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Author: Shuai times

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🔥 Google payment failed

We found any SKUs to display, check your Internet connection and make sure your Google Developer Console is set up correctly.

If the application fails to pass the audit or the product ID in the application is incorrect, the internal test version (Bate, alpha) shall be passed first, and then the payment shall be formally tested.

💥 cannot purchase the item you want

  • 1. Please upload the Beta APK to any channel of Alpha/Beta, log in to the tester account that joined the test, and download the APK before testing. The test results of the simulator and local installation are not verifiable.

    On the “APK” page, there is a “choose to use URL”. Give this url to your tester, and have your tester click on “Become tester” with his Google account (if you add him to the tester list) to test the payment of goods.

  • 2. Please confirm whether there is added in the application Manifest the correct permissions (com) android. Vending. BILLING)

    1. Make sure the versionCode and version number is the same as that of the apK package you uploaded.
  • 4. Verify that test users have been added to the license test block

    1. Make sure the background is the same as the id of the product you sent in. Please make sure the package name and signature of the APK are the same.
  • 6. Open the account management on your phone and put the test account in the first place, or simply delete other non-test accounts.

  • 7. The test users may be out of order due to the simultaneous opening of closed test and internal test.

  • 8. Check whether the location of the account is within the opening region/country (not required under normal circumstances)

  • 9. Other possibilities include that the device connected to the in-app purchase service does not support the latest IAB Version 3 and may only support IAB Version 2. Please confirm this. (Google technical team alert)

💥 AA – 01] [DF –

Error retrieving information from server.

  • 1. Google services are not enabled.

  • 2. No Internet connection to Google.

Solution: Settings -> Application Settings -> License Management -> Boot Management -> Open Google Services Framework

💥 AA – 20] [DF –

Error retrieving information from server.

  • 1. The app is not released on The Google Play Store, at least in alpha;

  • 2. The application or developer account is blocked.

Please click: Goole Pay to Pay access

💥 Payment failed, unable to pay, purchase invalid

  • 1. New countries/regions have been added, but the exchange rate has not been refreshed. (Refresh the exchange rate, the following question is also valid)

  • 2. Follow these steps to clear the cache on the device and see if the problem persists.

  1. Open the main Settings application on the device.
  2. Click on Apps or App Manager (display options may vary by device).
  3. Click the Google Play Store.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click Clear Cache > OK.
  6. Click Clear Data > OK.
  7. Click the back arrow to return to the main menu.
  8. Select download content or Content Download Manager.
  9. Click Clear Cache > OK.
  10. Click Clear Data > OK.
  11. Restart the application.

💥 pop-up message: we have a point error, please try again.

  • Error message “This version of the application is not configured for billing” is returned.
  1. AndroidManifest file must be included in the “com. Android. Vending. BILLING” permissions.
  2. APK is built in release mode.
  3. APK has been signed with a publishing certificate (important note: The application is only valid if you download it directly from the Google Play Store if it is through the Google Play App Signature scheme).
  4. APK is uploaded to the Play console’s Alpha/Beta track at a minimum and takes approximately 24-48 hours to take effect.
  5. In-app items to be tested must be uploaded to the Play console and must be in a “valid” state.
  6. The test account must be correctly added to the License Tests page of the Play console.

OnPurchasesUpdated method, BillingResult. GetResponseCode () = = BillingClient. BillingResponseCode. DEVELOPER_ERROR

  • 2, because the Android Studio prompts A newer version of the Android. Billingclient: billing than 3.0.0 is available: 3.0.3, I will pay the upgrade and the result is not recognized by the API

The official document reads:

    implementation 'com. Android. Billingclient: billing: 3.0.0Copy the code


    // Change 3.0.3 to 3.0.0
    implementation 'com. Android. Billingclient: billing: 3.0.3'
    // This will do
    implementation 'com. Android. Billingclient: billing: 3.0.0'
Copy the code

Reason: Google doesn’t support 3.0.3 yet and Google itself will report an error when using it

Official documentation is not always correct. For example, the official documentation of Facebook has always been:

    implementation 'com. Facebook. Android: facebook -- android SDK: [5, 6)'
Copy the code

The current version is:

    implementation 'com. Facebook. Android: facebook -- android SDK: 9.1.1'
Copy the code

So access SDK or combined with the document and the actual situation in many aspects to consider troubleshooting problems.

