☞TinyPng (support PNG and JPG).

☞TinyPng (support PNG and JPG) for domestic users.

The principle of

Tinypng compressed images are hard to detect with the naked eye, but are not completely lossless. It is the principle of the PNG24 true color picture compression into PNG8 index picture, so as to do not lose the quality and visual support of this good enough (▔, ▔)┛.


Below is my compressed picture, as shown in the picture, the effect is still very good.

The plug-in version

TinyPNG in addition to the online version of the plug-in version, Windows and Macos versions are available, can be a single file compression, can also be a batch compression, this need to take advantage of the PS script function, do not understand your own search (^_−)☆

◆ Single file processing: File export TinyPNG

Batch processing: File “script” TinyPNG IImage Processor, select the batch processing folder


With TingPNG’s ultimate image compression service, you don’t have to worry about space and traffic on your server or mobile network anymore. This plug-in official website need to spend $50, is to buy more trouble, but for not how to use the partner website is enough, everyone go to try l (▔, ▔)┛~