Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay contest

Life is not only the casual, there are poems and distant

Dig friends, everyone good I am front-end milk dad, into the line of 5 years of front-end primary school 🥜~ work eight hours touch fish four hours, like running but not to make yourself thinner, but to make yourself live longer ~ live to ninety-nine, roll to ninety-nine ~


2021 has quietly come to an end, I feel that time has passed very quickly, I can only use a few words to describe the time of this year, busy and twists and turns hard work harvest full

This year is the fourth year I registered nuggets, I am introverted, I think the writing is not good enough, so I have been reading articles of stubborn friends, did not try to write. At the beginning of this year, I was inspired by the big guy and had an Epiphany. In particular, I would like to thank Mr. Liu Yi for his encouragement and support, which made my writing fire start to burn. I would also like to thank the Denver Nuggets for the first time to get the gold Nuggets prize, and then embarked on the road of writing a blog. Although the update is not very frequent, but I have been immersed in learning, trying hard.

Work –Sorry tale

At the beginning of the year, in order to seek better opportunities and break my comfort zone, I resolutely chose job-hopping and resigned from my old employer after working for three years, stepping into the wave of job seekers once again.

A discount

Before the interview, I prepared for two months to review some basic contents, learn new knowledge and modify my resume. I feel that I have prepared quite well, and can withstand all kinds of destruction and torture of the interviewer. But in fact, the more you interview, the more you find your shortcomings. It is particularly important to sort out and learn after the interview. In completing the company project iteration at the same time, as far as possible to find opportunity to reinforce their own knowledge reserve reminds me of my first into the row in the training course of hard times, after a month-long interview eventually adopted a good leader in the field of education in the future, better future orientation later found metal treatment, welfare, learning environment, work environment really isn’t. After entering the company, I got the best equipment, MAC M1. I have all kinds of benefits that others have, and I feel quite satisfied and happy.

Two fold

But the good times did not last long, the landing of K12 policy led to a sharp decline in the education industry, the company’s strategic adjustment to move I was unprepared, a programmer living in the southwest need to go to work in the northeast, for me a programmer with an old family, moving is simply impossible to achieve.

On the first day after the company moved to the new address, I missed the shuttle bus from the subway station to the company because I was not familiar with the route and went out late. The three and a half hour commute every day makes me tired. At that time, I realized that Beijing was really big. Every morning, when I went out, my child was still sleeping, and when I got home, my child almost slept again. One morning, my child took my hand and said to me, “Dad, don’t go to work today, you can play with me. It was hard for me to catch up with the big wave of layoffs, the mass layoffs in other education industries, and the inner thought was to hold on until the end of the year. Good times did not last long, the last wave of layoffs also hit me 😢, followed by the second interview in 2021.

Three fold

Take photos after you leave

Second interview integral feeling than the more difficult the first time, the influence of the environment, a job on the drawbacks of the working time is shorter the protruding out, fortunately their accumulation is more, the content of the good in the future also did some more meaningful work, let me less difficult journey, the interview smoothly found buyers.

After joining the company, the overall atmosphere was relatively comfortable. Fortunately, I was assigned to the infrastructure group, and I could continue to improve and learn with the boss. This year feels like the busiest and most fulfilling year since I started my career. I met a lot of like-minded friends and learned a lot of skills I didn’t have. I also want to thank the technical partners around me for their support in finding jobs. When God closes a door, he opens another window. Opportunity is always some, seize the opportunity, dry over 💪

Life –happiness

Life because of job-hopping, although the work is a bit tired. The improvement of the quality of life is also very significant. Restaurants that I dared not go to before are now daring to clock in 😃. On weekends and holidays, I will take my children and family members to travel to some places for relaxation. This year, due to the epidemic, I only went to Qingdao once and took my children to see the real sea. As someone who lives in the hinterland, I can count on one hand the number of times I go to the beach, let alone the children.

