Routine, welcome to Bo Star:

Warehouse address: vueComponent/ Ant-Design

Official website: A UI Design Language

Why was this wheel made?

  1. I am used to Antd, but when I look at others, I always feel that Antd is not as good as Antd. The quantity and quality of components are better than others. As for style, everyone has different aesthetic taste, so I don’t judge, but I still like Antd personally.
  2. There are many Vue implementations of Antd in the community, most of which have been abandoned, and most of which have been implemented are castrated versions of Github. There are 93 results for searching keywords Vue Ant, and 51 results for searching Vue ant-design.
  3. We hope that Vue developers can also enjoy Ant Design’s excellent Design and will not abandon Vue due to component libraries when selecting technologies.

I won’t say the advantages of Antd, people who have used it all know.

Vue-antd-ui features:

The component library is “fully” implemented as antD version 3.4.0

Same HTML structure, same CSS style, same animation. All components (completed 46/53 = 87% components), all functions. 90% of the components have consistent interfaces (some oF the apis may change due to the nature of the VUE framework, but if you use Vue JSX, the interfaces are generally consistent). 90% of the code is reusable (although Vue and React are different frameworks, they share many similar concepts, and vue’s support for JSX makes it possible to reuse most of antD code).

Share ant Design ecosystem resources

Antd is not only A component library, but also A Design Language, which provides A UI Design Language. Since we keep the consistency of the structure style and animation of components, you can directly use antD’s official Design resources. Antd has accumulated A rich Language package. You can use these language packs directly in our component library.

According to the need to load

Babel-plugin-import (ant-design/babel-plugin-import)


Most VUE components do not have controlled/uncontrolled components. Instead, you use the v-Model command to control component state. Although you can use the V-Model mode to do your functions, you still feel the need to use the uncontrolled mode. Such as: In most cases, defaultActiveKey= “index01” is needed for initialization. Using v-Model means that activeKey is controlled by a variable. This is not a big problem, but in some ways, This variable is completely useless. In addition, Vue mounts props, data, and methods on this, which has a limited vocabulary. There are also Modal, Menu, and other such scenarios, so we retain the uncontrolled use of React.

Next steps:

At present, 46 commonly used components have been provided, and there are 53 official components of ANTD. We will continue to complete test cases for all components. Due to time and energy problems, there are no test cases for the time being

Concerns about pit abandonment:

Ant Design has been iterating and building over the years, both quantitatively and quantitatively, and it is not easy for individuals or fragmented teams to re-implement versions of other frameworks. As mentioned earlier, there are many Vue implementations of ANTD in the community, most of which have been abandoned. Our components are developed based on ANTD version 3.4.0 (as of April 16, 2018, the latest official ANTD version is 3.4.1), which can meet most requirements in terms of quantity and function. We do not promise that we will not abandon the pit in the future, but for now, we will continue to update components and fix bugs, we hope you can use more, more star, your feedback is our biggest motivation. We also welcome all community developers to join us to jointly develop and maintain VUE-ANTD-UI. We look forward to your help.

Thank you

Vue-antd-ui uses a lot of official ANTD code, so I would like to thank the Ant Design team for their hard work and look forward to ant Design’s integration of the three frameworks.

Warehouse address: vueComponent/ Ant-Design

Official website: A UI Design Language