Codewars Spawn 1 – [regular generated Phone Number] -6Sku – Creat Phone Number

Problem description

Write a function that accepts an array of 10 integers (between 0 and 9), that returns a string of those numbers in the form of a phone number.

Write a function that takes an array of 10 integers (between 0 and 9) and returns a string of those numbers as phone numbers.

Ex. :

createPhoneNumber([]); // => returns "(123) 456-7890"
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Their thinking

  1. Convert an array to a string
  2. Regular replacement(* * * * * * - * * * *

The problem solving

  1. The second argument in the string.prototype.replace () method can use $n to insert the matching NTH parenthes-matched String. Note:

    • You need a RegExp object as the first argument.
    • nIs a non-negative integer. The value range is[1, 100)
function createPhoneNumber(numbers) {
    return numbers.join(' ').replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/.'($1) $2 - $3');
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  1. test
console.log(createPhoneNumber([])); / / "(123) 456-7890"
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Codewars selected solution

Once you have successfully submitted your answer, you can browse other people’s solutions for best practices and clever solutions.

Choice solution 1:

function createPhoneNumber(numbers) {
    numbers = numbers.join(' ');
    return ` (${numbers.substring(0.3)}) ${numbers.substring(3.6)}-${numbers.substring(6)}`
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Selected solution 2:

function createPhoneNumber(numbers) {
    return numbers.join(' ').replace(/ (...). (...). / (. *).'($1) $2 - $3');
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My solution is similar to this one, but it’s more compatible.

Solution 3:

function createPhoneNumber(numbers) {
    var n = numbers;
    return (
        '(' +
        n[0] +
        n[1] +
        n[2] +
        ') ' +
        n[3] +
        n[4] +
        n[5] +
        The '-' +
        n[6] +
        n[7] +
        n[8] +
        n[9]); }Copy the code

It’s not elegant, but some commenters say it’s the fastest solution. [stand hand]

Topic Related knowledge

  1. String.prototype.replace()
  2. String.prototype.substring()
  3. Regular expression

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Thanks open Source, Peace.