Cellular automata introduction
Cellular automata was originally proposed by Von Neumann in the 1950s to simulate the self-replication of biological cells. Cellular automata came to the attention of scientists in 1970 when John Holden Conway of Cambridge University designed a computer game called “The Game of Life”.
S. Wolram published a series of papers in 1983. In this paper, the models generated by 256 rules of elementary cellular machine are studied and their evolution is described by entropy. Cellular automata are classified into stationary, periodic, chaotic and complex types.
Cellular automata (CA) is a method used to simulate local rules and local connections. Cellular automata are typically defined on a grid, where each point represents a cell and a finite state. The change rule applies to each cell and simultaneously. The rules of change typically depend on the state of the cell and the state of its (4 or 8) neighbors.
Change rules for 3 cells & change rules for cell states typically depend on the state of a cell and the states of its (4 or 8) neighbors.
Application of cellular automata Cellular automata has been applied to physical simulation, biological simulation and other fields.
5 Cellular automata MATLAB programming combined with the above, we can understand cellular automata simulation needs to understand three points. One is cellular, which can be understood as a square block composed of one or more points in the matrix in MATLAB. Generally, we use a point in the matrix to represent a cellular. The second is the change rule. The change rule of cellular determines the state of cellular at the next moment. The third is the state of the cell. The state of the cell is self-defined and usually opposite, such as the living state or death state of the creature, the red light or the green light, the point with or without obstacles, and so on.
One dimensional cellular automata — traffic rulesDefinition: 6.1 Cells are distributed on a one-dimensional linear grid. 6.2 Cells have only two states: car and empty. Two-dimensional cellular automata — The Game of lifeDefinition: 7.1 Cells are distributed on a two-dimensional square grid. 7.2 Cells have only two states of life and death.
The cellular state is determined by its eight neighbors. Rules:
Skull: death; Smiley face: if there are three smiley faces around you, the middle will become smiley face less than two or more smiley faces, and the middle will become death.
What is cellular automata discrete system: cellular is defined in finite time and space, and the state of cellular is finite. Dynamical system: The behavior of cellular automata is characterized by dynamics. Simplicity and complexity: Cellular automata simulate complex worlds by controlling interacting cells with simple rules.
9 Constituent Elements
(1) Cell
Cell is the basic unit of cellular automata: state: Every cell has the function of memory storage state. Discrete: In the simple case, there are only two possible states of cellular; In more complex cases, cells have multiple states. Update: cellular states are constantly updated according to dynamic rules.(2) LatticeDifferent dimensional grid
Common two-dimensional grid
(3) Neighborhood
(4) Boundary
Reflective: the state with itself as the boundary absorbing: regardless of the boundary (the car disappears when it reaches the boundary)
(5) Rules (State transition function)Definition: The dynamic function of the cellular state at the next moment is determined according to the current state of the cell and its neighbors. Simply speaking, it is a state transfer function. Classification: Summation type: the state of a cell depends on and only depends on the current state of all its neighbors and its own current state. Legal: The sum rule belongs to the legal rule. However, if the rules of cellular automata are limited to summation type, cellular automata will be limited.6. Forest fires Green: trees; Red: fire; Black: empty space. Tree: Becomes fire when there is fire around or when struck by lightning. Open space: with probability P into trees rational analysis: red for fire; Ash is empty space; Green is the tree
The sum of the three states of cell density is 1
The density of fire to open space is equal to the density of open space to trees (new trees are equal to burned trees)
F is the probability of lightning: much less than the probability of tree generation; T smax T_{smax}T smax is the time scale for a whole bunch of trees to burnProgram implementationPeriodic boundary condition purchases
The numbers are numbered to construct the neighbor matrix
The numbers in the above matrix correspond to the upper neighbor numbers of the same position numbers of the original matrix, and 1 and 1 correspond to the same principle:
(7) Transportation conceptDistance and density
Flow equation
Conservation equation
Spacetime trajectory (horizontal axis is space and vertical axis is time)
The intersection of the red line and the blue line indicates the position of the car at each time. If it’s a vertical line, it’s the time the car was in that position
Macro continuous model:The most commonly used rules:
The red bar means the velocity is full.