They took their children and old people to the aquarium to see a variety of unnamed fish and enjoy the aquarium performance.

The first time a baby goes into the water, it’s amazing. But because the May Day weather is not particularly hot, children in the water to play I was also severely criticized by the father of education, more regrettably agreed to wait for warm weather to take her to play, also did not come true.On the last night of their departure, the child still wanted to listen to the waves. Her brother had not had enough to play, so he went to the beach to listen to the sound of the waves in the dark. The sound of waves beating on the beach really made people feel extremely comfortable.

Every October 1st holiday is the child’s birthday, we will go to the gate of Dazhao Temple to take photos and punch cards, as a souvenir.

  • Punch in 2020 as a souvenir

  • Clocking in 2021 as a souvenir

Taking photos is really a meaningful thing, every year to look at the last year’s photos will find a lot of changes, so we discussed every year to take time to go back to memory, as a topic for future conversation.

My child is three years old this year, and I feel that I have become naughty after growing up. Since there is a new member in my family, I feel that my daughter-in-law and I have spent more time around her. Since she came to our life, I feel that life is full of vitality.

Feeling –Remodeling and Rebirth

  • Read more when you have no money, travel more when you have money, and stop looking at the troubles and puzzles in front of you. After reading thousands of books and traveling thousands of miles, you will find that in addition to life and death, the things in front of you are small.

  • The process of a person’s growth is like the process of a butterfly breaking its cocoon. We struggle in pain, will exercise, strength to strengthen, mind to improve, life in pain to get sublimation. When we come out of the pain, we will find that we have the power to fly.

  • All say 30 and stand, but to this age, I feel my physical condition is much worse than previous years, the body weight and various indexes of the physical examination are on the high side every time, and the good exercise has not been carried out.

To a new journey –Plans to

Life –Care and companionship

Kids are getting older, parents are getting older. The mother has been helping to take care of the baby in Beijing since the child was born. In recent years, the most obvious thing is that the gray hair is getting more and more, and the physical condition is not as good as before. Next year, we plan to take them out while they are still young and wait for the epidemic to stabilize. I used to be busy taking care of us, but now I have to help take care of my children when I get old. It’s really hard. Make it up to them in other ways as much as possible to make them happy. There is also the annual physical examination must continue to go on, nip in the bud.

Holidays or holidays as much as possible to spend time with children and family, it will soon be winter, thinking of taking children to experience skiing, children’s exercise can better grow, but also conducive to the improvement of resistance. I hope this winter will end early and everyone can go home for the Spring Festival.

Work –Career planning

This year, job hopping is quite frequent for various reasons, so I have to think deeply about my career planning. Next year’s plan is to sort it out.

The current orientation is the group’s infrastructure departments, at the end of the year to the next year to be the development of some new technology selection, to build the basis of overall choice some more efficient and quick technical service, choose a few more excellent and convenient tool to the business departments such as promotion, do certain contribution for the company as a whole technology to promote.

Health –Sugar is sports

In addition to exercise, I also need to cut back on some sugar intake, since my stomach is not particularly good, so say goodbye to my fat house happy water.

Weekly exercise also have to continue to adhere to, because their self-control is relatively poor. Many movements have a beginning and no end. We should push ourselves as much as possible. After all, the body is the capital of revolution, and having a good body is the foundation.

Other –Two children and two sets

At the time of last year I also got the first red in this life, there are not many, because the savings plan so think change a bigger house, another is two plans, both parents also suggested that we (should) response national policy, daughter-in-law also feel a child some lonely, so the second child plan also slowly ascend agenda, a result next year.


I feel like I have a lot to say, but I can’t remember.

This year from my personal point of view more toss about, but life if not toss about that still have what meaning, while young, dry up on the right ~

I hope you are stubborn friends this year also appreciate salary, writing is not easy, persistence is a good start, if you think my writing will resonate, I hope you don’t mean their praise ~

If there is anything you want to discuss, you can also leave a comment and cheer each other on