacent point} \ \ (3.3.1) & \ text {access vertex V2, visited [5] =,1,1,0,0} {1} \ \ (3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12) & \ text {use function FirstAdj get V2 adjacent points, the first return 1, }\\ (3.4) &\ text{NextAdj() returns -1 because both are accessed}\\ (4) &\ text{NextAdj() returns -1 because both are accessed}\\ (4) &\ text{NextAdj() returns -1, Because lead son are visiting} {cases} \ \ \ end ⎩ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎧ (1) (2) (3) (3.1) (3.2) (3.3) (3.3.1) (3.3.2 rainfall distribution on 10-12) access points where V0 (3.4) and (4), Visited [5]=1,0,0,0,0 obtain the first adjacency of V0 by using the function FirstAdj. For example, if V1 does not return -1, that is, an adjacency visits the vertex V1. Visited [5]=1,1,0,0 obtain the first adjacency of V1 by using the function FirstAdj. If V2(because V0 has been visited) does not return -1, that is, some adjacency visits vertex V2. Visited [5]=1,1,1,0,0. We use FirstAdj to get the first adjacency of V2, and return -1 because all of them have been visited. Because they’re all accessed we use NextAdj() to get V0 and the next adjacency returns -1, because they’re all accessed
5. Breadth first search for BFS
Breadth-first search basic train of thought: from specified vertices v in this picture, the first visit vertices v, and then go to v all accessed the adjacent points, then starting from the adjacent points, according to the principle of the same access they accessed the adjacent points in turn So circulates, until the picture all adjacent points connected with the v to be accessed. If there are still unvisited vertices in the graph at this time, another unvisited vertex in the graph is selected as the starting point, and the breadth-first search continues until all vertices in the straight graph are visited.
Depth-first features: Drill down from one vertex until you can’t drill down any further, and then drill down from another unvisited vertex. Breadth first feature: hierarchical traversal method, that is, first visit the nearest vertex v0 v1,v2,v3… V1, v2, V3… Nearest vertex
Algorithm idea:
[A] 1. Access vertex V. 2. 3. Queue vertex V in a cup [B] to perform the following operations: 1, removed from the queue header element (vertex v) 2, get the first of the vertex adjacency point 3, if the adjacency point has not been access, access, incorporated into the queue, accessing tag set 1 4, vertex v next adjacent points, if there is the adjacent points, then jump back to step 3, if there is no adjacent points, jump back to step 1 cycle to perform the above operations, Until the queue is empty. Once the queue is empty, it indicates that the last vertex accessed has no unaccessed neighbors
Code Description:
void BFS(VNode G[],int v)
int w;
visit(v); // Access vertex v
visited[v]=1; // Set the access flag corresponding to vertex v to 1
EnQueue(q,v); // Vertex V is queued
while(! emptyQ(q)) { DeQueue(&q,&v);// the element is returned by v
w = FirstAdj(G,v); // Find the first adjacency of vertex v, return -1 if no adjacency exists
while(w! =- 1)
EnQueue(q,w); // Vertex W is queued
w=NextAdj(G,v); // Find the next adjacency of vertex v, if none, return -1}}}// Main algorithm for breadth-first search on graph G=(V,E)
void Travel_BFS(VNode G[],int visited[],int n)
int i;
for(i=0; i<n; i++) { visited[0] =0; // The token array is initialized to 0
for(i=0; i<n; i++) {if(visited[i]==0) // If the vertex is not accessed, the breadth-first search continues from that vertexBFS(G,i); }}/* BFS implements breadth-first search for a connected graph. Parameter G[] represents the storage container of the graph, i.e. adjacency table V represents the starting point of breadth-first traversal accessCopy the code
An example can be used to describe the detailed traversal process:
1,visit(V0),visited[5]={1,0,0,0,0} queue: V0 2, QueOut(V0),Firstadj(V0)=V1,visit(V1) queue: 3,visit(V1),visited[5]={1,1,0,0,0} queue: V1 4, NextAdj(V0)=V2,visit(V2) queue: V1 5,visit (V2),visited[5]={1,1,1,0,0} queue: V1,V2 6, NextAdj(V0)=-1 queue: V1,V2 7, QueOut(V1),Firstadj(V1)=V3,visit(V3) queue: V2 8,visit(V3),visited[5]={1, 1,1,1,1,0} queue: NextAdj(V1)=V4,visit(V4) queue: V2, V3 10,visit(V4),visited[5]={1,1,1,1,1} queue: V2, V3 10,visit(V4),visited[5]={1,1,1,1,1} queue: V2, V3,V4 12, QueOut(V2),Firstadj(V2)=-1 queue: V2, V3,V4 12, QueOut(V2),Firstadj(V2)=-1 queue: V3,V4 14, QueOut(V3),Firstadj(V3)=-1 queue:V4 15, QueOut(V4),Firstadj(V4)=-1 queue: This data structure is a binary tree structure, so breadth-first search is suitable for traversing a tree structure, which is a standard hierarchy
Note that we are traversing the connected components of a graph in terms of the relationship between each vertex in the graph, rather than simply accessing each vertex in the graph. Graph traversal may involve other operations, such as calculating the sum of edge weights of weighted directed graphs, recording vertex access trajectories of directed graphs, and recording edge weights between two vertices, all of which must depend on graph traversal.
