“This is the 17th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge.
Welcome friends to search “Andy Hui” on wechat to pay attention to a wave!
Write some thoughts of the programmer, hope it will help you.
Status of design patterns
Introduction to State Modes
State mode is a behavior design mode that allows you to change the behavior of an object as its internal state changes, making it look like it’s changing the class it belongs to.
The state mode describes various state changes under a behavior. For example, when you log in to the page of the most common website, users will see different pages when you log in and when you do not log in. This kind of login and non-login means that we change the whole behavior by changing the state.
The state pattern suggests creating a class for all possible states of an object and then extracting the corresponding behavior of all states into those classes.
The original object, called the context, does not implement all of its own behavior. Instead, it holds a reference to the object representing the current state and delegates all state-related work to that object.
State pattern structure
- 1. Context
Saves a reference to a concrete state object and delegates all work related to that state to it. The context interacts with the state object through the state interface and provides a setter for passing the new state object.
- 2. Status interface
State-specific methods are declared, and these methods should be understood by all other concrete states, because you don’t want methods owned by some states to never be called.
- 3. Specific state
Implements state-specific methods on its own. To avoid similar code in multiple states, you can provide an intermediate abstract class that encapsulates some common behavior.
- 4. Business logic
Both the context and the concrete state can set the next state of the context, and the actual state transition can be accomplished by replacing the state object attached to the context.
Application scenarios of the state mode
- Objects need to behave differently depending on their current state, and the number of states is very large and the state-related code changes frequently.
- When a class needs to change its behavior based on the current value of a member variable, requiring a large number of conditional statements.
- State patterns can be used when there is a lot of duplicate code in similar states and conditional based state machine transitions.
- Determine which classes are context and declare state interfaces.
- Create a class that inherits the state interface for each actual state, then examine the methods in context and extract any code related to that particular state into the newly created class.
- Adds a reference member variable of the status interface type to the context class.
- Again examine the methods in context and replace the empty conditional statement with the state object method of the response.
- Pass context state.
Meet the single responsibility principle and open closed principle.
This pattern extracts state-related behavior into separate state classes and lets the original objects delegate work to instances of these classes rather than handle it themselves.
State patterns can be identified through externally controlled methods that change behavior based on object state.
Abstract state classes
Implement abstract state classes
Context class
Client call
As for the state mode, it must be implemented according to the specific business scenario. That is, when a state changes, there are many coupling classes in the corresponding business that also need to make different changes, the state mode can be used.
Small remarks
Life is short, I don’t want to go after what I can’t see, I just want to catch what I can see.
Original is not easy, give a attention.
I am Hui, thank you for reading, if it is helpful to you, please like, forwarding thank you.