1 Acceleration rule: do not exceed v max (2 grids /s) v_{Max} (2 grids /s) v Max (2 grids /s) 2 Collision prevention: do not exceed the vehicle distance
Theoretical analysis:Result analysis: density and flow
The first graph: the abscissa is the normalized density, and the ordinate is the traffic flow. Second figure: theoretical value versus CA result
Result analysis: space-time trajectoryThe dark area in the middle is a traffic jam.
Two, some source code
CLC clear all close all %% data=[CLC clear all close all %%102 0 0 inf 0; % % the first layer65 1150 0 inf 0 ;
16 1150 - 2780. 63 4 ;
66 6850 0 inf 0 ;
17 6850 - 2780. 63 4 ;
67 9220 0 inf 0 ;
18 9220 - 2770. 63 4 ;
68 13020 0 inf 0 ;
11 13020 2960 60 0 ;
69 15020 0 inf 0 ;
19 15020 - 2710. 72 4 ;
70 18480 0 inf 0 ;
20 18480 - 2710. 72 4 ;
71 21100 0 inf 0 ;
72 24180 0 inf 0 ;
21 24180 - 2710. 72 4 ;
73 27640 0 inf 0 ;
22 27640 - 2710. 72 4 ;
74 33040 0 inf 0 ;
23 33040 - 2710. 72 4 ;
104 34770 0 inf 0 ;
52 6850 6960 inf 0; % % the second floor2 6850 9340 68 4 ;
51 5150 6960 inf 0 ;
9 5150 4160 33 0 ;
50 3100 6960 inf 0 ;
8 3100 4000 69 4 ;
49 1470 6960 inf 0 ;
101 0 6960 inf 0;
1 1470 9340 68 4 ;
53 10110 6960 inf 0 ;
10 10110 3920 75 4 ;
54 11060 6960 inf 0 ;
3 11060 9780 68 4 ;
55 13030 6960 inf 0 ;
4 13030 9640 44 0 ;
56 16160 6960 inf 0 ;
12 16160 4120 75 4 ;
57 18540 6960 inf 0 ;
47 18540 10670 12 0 ;
58 19260 6960 inf 0 ;
59 21670 6960 inf 0 ;
13 21670 4120 75 4 ;
60 22340 6960 inf 0 ;
5 22340 9670 72 4 ;
61 25800 6960 inf 0 ;
6 25800 9670 72 4 ;
62 27370 6960 inf 0 ;
14 27370 4120 75 4 ;
63 30130 6960 inf 0 ;
7 30130 9730 72 4 ;
64 31500 6960 inf 0 ;
15 31500 4160 69 4 ;
103 33230 6960 inf 0 ;
25 6850 13360 68 4; % the fourth floor78 6850 10980 inf 0 ;
77 5150 10980 inf 0 ;
32 5150 8180 33 0 ;
76 3100 10980 inf 0 ;
31 3100 8020 69 4 ;
75 1470 10980 inf 0 ;
24 1470 13360 68 4 ;
105 0 10980 inf 0 ;
79 10110 10980 inf 0 ;
33 10110 7940 75 4 ;
80 11060 10980 inf 0 ;
26 11060 13800 68 4 ;
81 13030 10980 inf 0 ;
27 13030 13660 44 0 ;
82 16160 10980 inf 0 ;
35 16160 8140 75 4 ;
48 18540 12870 12 0; % % the stairs83 18540 10980 inf 0 ;
84 19260 10980 inf 0 ;
85 21670 10980 inf 0 ;
36 21670 8140 75 4 ;
86 22340 10980 inf 0 ;
28 22340 13690 72 4 ;
87 25800 10980 inf 0 ;
29 25800 13690 72 4 ;
88 27370 10980 inf 0 ;
37 27370 8140 75 4 ;
89 30130 10980 inf 0 ;
30 30130 13750 72 4 ;
90 31500 10980 inf 0 ;
38 31500 8180 69 4 ;
107 33230 10980 inf 0 ;
106 0 4020 inf 0; % % the third floor91 1150 4020 inf 0 ;
39 1150 1240 63 4 ;
92 6850 4020 inf 0 ;