6. Case analysis
Here we instantiate the two functions involved above, FirstAdj() and NextAdj(); FirstAdj(): Returns the index of the first adjacency of a vertex in G, or -1 if the vertex has no adjacency
// Returns the index of the first adjacency in the array
int FirstAdj(VNode G[],int v)
if(G[v].firstarc! =NULL) return (G[v].firstarc)->adjvex; If the node has the first edge, return the subscript, otherwise return -1
return - 1;
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NextAdj() : Returns the subscript of the next adjacency of a vertex in array G, -1 if the vertex has no adjacency, or all adjacencies of the vertex have been accessed
// Returns the index of the next adjacency in the array
int NextAdj(VNode G[],int v)
ArcNode *p;
while(p! =NULL)
if(visited[p->adjvex]) p=p->next; // If already accessed, -1 is returned
else return p->adjvex;
return - 1;
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An undirected graph is created in the form of adjacency list, and a depth-first search method is applied to traverse every vertex in the graph
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "malloc.h"
#include "conio.h"
// Adjacency list definition
#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 20 // Set the maximum number of vertices in the graph to 20
typedef int VertexType ;
typedef struct ArcNode
// Type of node in a singly linked list
int adjvex; // This edge points to the position of the vertices in the order table (array subscript)
struct ArcNode* next; // Pointer to the next edge
//infoType* weight; // Edge weights
typedef struct VNode
// Vertex type
VertexType data; // The data in the vertex is of type VertexType
ArcNode* firstarc; // Point to a single linked list, i.e. point to an edge
VNode G[MAX_VERTEX_NUM]; // Array G of type VNode, which is the container for storing vertices in the graph.
int visited[5] = { };
// Create a graph
void GreatGraph(int n, VNode G[])
int i, e;
ArcNode* p, * q;
q = NULL;
printf("Input vertex information \n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {scanf("%d", &G[i].data); // Get the data in each vertex
G[i].firstarc = NULL; // Initialize the first edge of each vertex to be empty
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {printf("Create edge \n of vertex %d",i);
scanf("%d", &e); // Enter the vertex coordinates to which the edge points
while(e ! =- 1)
p = (ArcNode*)malloc(sizeof(ArcNode)); // Create an edge
p->next = NULL; // Next points to empty
p->adjvex = e; // Assign the information that the edge points to a vertex to Adjvex
if (G[i].firstarc == NULL)
G[i].firstarc = p; // the first edge of the I node
q->next = p;
q = p;
scanf("%d", &e); }}}// Returns the index of the first adjacency in the array
int FirstAdj(VNode G[], int v)
if(G[v].firstarc ! =NULL) return (G[v].firstarc)->adjvex; If the node has the first edge, return the subscript, otherwise return -1
return - 1;
// Returns the index of the next adjacency in the array
int NextAdj(VNode G[], int v)
ArcNode* p;
p = G[v].firstarc;
while(p ! =NULL)
if (visited[p->adjvex]) p = p->next; // If already accessed, -1 is returned
else return p->adjvex;
return - 1;
void DFS(VNode G[], int v)
int w;
printf("%d ", G[v].data); // Access the current vertex, print the vertex amount data information
visited[v] = 1; // Set the access flag corresponding to vertex v to 1
w = FirstAdj(G, v); // Find the first adjacency of vertex v, return -1 if no adjacency exists
while(w ! =- 1)
if (visited[w] == 0) // If the vertex is not accessed
DFS(G, w); // Perform depth-first access recursively
w = NextAdj(G, v); // Find the next adjacency of vertex v, if not -1}}/* 1; /* 1; Get the data in each vertex by Getdata and assign it to G[I].data. The firstarc field for each vertex is initialized to NULL 2, and edges between vertices are created. The edges should be created in strict accordance with the logical structure of the diagram originally designed. The process of creating edges is similar to that of creating linked lists. When -1 is entered, the edge attached to the vertex is created */
int main(a)
VNode G[5];
GreatGraph(5, G);
printf("DFS search \n");
DFS(G, 0);
return 0;
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