💥 pay return CODE(BillingResponseCode)

public @interface BillingResponseCode {
    int SERVICE_TIMEOUT = -3;// Service timed out
    int FEATURE_NOT_SUPPORTED = -2;// Not supported
    int SERVICE_DISCONNECTED = -1;// The service unit is disconnected
    int OK = 0;/ / success
    int USER_CANCELED = 1;// The user presses up or cancels the dialog box
    int SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE = 2;// The network connection is down
    int BILLING_UNAVAILABLE = 3;// The requested type does not support the Google Play Settlement Service AIDL version
    int ITEM_UNAVAILABLE = 4;// The requested item is no longer for sale.
    int DEVELOPER_ERROR = 5;// The argument supplied to the API is invalid. This error may also indicate that the application is not properly signed or set up for the settlement service, or that it lacks the necessary permissions in its manifest.
    int ERROR = 6;//A critical error occurred during an API operation
    int ITEM_ALREADY_OWNED = 7;// Failed to purchase because the item is already owned
    int ITEM_NOT_OWNED = 8;// Failed to consume because the item is not yet owned
Copy the code

💥 cannot be used for this purchase transaction

If the payment method used by the buyer is invalid (such as using expired credit cards, the transaction amount exceeds the maximum amount withheld by the operator, etc.), the transaction will also fail. Buyers need to switch to another valid payment method to purchase your app or in-app goods.

💥 Check to see if the payment goes through

If your payment does not go through correctly, you will not receive the in-app purchase you tried to purchase. Check to see if it’s available via the Play Store app on the Web or Google Play:

🌀 Use the Play Store app:

  • 1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play store app Google Play.

  • 2. Click on the menu menu to follow the account.

  • 3. Click purchase History to view your order.

🌀 Using a Web browser:

  • 1. On your computer, go to your Google Play account.

  • 2. Scroll down to purchase history.

  • 3. Look for in-app purchases.

💥 Restart the device

Sometimes rebooting the device can help with in-app purchases. Restart:

  • 1. On your mobile device, press and hold the power button.

  • 2. Click shutdown or Restart (this text may vary depending on your device).

  • 3. If necessary, press and hold down the power button again to restart the device.

  • 4. Wait for the backup to start.

  • 5. Reopen the app or game and check whether the in-app purchase has been delivered.

💥 Update the Play Store app

In-app purchases work best when you’re running the latest version of the Play Store. To update the application:

  • 1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play store app.

  • 2. Click the Menu menu and then set the Settings and then Build Version or Play Store Version. The build or Play Store version is usually at the bottom of the Settings list.

  • 3. The application will update, or notify you that your version is up to date.

💥 Make sure the date and time are correct

If you have recently changed the date and time on your device, make sure the date and time are correct:

  • 1. On an Android phone or tablet, open the device’s Settings app Settings.

  • 2. Click the date and time.

  • 3. Look for Automatic Date and time and Automatic Time Zone and check whether they are on or off. Then follow the relevant steps below.

🌀 If you turn off Automatic Date and Time and Automatic Time Zone

  • 1. Enable date, time, and time zone Settings.

  • 2. Wait a few minutes and then check that your problem is resolved.

  • 3. If no, restart the device and check again.

🌀 If you turn on Automatic Date and time and Automatic Time Zone

If both Settings are turned on, the date and time may not be your problem. Check your connection and restart your device, or try other troubleshooting steps.

🔥 Payment method accepted by Google Play

💥 Credit or debit card

Note: The types of cards accepted through Google Play may vary. If your card does not work when you think it should, please contact your bank or card issuer for assistance. When using a credit or debit card, you may notice a temporary authorization on your account.

💥 Mobile phone billing

Note: When you register your mobile phone bill, you may see an SMS (text message) on your mobile phone beginning with “DCB” or “DCB_Association”. This message is automatically generated and sent to complete your phone bill registration for your Google Play account.

🌀 Mobile phone billing troubleshooting

If you don’t see carrier withholding options, remember:

  • Mobile billing can only be done using the Google Play Store app. It is not available on the Google Play website on computers or mobile browsers.

  • Your account with the operator must be in good standing.

  • If you are using a device with dual SIM cards, make sure you place the correct SIM card in slot 1 and leave slot 2 empty.

  • Mobile phone billing is unavailable on devices with root permission.

  • Some mobile phone operators cannot use it to pay for subscriptions.

🌀 Check with your carrier to ensure:

  • You have not exceeded your carrier’s monthly expense limit.

  • Your device and service plan allows you to purchase advanced content.

  • Your device can use mobile billing.

🌀 Canceled purchases

Purchases that are not successfully authorized by the carrier will be cancelled immediately. For help with unsuccessful mobile phone bill purchases, contact your mobile service provider.

💥 e-wallet

You can use Touch ‘n Go Wallet to buy apps and digital content on Google Play. You need a registered Touch ‘n Go wallet account with sufficient balance to use this service on Google Play.

💥 find out what payment methods you can use

Payment methods available vary from country to country.

Click to find payment information in your country

🔥 Google Play details of the introduction text change color

A: When editing text, add HTML color coding. For example: Your text

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