40 6850 1240 63 4 ;
93 9220 4020 inf 0 ;
41 9220 1240 63 4 ;
94 13020 4020 inf 0 ;
34 13020 6980 60 0 ;
95 15020 4020 inf 0 ;
42 15020 1310 72 4 ;
96 18480 4020 inf 0 ;
43 18480 1310 72 4 ;
97 21100 4020 inf 0 ;
98 24180 4020 inf 0 ;
44 24180 1310 72 4 ;
99 27640 4020 inf 0 ;
45 27640 1310 72 4 ;
100 33040 4020 inf 0 ;
46 33040 1310 72 4 ;
108 34770 4020 inf 0; ] ; %% The first column is the starting point, the second column is the end point, the third column is the length, the fourth column is the channel capacity, the fifth column is the number of passage at each step, the sixth column is the number of current passage, % the seventh column is the number of passage at the current moment, the eighth column is the number and the ninth column is the channel area R=[65 102 1150 4 2 0 0 101 1; The first layer %16 65 2780 8 2 0 0 16 2
66 65 5700 29 3 0 0 65 8
66 17 2780 8 2 0 0 17 2
66 67 2370 12 3 0 0 66 3
18 67 2770 8 2 0 0 18 2
68 67 3800 19 3 0 0 67 5
11 68 2960 7 2 0 0 11 2
69 68 2000 10 3 0 0 68 3
19 69 2710 8 3 0 0 19 2
70 69 3460 17 3 0 0 69 5
20 70 2710 8 3 0 0 20 2
70 71 2620 22 2 0 0 70 4
72 71 3080 15 3 0 0 71 4
21 72 2710 8 3 0 0 21 2
73 72 3460 17 3 0 0 72 5
22 73 2710 8 3 0 0 22 2
74 73 5400 27 3 0 0 73 8
23 74 2710 8 3 0 0 23 2
74 104 1730 6 2 0 0 103 2
49 101 1470 5 2 0 0 100 1The second floor %1 49 2380 8 2 0 0 1 2
49 50 1630 8 3 0 0 49 2
8 50 2960 8 2 0 0 8 2
51 50 2050 10 3 0 0 50 3
9 51 2800 8 2 0 0 9 2
52 51 1700 10 3 0 0 51 2
2 52 2380 8 2 0 0 2 2
52 66 6960 35 2 0 0 109 2
53 52 3260 15 3 0 0 52 5
10 53 3040 9 2 0 0 10 2
54 53 950 6 3 0 0 53 1
3 54 2820 8 2 0 0 3 2
55 54 2920 16 2 0 0 54 4
4 55 2680 8 2 0 0 4 2
56 55 3130 16 3 0 0 55 4
12 56 2840 8 2 0 0 12 2
57 56 2380 12 3 0 0 56 3
47 57 3710 10 2 0 0 47 3
58 57 720 4 3 0 0 57 1
71 58 6960 35 3 0 0 59 10
59 58 2410 12 3 0 0 58 3
13 59 2840 8 2 0 0 13 2
60 59 670 3 2 0 0 60 1
5 60 2710 8 2 0 0 5 2
61 60 3460 17 3 0 0 61 5
6 61 2710 8 2 0 0 6 2
61 62 1570 8 3 0 0 62 2
62 63 2760 14 3 0 0 63 4
14 62 2840 8 2 0 0 14 2
7 63 2760 8 2 0 0 7 2
64 63 1370 7 3 0 0 64 2
15 64 2800 8 2 0 0 15 2
64 103 1730 6 2 0 0 102 2
91 106 1150 4 2 0 0 105 1; % the third layer39 91 2780 8 2 0 0 39 2
92 91 5700 29 3 0 0 91 8
40 92 2780 8 2 0 0 40 2
93 92 2370 12 3 0 0 92 3
41 93 2770 8 2 0 0 41 2
93 94 3800 19 3 0 0 93 5
34 94 2960 7 2 0 0 34 2
94 95 2000 10 3 0 0 94 3
42 95 2710 8 3 0 0 42 2
96 95 3460 17 3 0 0 95 5
43 96 2710 8 3 0 0 43 2
96 97 2620 22 2 0 0 96 4
97 98 3080 15 3 0 0 97 4
44 98 2710 8 3 0 0 44 2
98 99 3460 17 3 0 0 98 5
45 99 2710 8 3 0 0 45 2
