Blog address: ONESTAR Inn

Source code access method 1:

  • Pay attention to the end of the public number [programming daily], background reply [blog], you can get the source code

Source code access method two:

  • Front-end page source address:…

  • Jpa as a persistent layer source address:…

  • Mybatis as a persistent layer source address:…

Welcome to give encouragement to star

First of all, thank you for the video of STATION B: Small and beautiful personal blog (direct search can be found), the blogger in the video on the basis of the modification of some functions, the development of two sets, a set of using JPS for the persistence layer, a set of using Mybatis for the persistence layer, because the use of JPA development has video explanation, very detailed, here mainly explains the use of Mybatis for the persistence layer development, Will give a series of blogs to explain, the front end I will take out directly, will not explain, mainly back-end development, from the framework to all function realization and online deployment, there will be detailed explanation, welcome to continue to pay attention to this site. Without further ado, let’s take a look at the front-end page design.

A, the home page

1. Home page

The home page is mostly a text description and personal information. If you have a high resolution screen or a small zoom screen, you can see the latest recommendations below

2. Blog list

Blog list mainly includes blog title, blog introduction, author, time, view, number of comments, blog classification and blog header

3. Bottom of the home page

At the bottom are some of the more conventional functions, showing the user’s wechat QR code, the latest posts and the running time of the blog

Ii. Blog details

1. Blog title and information

It shows the title, title and other information of the article

2. Comments at the end of the article

At the end of the article, there is information and comment area for reprinting articles. Comments have building function and are divided into ordinary users and administrators

Second, classification page

Display category name, click to display different category articles

3. Timeline

The two sides of the ladder are separated to display in chronological order

Music box

Music box is the use of an open source plug-in, their own modifications, the main function has the display of songs, lyrics, play, pause, the last song, the next song, volume adjustment, play order adjustment, synchronization lyrics and other functions

Five, message board

The function is the same as blog comments

Vi. Friend Account (Friend chain)

Add friendchain request and display friendchain

Photo wall

Adopted an open source plug-in, their own modifications, can be displayed according to the different screen resolution, zoom in and out of the picture is not deformed

Click on a picture displayed below, there is some basic information about the picture, you can switch the picture left and right

Eight, about me

Static page, some blogger information

Nine, background management

1. Article management

You can add, edit, delete, and search articles

New article using Markdown syntax

2. Classification management

Classification can be added, edited, modified, deleted

3. Friendchain management

You can add, edit, modify and delete the friend chain

4. Album management

You can add, edit and delete photos

For more information, you can directly visit my blog: ONESTAR Inn

The next article will cover database design

[Point attention, don’t get lost, welcome to continue to pay attention to this site]