Dear DevUI Owner,

How do you do! 2021 will soon be over. Thank you for your support and contributions to DevUI this year. DevUI loves you! 🥰 😘

In 2021, 84(Gitee)+50(Github) contributors participated in the Vue DevUI open Source component library project:

  • Contribution to the67A component
  • The cumulative submitted400 +A PR
  • 1700 +Commit

Thank you for your hard work!

In 2022, let’s learn, progress and grow together to create great open source products together to build the DevUI open source ecosystem

The Nuggets’ 2021 ranking campaign ended yesterday. Here’s DevUI’s results:

  • Most Influential Team of 2021
  • Ranked 5th in 2021 popular Team List

Thank you for your support and love of DevUI!

Here are all contributors to Vue DevUI:

  • Making:…

  • Gitee:…

Love your DevUI

December 30, 2021