99 100 5400 27 3 0 0 99 8
46 100 2710 8 3 0 0 46 2
100 108 1730 6 2 0 0 107 2
75 105 1470 5 2 0 0 104 1% of the first4layer24 75 2380 8 2 0 0 24 2
75 76 1630 8 3 0 0 74 2
31 76 2960 8 2 0 0 31 2
77 76 2050 10 3 0 0 75 3
32 77 2800 8 2 0 0 32 2
78 77 1700 10 3 0 0 76 2
25 78 2380 8 2 0 0 25 2
78 92 6960 35 2 0 0 78 10
78 79 3260 15 3 0 0 77 5
33 79 3040 9 2 0 0 33 2
79 80 950 6 3 0 0 79 1
26 80 2820 8 2 0 0 26 2
80 81 2920 16 2 0 0 80 4
27 81 2680 8 2 0 0 27 2
81 82 3130 16 3 0 0 81 4
35 82 2840 8 2 0 0 35 2
82 83 2380 12 3 0 0 82 3
48 83 3710 10 2 0 0 48 2
83 84 720 4 3 0 0 83 1
84 97 6960 35 3 0 0 85 10
84 85 2410 12 3 0 0 84 3
36 85 2840 8 2 0 0 36 2
85 86 670 3 2 0 0 86 1
28 86 2710 8 2 0 0 28 2
86 87 3460 17 3 0 0 87 5
29 87 2710 8 2 0 0 29 2
88 87 1570 8 3 0 0 88 2
88 89 2760 14 3 0 0 89 4
37 88 2840 8 2 0 0 37 2
30 89 2760 8 2 0 0 30 2
89 90 1370 7 3 0 0 90 2
38 90 2800 8 2 0 0 38 2
90 107 1730 6 2 0 0 106 2
47 48 2200 14 3 0 0 108 6 ];
R(:,7) =0; % The seventh column is the current channel number R(:,10) =1400; % channel initial speed D=zeros(108.108);
fa=1; % Ship tilting velocity attenuation factor figure(1)
hold on
for i=1:size(data,1)
for i=1:size(R,1)
D(R(i,1),R(i,2))=R(i,3); % distance matrix end Kt is equal to1.54;
D(47.48)=D(47.48)*Kt; % fire point path equivalent wc1=0.05;
D(68.69)=D(68.69) * (1+wc1);
D(69.70)=D(69.70) * (1+wc1); % path equivalent wc2= near the fire0.02;
D(67.68)=D(67.68) * (1+wc2);
D(70.71)=D(70.71) * (1+wc2);
D(find(D==0))=inf ; Will a = %0Mm =sum(data(:,5)); Number nn % =1;
people=zeros(mm,8); % sequence number in column 1, position in column 2, position in column 3, speed in column 4, waiting time in column 5, starting point in column 6, arrival point in column 7, pause time in column 8101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108];
for i=1:size(data,1)
for pp=1:tt
people(nn,1)=nn; % people(nn,2)=data(i,2); % people(nn,3)=data(i,3); %% initial ordinate people(nn,4) =1400; %% initial speed people(nn,5) =0; % initial wait time people(nn,6)=data(i,1); % starting pointfor j=1:8
start=people(nn,6); Starting point % [dist (j), the path {nn, j}] = dijkstra (D, start, dest (j)); End [short_dist(nn),indx_path]=min(dist); % determine which exit people(nn,7)=dest(indx_path); % the finish short_path {nn} = path {nn, indx_path}; % short_dist(nn)=dist(indx_path); % records the person's shortest path nn=nn+1;
Copy the code
3. Operation results
Matlab version and references
1 matlab version 2014A
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