This is the 13th day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge
hello everyone, my name is Xiao Cheng, today walk a healing wind, to do a healing department of meteor shower effect
In the dead of night, programmer Xiao Cheng sat on the roof, looking at the screen full of error, the in the mind pull cool pull cool, tears wet face, countless their own bucket run figure filled in the mind, suddenly found that he did not have a bucket. At this time, the sky flashed over the meteor, Xiao Cheng saw this scene, the bug in the heart has already gone, leaving the restoration of this scene is heroic feat! (Woke up and made it up)
Xiao Cheng depicted the scene in his mind into an animation, and began his show time
Analysis of the animation
It is very simple to achieve a meteor shower effect, then we need to analyze the animation, and then step by step to achieve the final effect, the first time to see this effect felt very shocking, the meteor effect is very realistic, very cool. Let’s analyze the process, from the general idea, we can use CSS3 animation to achieve, draw a meteor, let it move from right top to left down, the beginning and end of the meteor slide outside the visual box, so that you can create a far end of the flying effect, at the same time to achieve the cycle of animation.
Preprocessor selection
So with all these meteors, how do we do that? Can you think of a few ways?
The first: dynamic insertion of HTML using JS
Second: Canvas canvas, through the instantiation of the way to create particles
The third: pure HTML
Of course, I chose the simplest pure HTML, using the compiler’s Element syntax to quickly generate 50 div tags (.star*50), without having to worry about the performance of JS operations and the compatibility issues of using a canvas.
Judging from the animation provided by Seki, each meteor’s stroke speed, its interval time, the starting position and even the length are all different, so for so many elements, do we need to write CSS code for them one by one? Of course, the answer is yes, of course we will not use CSS to develop. We can choose to develop a CSS preprocessor that uses the syntax differences between less and sass, and sass is more powerful than less. At first, I planned to use LESS for product development, but I encountered the following problems:
Random is required to generate random numbers in the setting of attributes such as meteor length. However, it is found in the official document of LESS that there is no built-in API of Random
After looking up the data, I found that because less is written by JS, so it naturally supports JS syntax, need to add the symbol in front of the ~, so try to use JS built-in object Math to call the generation of random numbers, the results appear to compile error, but in the less transformation tool on the Internet can correctly transform, a little confused… (strange)
However, we can clearly see random in the official documents of SASS, so there are no so many strange things. This product confirmation uses sASS preprocessor for code writing
The product made
With the development tools to be used, we can officially write the code
1. Determine the direction of the meteor
From the perspective of animation, the direction of motion of the meteor is certain. We can add an animation to the meteor, and then rotate the whole container of meteor particles at a certain Angle, so that the direction of motion of the meteor will be certain
.container {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 70%;
transform: rotate(-25deg);
Copy the code
The longitudinal direction of the blue square is the direction in which the meteor is moving
Now that we know where the meteors are moving, let’s draw the meteor pattern
2. Draw the meteor style
The meteor effect is made up of two parts, a tail and a star
First, the trailing effect can be achieved by gradient
background: linear-gradient(45deg, currentColor, transparent);
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 6px currentColor);
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This is a variable that can be used directly. The advantage of this is that when you change the color value, the trailing color and the shadow color will change directly. You don’t have to change the two values separately
In terms of shadow processing, most people use box-shadow, so few people know the difference between drop-shadow and box-shadow.
Box-shadow is a simple translation of “box-shadow”. The first controls the horizontal offset, the second controls the vertical offset, the third controls the blur, and the fourth controls the shadow color.
Drop-shadow is also used for shadows, but it is not limited to rectangular areas.
Drop-shadow is a real world projection. Non-transparent colors have a projection, transparent colors do not have a projection, and box-shadow is just a box projection, even if there is a transparent area in the box
The above image shows the significant difference between the two, which is useful in many scenarios.
