The project address…

The project has just been launched, and there will be continuous maintenance in the future. The Application for Maven central warehouse is still under way

Project introduction

FastAop is an AOP framework based on Java Annotation Processing. Similar to Lombok, FastAop implements AOP functionality by intercepting the compilation process, modifying the syntax tree of a method, and weaving it into aspect code. Compared with traditional AspectJ and Spring-AOP frameworks, they have the following features:

  1. Rely on clean, no need for Spring and other environments
  2. Easy to use, only need two annotations to achieve the aspect function
  3. Good performance, since native code is embedded in the compilation process, so the performance is almost nondestructive
  4. Powerful function, support private, static and other methods of the plane, internal methods will call each other over the plane logic
  5. Extensibility, providing specific annotations, and the ability to retrieve the current aspect context within a method for temporary operations

The project origin

When writing binary libraries that sometimes require AOP but don’t want to introduce a heavyweight framework like AspectJ or Spring, FastAop is another option. It works like Lombok by changing the syntax tree injection aspect code at compile time. Currently used in the production environment, of course, based on this library can generate any template code you want, welcome to exchange ~