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One, foreword

In the previous article, I introduced the analysis of Promise’s related functions and features with examples, including the following contents:

  • Promise base features;
  • Promise instance API (prototype method);
  • Promise static API (class methods);
  • Feature analysis of Promise in different scenarios;

This article, according to the previous analysis and understanding of Promise, to achieve a simple version of Promise;

Two, the implementation of the Promise

Based on the previous understanding and analysis of the use of Promise, Promise has the following key features:

  • Promise is a class;
  • The constructor takes an excutor function;
  • The arguments to this function are resolve and reject inner functions;
  • Build resolve and Reject, pass excutor, and make it execute immediately;
  • The Promise class has three states, which default to wait;
  • Change the status of resolve and Reject.
  • The Promise class contains methods like then and catch;

So, a Promise looks like this:

class Promise(a){
  constructor (fun) {
    this.status = 'pending'; // Status: pending, depressing, rejected
    fun(this.resolve, this.reject); // The body function will be executed immediately
  resolve() {}
  reject() {}
  then() {}
  catch() {}}Copy the code

Iii. Promise A+ Specification (Simplified version)

The above code is based on the understanding of the “guess”, more rigorous should be implemented according to the Promise A+ specification;

Note: This article only introduces the basic part of the Promise A+ specification, which is used to support the implementation of the simplified Promise;

1. Technical points

  • 1.1 Promise is an object or function. There should be a THEN method, and the THEN method should comply with the specification.
  • 1.2 Thenable is an object or function
  • 1.3 Value is a valid JS value, which can be undefined, a Thenable object, or a Promise object.
  • 1.4 Exceptions can be thrown using the throw code block
  • 1.5 reson is a value that tells us why the promise was rejected

Simple analysis:

  • Promises can be implemented in many ways, either as objects or functions; Can meet the standard;
  • Because the Promise instance can.then, so we think of the Promise instance as a Thenable object;
  • Call reslove() to pass in a value, or undefined, or promise or thenable;

2. Necessary

2.1 promise state

Promise has three states: pending, a pity success and rejected failure.

  • 2.1.1 When the Promise is pending, it can be changed to a depressing success state or rejected failure state.
  • 2.1.2 When the promise is a big success
    • Cannot be changed to other states
    • There must be a value and it cannot be changed
  • 2.1.3 When the Promise state is Rejected
    • Cannot be changed to other states
    • There must be a cause and it cannot be changed

2.2 Then is a method

A promise must have a THEN method and access successful or failed values; A promise can accept two parameters, onFulfilled and onRejected.

. Skip the rest for the moment…

Note: Understand the above content, enough to support the implementation of simplified Promise;

So, you can implement a simplified Promise based on the following five points:

1, Promise is a class; 2. when a promise is used, the executor executor is passed in and immediately executed. The executor parameter is two functions that describe the state of a Promise instance. Resolve indicates success, and a value can be passed. Reject indicates failure. You can pass in a reason. 4. Each Promise instance has a THEN method; 5. Once a promise state occurs, it cannot be changed. A promise has three states: success state, failure state and wait state (default).Copy the code

Four, realize the simplified Promise

// Declare three states of promise
const PENDING = 'PENDING';     / / wait state
const DULFILLED = 'DULFILLED'; / / success
const REJECTED = 'REJECTED';   / / failure mode

class Promise{
  // The executor executor function is passed in when instantiated through a new Promise

    this.value = undefined; // Save the reason for success, which will be passed in when ondepressing is called in then
    this.reason = undefined; // Save the reason for the failure, which will be passed in when ondepressing is called in then
    this.state = PENDING;   // Promise state, default wait state
    // Reslove succeeds, reject fails, and executor is passed
    const reslove = (value) = >{
      // Wait state --> Success state
      if(this.state === PENDING){
        this.value = value
        this.state = DULFILLED; }}const reject = (reason) = >{
      // Wait state --> failed state
      if(this.state === PENDING){
        this.reason = reason
        this.state = REJECTED; }}// Execute the executor executor function immediately, using the try... catch... To catch exceptions;
      executor(reslove, reject);
      reject(e)  Reject (reject) reject (reject}}// Define the then method: onFulfilled and onRejected;
  // According to the Promise state, perform onFulfilled or onRejected;
  then(onFulfilled, onRejected){
    // Call ondepressing and pass in success value
    if(this.state === DULFILLED){
    // In failed state, execute onRejected and pass in failed reason
    if(this.state === REJECTED){

Export the Promise class for external use
module.exports = Promise; 
Copy the code

Test promise basic features:

// 1, introduce a simplified version of Promise
let Promise = require('./source/promise');  

// 2. Instantiate the Promise and pass in the Executor executor function (which will be executed immediately)
let promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) = >{
  throw new Error("Throw an error");

// then method
promise.then((value) = >{
  console.log('success', value) 
},(reason) = >{
  console.log('err', reason)

// Execution result
err Error: Throws an errorCopy the code

This completes a simplified (implied) version of the Promise;

Five, the end

This article, based on the analysis and understanding of Promise, realizes a simple Promise, mainly involving the following contents:

  • Promise implementation ideas;
  • Promise A+ specification (simplified version);
  • Promise simplified implementation and functional testing;

Next, translate and understand the Promise A+ specification;

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