Meteor head star effect
Using double pseudo elements, draw two small short lines at both ends, position them to the head, and rotate them at a certain Angle to achieve a shining star effect
.star::before {
transform: rotate(45deg);
.star::after {
transform: rotate(-45deg);
Copy the code
3. Add a swipe animation
The slide animation for a single meteor is as simple as changing the position, adjusting the transformX value at the beginning to move the meteor out of view
// Add to a single meteoranimationAs well astransformattributetransform: translate3d(220vh.0.0);
animation: fall 10slinear infinite; // Animation declaration@keyframes fall {
to {
transform: translate3d(-30em.0.0); }}Copy the code
But what we need to do is we need to manipulate all of the particles, each of the particles at random times, and it’s much more than that. Keep going
4. Loop style
Since the animation delay, animation time and other attributes of each meteor are random numbers within a certain range, the style needs to be set through a loop
First of all, you need to write a function in CSS that returns a random number within a certain range
@function random_range($min.$max) {
$rand: random();
$random_range: $min + floor($rand * (($max - $min) + 1));
@return $random_range;
Copy the code
This method takes two parameters, the left boundary and the bound, uses SCSS’s own random method to get a random number, and then multiplys the difference between the two boundaries, plus the left boundary, to fulfill the requirement
When writing a function in SCSS, you need to pay special attention to its syntax
Random_range (0vh, 10000vh); random_range(0vh, 10000vh);
--star-length:#{random_range(500em.750em) / 100};
Copy the code
Next, set a random style for each meteor
@for $i from 1 through $star-count{&:nth-child(#{$i}) {
--star-length:#{random_range(500em.750em) / 100};
--top-offset: #{random_range(0vh.10000vh) / 100};
--fall-duration: #{random_range(6000.12000s) / 1000};
--fall-delay: #{random_range(0.10000s) / 1000}; }}Copy the code
In style code, write a loop where star-count is a length variable defined earlier of 50 so that the loop I increments from 0 to 50, so that 50 meteor particles can be styled via nth-child(I)
SCSS loop code after conversion
In this way, each meteor element can have its own random style to achieve the random effect
5. Bind animation
animation: fall var(--fall-duration) var(--fall-delay) linear infinite;
Copy the code
Change the animation style from the previous meteor particle to its own animation time and delay time
6. Add background
Finally, add a beautiful background in line with the scene, then let me accompany you to see a meteor shower!
What can we learn from this passage?
Loop setting stylebox-shadow
The difference between- The magic of pseudo-elements
- The realization of the trailing effect
Complete SCSS code
For the HTML code, enter. Container >.star*50 in the Body and press Enter
/* Set background */
body {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
height: 100vh;
background: url(starBgc.jpg);/* Background image */
background-size: cover;
.container {
position: fixed;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 70%;
transform: rotate(-25deg);
// Generate a random number function in the range
@function random_range($min.$max) {
$rand: random();
$random_range: $min + floor($rand * (($max - $min) + 1));
@return $random_range;
.star {
$star-count: 50;
--star-length: 6em;
--star-height: 2px;
--star-width: calc(var(--star-length) / 6);
position: absolute;
/* Add a */ for each star
top: var(--top-offset);
left: 0;
/* Set the length and width of each star by */
width: var(--star-length);
height: var(--star-height);
color: #fff;
background: linear-gradient(45deg, currentColor, transparent);
border-radius: 50%;
/* Drop -shadow/box-shadow */
filter: drop-shadow(0 0 6px currentColor);
/* xyz */
transform: translate3d(220vh.0.0);
animation: fall var(--fall-duration) var(--fall-delay) linear infinite;
/ / loop
@for $i from 1 through $star-count{&:nth-child(#{$i}) {
--star-length:#{random_range(500em.750em) /100};
--top-offset: #{random_range(0vh.10000vh) / 100};
--fall-duration: #{random_range(6000.12000s) / 1000};
--fall-delay: #{random_range(0.10000s) / 1000}; }}// Fake elements make stars
&::after {
position: absolute;
content: ' ';
top: 0;
left: calc(var(--star-width) / -2);
width: var(--star-width);
height: 100%;
background: linear-gradient(45deg, transparent, currentColor, transparent);
border-radius: inherit;
animation: blink 2s linear infinite;
&::before {
transform: rotate(45deg);
&::after {
transform: rotate(-45deg); }}@keyframes fall {
to {
transform: translate3d(-30em.0.0); }}@keyframes blink {
50% {
opacity: 0.6; }}Copy the code
That’s the end of this article. I hope you enjoy
. If you have any questions, please leave them in the comments section